mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 21:25:52 -05:00
fixed readme errors / added more stuff
This commit is contained in:
@ -3115,6 +3115,9 @@ _Bash is the [Unix](https://www.google.com/search?q=What+is+UNIX+explain%3F&clie
Credits: <a href="https://fossbytes.com"><b>fossbytes</b></a> & <a href="https://www.geeksforgeeks.org"><b>geeksforgeeks</b></a></p>
[⬆ ʀᴇᴛᴜʀɴ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴏᴩ](#table)
@ -4026,12 +4029,16 @@ Inspired by <a href="https://github.com/RehanSaeed/Bash-Cheat-Sheet">RehanSaeed/
[⬆ ʀᴇᴛᴜʀɴ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛꜱ](#contents)
<details><summary><b>Special characters <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Tarikul-Islam-Anik/Telegram-Animated-Emojis/main/Objects/Open%20Book.webp" alt="Open Book" width="25" height="25" /></b></summary>
## Linux Special Characters
> **Note** 💡<br>
> This symbol "└─>" represents an alternative meaning of some characters.
@ -4282,7 +4289,9 @@ Inspired by <a href="https://github.com/RehanSaeed/Bash-Cheat-Sheet">RehanSaeed/
[⬆ ʀᴇᴛᴜʀɴ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴏᴩ](#special-characters-)
[⬆ ʀᴇᴛᴜʀɴ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴏᴩ](#linux-special-characters)
@ -4290,69 +4299,195 @@ Inspired by <a href="https://github.com/RehanSaeed/Bash-Cheat-Sheet">RehanSaeed/
<details><b><summary>Keyboard controls <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Tarikul-Islam-Anik/Telegram-Animated-Emojis/main/Objects/Keyboard.webp" alt="Keyboard" width="25" height="25" /></b></summary>
| Key | Function |
| :--: | :-- |
| Ctrl+B | Moves cursor backward one character position |
| Ctrl+F | Moves cursor forward one character position |
| Alt+F | Moves cursor one word forward in line |
| Alt+B | Moves cursor one word backwards in line |
| Ctrl+A | Moves cursor to beginning of text in line |
| Ctrl+E | Moves cursor to end of text in line |
| Ctrl+D | Erase character forward from cursor left to right |
| Ctrl+H | Erase character backward from cursor right to left |
| Alt+D | Erase the next word from cursor left to right |
| Ctrl+W | Erase backwards to first non-alphanumeric character or empty space |
| Ctrl+U | Erase a line of input from cursor right to left |
| Ctrl+K | Erase a line of input from cursor left to right |
| Ctrl+P | Fetch previous command from history list |
| Ctrl+N | Fetch next command from history list |
| Ctrl+/ | Undo changes in command-line |
| Alt+R | Reverts any changes to a previously executed command that's being edited |
| Alt+. | Fetch and paste the last word at end of a command from previous commands |
| Ctrl+T | Reverses the position of the character the cursor is on with the previous character |
| Alt+T | Reverses the position of the word the cursor is in with the previous word |
| Alt+U | Capitalizes every character from cursor left to right to the end of one word |
| Alt+L | UnCapitalizes every character from cursor left to right to the end of one word |
| Ctrl+R | Reverse search commands from history list |
| Ctrl+Y | Causes the process to be stopped|
| Ctrl+Z | Pauses a foreground job |
| Ctrl+C | Break/Terminate a foreground job |
| Ctrl+M | Clear the current line |
| Ctrl+O | Accept the current line for execution and fetch the next command |
| Ctrl+L | Clear screen contents (command-line needs to be empty) |
| Ctrl+S | Suspend |
| Ctrl+Q | Resume |
| Ctrl+D | Log out from a shell (similar to exit) |
Ctrl+X(twice)| The cursor jumps back and forth between the current position to the beginning of the line |
## Linux Keyboard Shortcuts
### Nano
| Key | Function |
| **Key** | **Function** |
| :--: | :-- |
| Ctrl+Y | Scrolls page down |
| Ctrl+V | Scrolls page up|
| Alt+\ | Go to beginning of file |
| Alt+/ | Go to end of file |
| Ctrl+H | Delete character before cursor |
| Ctrl+D | Erase character under cursor |
