diff --git a/alternatives for history|find|cd.md b/alternatives for history|find|cd.md
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+The most commonly used commands when navigating are `history`, `find`, `cd`. Here are some examples of simple alternative tools that does a better job.
+[htsr](https://github.com/dvorka/hstr)Easily view, navigate, search history commands
+_**Install**_ :
+sudo apt-get install hstr -y && hstr --show-configuration >> ~/.bashrc
+> **Note** - Other installation info - [github.com/dvorka/hstr/blob/master/INSTALLATION.md](https://github.com/dvorka/hstr/blob/master/INSTALLATION.md#installation)
+**_Usage_** :
+hstr keyword
+Interactive searching🔎 :
+>**Note** - More info on usage :
+> man hstr
+fd and fzf
+_**Install**_ :
+sudo apt-get install fd-find -y && sudo apt-get install fzf -y
+_**Add binary link**_(set correct bin directory location if error) :
+ln -s $(which fdfind) ~/.local/bin/fd
+_Restart terminal_
+> **Note** - Other installation info :
+_**Usage**_ :
Command | +Description | +
fd foo | +Find in current directory, the string pattern name "foo", in parent|sub directories and files. | +
fd foo /FOO2 | +Find in "FOO2" directory, the string pattern name "foo", in parent|sub directories and files. | +
fd -g|--glob foo /FOO2 | +Find in "FOO2" directory, the glob pattern name matching "foo", in parent|sub directories and files. | +
fd /foo -p|--path /FOO2 | +Find in "FOO2" directory and view the files and directory paths and its contents that is or starts with the string pattern name "foo". | +
fd foo/ -p|--path /FOO2 | +Find in "FOO2" directory and view the directory paths and its contents that is or ends with the string pattern name "foo". | +
fd -t|--type -d foo | +Find for directory type only. | +
fd -t|--type -f foo | +Find for file type only. | +
fd -t|--type d -t|--type e foo | +Find for empty directories only. | +
fd -a|--absolute-path foo | +Find in current directory showing the full path, the string name "foo", in parent|sub directories and files. | +
fd -e|--extension txt | +Find for a particular file extension. | +
fd -H|--hidden foo | +Find for hidden and ignored files. | +