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synced 2025-02-07 18:55:19 -05:00
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@ -3201,7 +3201,7 @@ tree -d # List directory tree
cd foo # Go to foo sub-directory
cd # Go to home directory
cd ~ # Go to home directory
cd - # Go to last directory
cd - # Go to the previously chosen directory
pushd foo # Go to foo sub-directory and add previous directory to stack
popd # Go back to directory in stack saved by `pushd`
@ -4027,7 +4027,7 @@ Inspired by <a href="https://github.com/RehanSaeed/Bash-Cheat-Sheet">RehanSaeed/
<td class="tg-yw4l">-</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Previous directory [hyphen]. Go back to previous directory.</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Last directory [hyphen]. Go to the previously chosen directory.</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">└─></td>
@ -4309,8 +4309,8 @@ Inspired by <a href="https://github.com/RehanSaeed/Bash-Cheat-Sheet">RehanSaeed/
| :--: | :-- |
| Ctrl+Y | Scrolls page down |
| Ctrl+V | Scrolls page up|
| Alt+\ | Got to beginning of file |
| Alt+/ | Got to end of file |
| Alt+\ | Go to beginning of file |
| Alt+/ | Go to end of file |
| Ctrl+H | Delete character before cursor |
| Ctrl+D | Erase character under cursor |
| Alt+Backspace | Erase word to the left |
@ -4432,47 +4432,47 @@ _**Usage**_ :
<td align=left class="tg-yw4l">fd foo</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Search in current directory, the string pattern name "foo", in parent|sub directories and files.</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Find in current directory, the string pattern name "foo", in parent|sub directories and files.</td>
<td align=left class="tg-yw4l">fd foo /FOO2</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Search in "FOO2" directory, the string pattern name "foo", in parent|sub directories and files.</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Find in "FOO2" directory, the string pattern name "foo", in parent|sub directories and files.</td>
<td align=left class="tg-yw4l">fd -g|--glob foo /FOO2</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Search in "FOO2" directory, the <a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=What+is+glob+used+for+%3F&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ALiCzsZ01R6o0gluLQgsslLDYABmC3jhcQ%3A1668511191028&ei=13VzY4KrAa3m5NoPgrCxwAw&ved=0ahUKEwjC8uDGiLD7AhUtM1kFHQJYDMgQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=What+is+glob+used+for+%3F&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIHCCMQsAMQJzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwA0oECE0YAUoECEEYAEoECEYYAFAAWABgwgFoAXABeACAAQCIAQCSAQCYAQDIAQnAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp"><b>glob</b></a> pattern name <i>matching</i> "foo", in parent|sub directories and files.</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Find in "FOO2" directory, the <a href="https://www.google.com/search?q=What+is+glob+used+for+%3F&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ALiCzsZ01R6o0gluLQgsslLDYABmC3jhcQ%3A1668511191028&ei=13VzY4KrAa3m5NoPgrCxwAw&ved=0ahUKEwjC8uDGiLD7AhUtM1kFHQJYDMgQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=What+is+glob+used+for+%3F&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIHCCMQsAMQJzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzIKCAAQRxDWBBCwA0oECE0YAUoECEEYAEoECEYYAFAAWABgwgFoAXABeACAAQCIAQCSAQCYAQDIAQnAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp"><b>glob</b></a> pattern name <i>matching</i> "foo", in parent|sub directories and files.</td>
<td align=left class="tg-yw4l">fd /foo -p|--path /FOO2</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Search in "FOO2" directory and view the files and directory paths and its contents that is or starts with the string pattern name "foo".</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Find in "FOO2" directory and view the files and directory paths and its contents that is or starts with the string pattern name "foo".</td>
<td align=left class="tg-yw4l">fd foo/ -p|--path /FOO2</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Search in "FOO2" directory and view the directory paths and its contents that is or ends with the string pattern name "foo".</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Find in "FOO2" directory and view the directory paths and its contents that is or ends with the string pattern name "foo".</td>
<td align=left class="tg-yw4l">fd -t|--type -d foo</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Search for directory type only.</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Find for directory type only.</td>
<td align=left class="tg-yw4l">fd -t|--type -f foo</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Search for file type only.</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Find for file type only.</td>
<td align=left class="tg-yw4l">fd -t|--type d -t|--type e foo</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Search for empty directories only.</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Find for empty directories only.</td>
<td align=left class="tg-yw4l">fd -a|--absolute-path foo</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Search in current directory showing the full path, the string name "foo", in parent|sub directories and files.</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Find in current directory showing the full path, the string name "foo", in parent|sub directories and files.</td>
<td align=left class="tg-yw4l">fd -e|--extension txt</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Search for a particular file extension.</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Find for a particular file extension.</td>
<td align=left class="tg-yw4l">fd -H|--hidden foo</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Search for hidden and ignored files.</td>
<td class="tg-yw4l">Find for hidden and ignored files.</td>
@ -4504,28 +4504,32 @@ commacd exports three commands: forward(`,`) │ backward(`,,`) │ backward+for
_**Usage**_ :
| Description | commacd | command |
| :--:| :--: | :-- |
| :--:| :--: | :--: |
| Enter directories using| , des | |
| abbreviations. | └─> | cd Desktop |
| Description | commacd | command |
| :--:| :--: | :-- |
| :--:| :--: | :--: |
| Move through multiple directories| , /u/l/ce | |
| using abbreviations. | └─> | cd /usr/local/Cellar |
| Description | commacd | options |
| :--:| :--: | :-- |
| :--:| :--: | :--: |
| Choose directories with names | , d | |
| starting with same letter. | 0 | Desktop |
| (= multiple choices) | 1 | Documents |
| 0, 1 or 2 | 2 | Downloads |
| Description | commacd | command |
| :--:| :--: | :-- |
| :--:| :--: | :--: |
| Given two directories jdk7 and jdk8 | , ~/d/j*8 | |
| on the Desktop, cd into jdk8 without hitting | └─> | cd ~/Desktop/jdk8 |
| interactive mode (the one shown above). | | |
| Description | commacd |
| :--:| :--: |
| Go back previous directory | ,, .. |
Tab = Autocomplete
>**Note** - More info on usage :
Reference in New Issue
Block a user