| Alt+Backspace | Erase word to the left |
| Ctrl+Del |Erase word to the right |
| Alt+Del | Erase current line |
| Alt+^ | Copy selected text |
| Ctrl+U | To paste the text from the cut buffer (similar to clipboard) into the selected line. |
| Ctrl+K | It cuts the entire selected line to the cut buffer. |
| Alt+A | To select text. You can combine this command with CTRL + K to cut a specific part of the text to the cut buffer. |
| Alt+U | Undo last action |
| Alt+E | Redo last undone action |
| Ctrl+Q | Start backward search. Press Ctrl+Q to search for the same phrase again |
| Ctrl+W | Start forward search. Press ALT+W to search for the same phrase again |
| Ctrl+\ | Replaces string or a regular expression |
| Alt+3 | Comment/uncomment line/region |
| Ctrl+R | Opens a file and inserts it at the current cursor position |
| Ctrl+O | Write changes to a file ("Save as") |
| Ctrl+S | Save current file |
| Ctrl+X | To exit Nano text editor. It prompts a save request if you made any changes to the file |
| Ctrl+G | A Help window will pop out and show you all the available commands |
| **Cursor Movement** |
| Ctrl+B | Move cursor backward one character position |
| Ctrl+F | Move cursor forward one character position |
| Alt+F | Move cursor one word forward in line |
| Alt+B | Move cursor one word backward in line |
| Ctrl+A | Move cursor to beginning of text in line |
| Ctrl+E | Move cursor to end of text in line |
| **Text Editing** |
| Ctrl+D | Erase character forward from cursor left to right |
| Ctrl+H | Erase character backward from cursor right to left |
| Alt+D | Erase the next word from cursor left to right |
| Ctrl+W | Erase backwards to first non-alphanumeric character or empty space |
| Ctrl+U | Erase a line of input from cursor right to left |
| Ctrl+K | Erase a line of input from cursor left to right |
| Alt+R | Revert any changes to a previously executed command that's being edited |
| Alt+. | Fetch and paste the last word at end of a command from previous commands |
| Ctrl+T | Reverse the position of the character the cursor is on with the previous character |
| Alt+T | Reverse the position of the word the cursor is in with the previous word |
| Alt+U | Capitalize every character from cursor left to right to the end of one word |
| Alt+L | Uncapitalize every character from cursor left to right to the end of one word |
| Ctrl+Y | Paste (yank) text cut by Ctrl+U, Ctrl+K, or Ctrl+W |
| Ctrl+_ | Undo last change |
| **Command History** |
| Ctrl+P | Fetch previous command from history list |
| Ctrl+N | Fetch next command from history list |
| Ctrl+R | Reverse search commands from history list |
| **Process Control** |
| Ctrl+C | Break/Terminate a foreground job |
| Ctrl+Z | Suspend a foreground job |
| Ctrl+S | Suspend output to screen |
| Ctrl+Q | Resume output to screen |
| **Terminal Control** |
| Ctrl+L | Clear screen contents (command-line needs to be empty) |
| Ctrl+D | Log out from a shell (similar to exit) or send EOF |
| Ctrl+O | Accept the current line for execution and fetch the next command |
| Ctrl+X (twice) | Toggle cursor between current position and beginning of the line |
| **Text Editing (Terminal)** |
| Ctrl+Shift+C | Copy |
| Ctrl+Shift+V | Paste |
| Shift+Insert | Paste (alternative) |
<i>Some of these shortcuts may vary depending on your terminal and system.</i>
## Nano (text editor)
| **Key** | **Function** |
| :--: | :-- |
| **Movement** | |
| `Ctrl+Y` | Scroll page **up** |
| `Ctrl+V` | Scroll page **down** |
| `Alt+\` | Go to the beginning of the file |
| `Alt+/` | Go to the end of the file |
| **Editing** | |
| `Ctrl+H` | Delete the character before the cursor |
| `Ctrl+D` | Delete the character under the cursor |
| `Alt+Backspace`| Delete the word to the left |
| `Ctrl+Del` | Delete the word to the right |
| `Alt+Del` | Delete the current line |
