A collection of cool tools used by Web hackers. Happy hacking , Happy bug-hunting
This is Cool Extensions collection of Browser Extensions
## Table of Contents
- [Web Hacker's Weapons Main](https://github.com/hahwul/WebHackersWeapons)
- [Browser Extensions](#extensions)
- [Contribute](#contribute-and-contributor)
## Extensions
| Type | Name | Description | Popularity | Language |
| ---------- | :---------- | :----------: | :----------: | :----------: |
| Chrome/Cookie | [Edit-This-Cookie](https://github.com/ETCExtensions/Edit-This-Cookie) | EditThisCookie is the famous Google Chrome/Chromium extension for editing cookies |  |  |
| Chrome/UA | [User-Agent Switcher](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/user-agent-switcher/clddifkhlkcojbojppdojfeeikdkgiae) | quick and easy way to switch between user-agents.||
| Chrome/postMessage | [postMessage-tracker](https://github.com/fransr/postMessage-tracker) | A Chrome Extension to track postMessage usage (url, domain and stack) both by logging using CORS and also visually as an extension-icon |  |  |
| Firefox and Chrome/DarkMode | [Dark Reader](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dark-reader/eimadpbcbfnmbkopoojfekhnkhdbieeh) | Dark mode to any site||
| Firefox and Chrome/Exposed | [DotGit](https://github.com/davtur19/DotGit) | An extension for checking if .git is exposed in visited websites |  |  |
| Firefox and Chrome/JWT | [jsonwebtoken.github.io](https://github.com/jsonwebtoken/jsonwebtoken.github.io) | JWT En/Decode and Verify |  |  |
| Firefox and Chrome/Proxy | [MM3 ProxySwitch](https://proxy-offline-browser.com/ProxySwitch/) | Proxy Switch in Firefox and Chrome||
| Firefox and Chrome/Tools | [Hack-Tools](https://github.com/LasCC/Hack-Tools) | The all-in-one Red Team extension for Web Pentester 🛠|  |  |
| Firefox/Cache | [clear-cache](https://github.com/TenSoja/clear-cache) | Add-on to clear browser cache with a single click or via the F9 key. |  |  |
| Firefox/Cookie | [cookie-quick-manager](https://github.com/ysard/cookie-quick-manager) | An addon to manage (view, search, create, edit, remove, backup, restore) cookies on Firefox. |  |  |
| Firefox/DomXSS | [eval_villain](https://github.com/swoops/eval_villain) | A Firefox Web Extension to improve the discovery of DOM XSS. |  |  |
| Safari/DarkMode | [Dark Reader for Safari](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/dark-reader-for-safari/id1438243180) | Dark mode to any site||
| Safari/HISTORY | [Wayback Machine](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wayback-machine/id1472432422) | History of website||
## Contribute and Contributor
### Usage of add-tool
Usage of ./add-tool:
if you add new type, it use
-url string
any url
### Three Procedures for the Contribute
- First, your tool append `data.json` using `add-tool
$ ./add-tool -url https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap
Successfully Opened type.lst
[0] Army-Knife
[1] Discovery
[2] Fetch
[3] Scanner
[4] Utility
[+] What is type?
[+] What is method(e.g XSS, WVS, SSL, ETC..)?
Successfully Opened data.json
- Second, Give me PR or Add issue with data.json
- Third, There's no third.
### Add Burp Suite or ZAP Extensions
in `WebHackersWeapons/Burp and ZAP Extensions` directory
$ ../add-tool -url https://github.com/nccgroup/BurpSuiteLoggerPlusPlus
### Distribute to Burp Suite or ZAP Extensions
$ ../distribute-readme
=> show new README file in Burp Suite or ZAP Extensions
### Add/Distribute common tools