| `Alt+^` | Copy selected text to the cut buffer |
| `Ctrl+K` | Cut selected text to the cut buffer |
| `Ctrl+U` | Paste text from the cut buffer (clipboard) |
| `Alt+A` | Start text selection (can be used with Ctrl+K to cut specific text) |
| `Ctrl+J` | Justify (wrap) the current paragraph |
| **Undo and Redo** | |
| `Alt+U` | Undo the last action |
| `Alt+E` | Redo the last undone action |
| **Search and Replace** | |
| `Ctrl+Q` | Start backward search (press again to repeat) |
| `Ctrl+W` | Start forward search (press Alt+W to search for the same term again) |
| `Ctrl+\` | Replace a string or regular expression |
| **File Operations** | |
| `Ctrl+R` | Insert a file at the current cursor position |
| `Ctrl+O` | Write changes to the file ("Save as") |
| `Ctrl+S` | Save the current file |
| `Ctrl+X` | Exit Nano (prompts to save changes if needed) |
| **Miscellaneous** | |
| `Alt+3` | Comment/uncomment the line/region |
| `Ctrl+G` | Show help for all available commands |
| `Ctrl+T` | Open the spell checker |
## Vim (text editor)
| **Key** | **Function** |
| :--: | :-- |
| **Movement** | |
| `h` | Move left |
| `j` | Move down |
| `k` | Move up |
| `l` | Move right |
| `w` | Move forward to the beginning of the next word |
| `b` | Move backward to the beginning of the previous word |
| `e` | Move to the end of the current word |
| `0` (zero) | Move to the beginning of the line |
| `$` | Move to the end of the line |
| `gg` | Go to the first line of the document |
| `G` | Go to the last line of the document |
| `:{number}` | Go to a specific line number |
| `Ctrl+f` | Page down |
| `Ctrl+b` | Page up |
| `%` | Move to matching parenthesis or bracket |
| `^` | Move to the first non-blank character of the line |
| `H` | Move to the top of the screen |
| `M` | Move to the middle of the screen |
| `L` | Move to the bottom of the screen |
| `*` | Search forward for the word under the cursor |
| `#` | Search backward for the word under the cursor |
| **Editing** | |
| `i` | Insert before the cursor |
| `I` | Insert at the beginning of the line |
| `a` | Append after the cursor |
| `A` | Append at the end of the line |
| `o` | Open a new line below the current line |
| `O` | Open a new line above the current line |
| `r` | Replace a single character |
| `R` | Enter replace mode |
| `x` | Delete the character under the cursor |
| `X` | Delete the character before the cursor |
| `dd` | Delete the current line |
| `D` | Delete from the cursor to the end of the line |
| `yy` | Yank (copy) the current line |
| `p` | Paste after the cursor |
| `P` | Paste before the cursor |
| `u` | Undo the last action |
| `Ctrl+r` | Redo the last undone action |
| **Visual Mode** | |
| `v` | Enter visual mode (character selection) |
| `V` | Enter visual line mode |
| `Ctrl+v` | Enter visual block mode |
| **Text Objects** | |
| `ciw` | Change the inner word |
| `diw` | Delete the inner word |
| `yaw` | Yank (copy) the entire word |
| `ci"` | Change text inside double quotes |
| `di(` | Delete text inside parentheses |
| **Search and Replace** | |
| `/pattern` | Search forward for 'pattern' |
| `?pattern` | Search backward for 'pattern' |
| `n` | Repeat the search in the same direction |
| `N` | Repeat the search in the opposite direction |
| `:%s/old/new/g` | Replace all occurrences of 'old' with 'new' in the file |
| `:%s/old/new/gc` | Replace all occurrences of 'old' with 'new' with confirmation |
| **File Operations** | |
| `:w` | Write (save) the file |
| `:w filename` | Write to a specific filename |
| `:q` | Quit Vim |
| `:q!` | Quit without saving changes |
| `:wq` | Write and quit |
| `:x` | Write and quit (same as `wq`) |
| **Multiple Files** | |
| `:e filename` | Edit a file in a new buffer |
| `:bnext` or `:bn` | Go to the next buffer |
| `:bprev` or `:bp` | Go to the previous buffer |
| `:bd` | Delete a buffer (close the file) |
| `:sp filename` | Open a file in a new buffer and split the window horizontally |
| `:vsp filename` | Open a file in a new buffer and split the window vertically |
| `Ctrl+ws` | Split the window horizontally |
| `Ctrl+wv` | Split the window vertically |
| `Ctrl+ww` | Switch between windows |
| `Ctrl+wq` | Quit the current window |
| **Macros** | |
| `qa` | Record macro in register 'a' |
| `q` | Stop recording macro |
| `@a` | Run macro from register 'a' |
| `@@` | Rerun the last executed macro |
| **Marking and Jumping** | |
| `m{a-z}` | Set a mark with a letter (a-z) in the current position |
| `'a` | Jump to the line with mark 'a' |
| `` `a `` | Jump to the exact position with mark 'a' |
| `:marks` | List all the marks |
| `Ctrl+o` | Jump to the previous location |
| `Ctrl+i` | Jump to the next location |
| **Tabs** | |
| `:tabnew` | Open a new tab |
| `gt` or `:tabnext` | Go to the next tab |
| `gT` or `:tabprev` | Go to the previous tab |
| `:tabclose` | Close the current tab |
| `:tabs` | List all open tabs |
| **Miscellaneous** | |
| `.` | Repeat the last command |
| `ZZ` | Write the current file (if modified) and quit |
| `ZQ` | Quit without checking for changes |
| `Ctrl+g` | Show the file name and status |
| `g Ctrl+g` | Show the cursor position (line, column, and character) |
[⬆ ʀᴇᴛᴜʀɴ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴏᴩ](#linux-keyboard-shortcuts)
@ -4417,26 +4552,36 @@ cht.sh keyword
<details><summary><b>More bash resources</b> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18756975/203332636-6012a214-21d9-423a-b20e-09beed4d9a25.png" width=15px height=20px></summary>
| | |
| :--: | :--: |
| [introduction-to-bash-scripting](https://github.com/bobbyiliev/introduction-to-bash-scripting) | Free Introduction to Bash Scripting eBook|
| [shell-scripting-tutorial](https://github.com/techarkit/shell-scripting-tutorial) | A complete begineers guide to learn shell scripting from scratch which includes Videos, Practice scenarios and project idea. |
| [100-shell-script-examples](https://github.com/epety/100-shell-script-examples) | Collection of shell scripts found on the internet |
| [simple-bash-scripts](https://github.com/ruanyf/simple-bash-scripts) | A collection of simple Bash scripts |
| [shell-examples](https://github.com/qjcg/shell-examples) | Little Bash shell scripting examples |
| [bash-utils](https://github.com/pirate/bash-utils)| A collection of hand-crafted bash scripts for various common tasks |
| [Bash-Snippets](https://github.com/alexanderepstein/Bash-Snippets) | A collection of small bash scripts for heavy terminal users |
| [awesome-bash](https://github.com/awesome-lists/awesome-bash) | A curated list of delightful Bash scripts and resources |
| [awesome-shell](https://github.com/uhub/awesome-shell) | A curated list of awesome Shell frameworks, libraries and software |
| [awesome-cli-apps](https://github.com/agarrharr/awesome-cli-apps) | A curated list of command line apps |
| [cli-apps](https://github.com/toolleeo/cli-apps) | Awesome Curated list of (mainly) CLI/TUI applications with source data organized into CSV files |
| [awesome-cli](https://github.com/Kikobeats/awesome-cli) | A curated list of awesome resources for building immersive CLI experiences |
| [awesome-cli](https://github.com/umutphp/awesome-cli) | A simple command line tool to give you a fancy command line interface to dive into Awesome lists |
| [terminals-are-sexy](https://github.com/k4m4/terminals-are-sexy) | A curated list of Terminal frameworks, plugins & resources for CLI lovers |
| [awesome-ttygames](https://github.com/ligurio/awesome-ttygames) | Unix ASCII games |
| [shell_gpt](https://github.com/TheR1D/shell_gpt) | A command-line productivity tool powered by AI large language models like GPT-4, will help you accomplish your tasks faster and more efficiently. |
| [aider](https://github.com/paul-gauthier/aider) | aider is AI pair programming in your terminal |
| **Repository** | **Description** |
| :--: | :-- |
| **Bash/Shell Scripting Tutorials and Guides** |
| [introduction-to-bash-scripting](https://github.com/bobbyiliev/introduction-to-bash-scripting) | Free Introduction to Bash Scripting eBook. |
| [shell-scripting-tutorial](https://github.com/techarkit/shell-scripting-tutorial) | A complete beginner's guide to learning shell scripting from scratch, with videos, practice scenarios, and project ideas. |
| [100-shell-script-examples](https://github.com/epety/100-shell-script-examples) | A collection of shell scripts found on the internet. |
| [simple-bash-scripts](https://github.com/ruanyf/simple-bash-scripts) | A collection of simple Bash scripts. |
| [shell-examples](https://github.com/qjcg/shell-examples) | Little Bash shell scripting examples. |
| [Shell Cheat Sheet](https://github.com/LeCoupa/awesome-cheatsheets/blob/master/languages/shell.sh) | A detailed and organized shell scripting cheat sheet for quick reference. |
| [bash-utils](https://github.com/pirate/bash-utils) | A collection of hand-crafted bash scripts for various common tasks. |
| [Bash-Snippets](https://github.com/alexanderepstein/Bash-Snippets) | A collection of small bash scripts for heavy terminal users. |
| [DevOps Bash Tools](https://github.com/HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools) | A comprehensive collection of 1000+ DevOps bash scripts for AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, databases, and more. |
| [Bash Booster](https://github.com/bahamas10/bash-booster) | A modular bash framework that simplifies the process of writing bash scripts. |
| [pure-bash-bible](https://github.com/dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible) | A collection of pure bash snippets for common tasks like string manipulation, file handling, etc., with no external dependencies. |
| **Curated Lists of Bash/Shell Resources** |
| [awesome-bash](https://github.com/awesome-lists/awesome-bash) | A curated list of delightful Bash scripts and resources. |
| [awesome-shell](https://github.com/uhub/awesome-shell) | A curated list of awesome Shell frameworks, libraries, and software. |
| [awesome-shell](https://github.com/alebcay/awesome-shell) | A list of awesome shell tools and resources, including libraries and scripts for enhancing the command-line experience. |
| [awesome-cli-apps](https://github.com/agarrharr/awesome-cli-apps) | A curated list of command line apps. |
| [cli-apps](https://github.com/toolleeo/cli-apps) | A curated list of (mainly) CLI/TUI applications with source data organized into CSV files. |
| [awesome-cli](https://github.com/Kikobeats/awesome-cli) | A curated list of awesome resources for building immersive CLI experiences. |
| [awesome-cli](https://github.com/umutphp/awesome-cli) | A simple command line tool to give you a fancy command line interface to dive into Awesome lists. |
| **AI-Enhanced Command Line Tools** |
| [shell_gpt](https://github.com/TheR1D/shell_gpt) | A command-line productivity tool powered by AI large language models like GPT-4. |
| [aider](https://github.com/paul-gauthier/aider) | AI pair programming in your terminal. |
| [warp](https://github.com/warpdotdev/Warp) | Warp is a modern, Rust-based terminal with AI built in so you and your team can build great software, faster. |
| [plandex](https://github.com/plandex-ai/plandex) | AI driven development in your terminal. Designed for large, real-world tasks. |
| **Other Fun and Useful Shell Tools** |
| [awesome-ttygames](https://github.com/ligurio/awesome-ttygames) | Unix ASCII games. |
| [terminals-are-sexy](https://github.com/k4m4/terminals-are-sexy) | A curated list of Terminal frameworks, plugins, and resources for CLI lovers. |
Reference in New Issue
Block a user