超赞的 Linux 软件



🐧 这个仓库收集了对任何用户/开发者超赞的 Linux 应用软件。
🐧 请随意 contribute / star / fork / pull request。欢迎一切推荐建议

更新:最近我收到了一些关于列表中一些应用软件的质量的反馈。我自己测试了其中的大部分应用(但不是全部)。如果你对应用有任何问题:-> 去往开发页面(如果有的话)-> 给开发提个 issue -> 在这里提个 issue 以便我考虑是否将应用移出列表。记住:所有东西都有它自己的质量,所以这里永远不会有“最佳应用”或“选择性的列表”,谢谢。




  • Airtime - Airtime 是一款用于调度和远程站点管理的开放广播软件 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Ardour - 在 Linux 上录音,编辑,和混音 Freeware
  • Audacious - 开源音频播放器,按你想要的方式播放你的音乐,不占用你其它任务的电脑资源。Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Audacity - 免费,开源,跨平台的声音录制、编辑软件。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Audio Recorder - 简单的声音录制软件,就在 ubuntu ppa。 Freeware
  • Clementine - 播放无数的有损和无损音频格式。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Google Play Music - 非官方但很漂亮的跨平台 Google Play Music 桌面客户端。Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Hydrogen - GNU/Linux 上的高级电子鼓。 Freeware
  • KxStudio - KXStudio 是专业声音创作应用和插件的集合。Freeware
  • K3b - K3b - Linux 上的 CD/DVD 创建工具 - 为 KDE 特别优化。Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Kid3Qt - 编辑多媒体文件的标签,如一个专辑所有 mp3 文件的艺术家,专辑,年代,流派。Freeware
  • Let's make music - 在你的 PC 上制作音乐,创造旋律和节拍,合成,混音,编曲小样以及更多内容。 Freeware
  • Mixxx - 免费的 DJ 软件,给你一切现场混音所需要的,名副其实的 Traktor 替代品。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • SoundJuicer - CD 抓取工具for GNOME Freeware
  • Tomahawk - 一种新的音乐播放器,集合你所有的流媒体,下载,音乐云存储,播放列表,电台等。 Open-Source SoftwareFreeware


  • GhettoSkype - Skype 的开源 web 封装。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • HexChat - HexChat 是一款基于 XChat 的 IRC 客户端,但和 XChat 不一样的是它对 Windows 和 Unix-like 系统都是完全自由的。Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Messenger for Desktop - Facebook messenger 应用。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Pidgin - 一款通用聊天客户端。 Freeware
  • ScudCloud - 一款 Linux 下的 Slack 客户端。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Skype - Skype 让世界保持沟通,免费的。 Freeware
  • Telegram - 一款专注于速度和安全的消息应用,它非常快,简单而且免费。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Viber - Viber for Linux 让你在任何设备,网络和国家给其他 Viber 用户免费发送消息和通话。 Freeware
  • Weechat - WeeChat 是一款快速,轻量级,可扩展的聊天客户端。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Whatsie - Whatsapp ubuntu/linux 非官方客户端。 Open-Source Software Freeware


  • Borg Backup - 一款不错的的备份工具。Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Photorec - PhotoRec 一款数据恢复应用为恢复硬盘CD-ROM 上包括视频文档以及归档等文件而设计以及数码相机存储中丢失的相片Photorec 的由来)。 Freeware
  • Qt4-fsarchiver - qt4-fsarchiver 是 fsarchiver 的图形化界面,能够保存/恢复分区,文件夹和 MBR/GPT 分区。这个程序是基于 Debian 的系统Suse 以及 Fedora 适用的。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • System Rescue CD - SystemRescueCd 是一款 Linux 系统急救盘,提供可启动的 CD-ROM 或 U 盘,用于管理系统在崩溃后修复系统和数据。 Freeware
  • Test Disk - TestDisk 是一款强大的免费数据恢复软件!它主要设计用于帮助回去丢失的分区和/或修复由软件错误导致的硬盘无法启动引导。 Freeware
  • Timeshift - TimeShift 是一款系统还原工具,它用 rsync 和硬链接创建系统的增量快照。快照可以在一段时间后用于恢复,撤销快照生成以来所做的所有更改。快照可以手动生成或用定时任务自动生成。Freeware


  • Arc Theme - 带有透明元素的扁平化主题 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Compiz Config settings manager - OpenCompositing 项目带来的提高 X Window 系统可用性和生产力的 3D 桌面视觉特效。Freeware
  • Conky - Conky 是 X 下一款免费,轻量的系统监视器,可以在你桌面显示任何类型的信息。 Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Flatabulous - 一款扁平化主题,适用于 Ubuntu 以及其它基于 Gnome 的 Linux 系统。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Flatabulous Arc Theme - 我最爱的 ubuntu 主题。Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Irradiance Theme - 一款受 OSX Yosemite 启发的 Unity 主题,基于 Radiance。Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Gnome Extensions - Gnome 桌面环境扩展插件。 Freeware
  • Gnome Look - 大量社区创建的图标shell 主题,字体,以及其他更多的可用来个性化你的 Gnome 桌面环境的资源,都在这一个站点。Freeware
  • Numix Icon Theme - Ubuntu 最好的图标主题之一。Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Numix Theme - 一款很流行的主题。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Papirus Icon Theme - Ubuntu 最好的图标主题之一。Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Unity Tweak Tool - Ubuntu unity 个性化必备应用。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Yosembiance theme - 一款受 OSX Yosemite 启发的 Ambiance 改款主题。 Open-Source Software Freeware


  • Android studio - Android 的官方 IDEAndroid Studio 提供在各种类型的安卓设备上构建应用最快的工具。Freeware
  • Aptana - Aptana Studio 利用了 Eclipse 的灵活性并且专注于让它成为强大的 web 开发引擎。Freeware
  • Arduino IDE - 开源的 Arduino 软件IDE让编写代码和上传代码到开发板变得简单。 Freeware
  • BlueJ - 一款为新手设计的免费 Java 开发环境,世界范围内数百万人使用。Freeware
  • Code::Blocks - Code::Blocks 是一款为满足大部分用户需求构建的免费的 CC++ 以及 Fortran IDE。它可扩展并且可配置性强。 Freeware
  • Codelite - 一款免费,开源,跨平台的 CC++PHP以及 Node.js IDE。 Freeware
  • Eclipse - Eclipse 以 Java 集成开发环境而闻名,但它的 C/C++ IDE 和 PHP IDE 同样出色。Freeware
  • Fritzing - Fritzing 是一个开源硬件项目,它让电子部件变成人人都能接触到的创造性材料。Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Geany - Geany 是一款基于 GTK+ 的文本编辑器,带有基本的集成开发环境特性。它的开发是为了提供一个小型并且快速的 IDE对其它包只有很少的的依赖。 Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Genymotion - Genymotion 是一款可以用来替代默认安卓模拟器的第三方模拟器。Freeware
  • Git - Git 是一款免费和开源的分布式版本管理系统,被设计用来快速和高效地处理从小项目到大项目的一切内容。Freeware
  • IntelliJ IDEA - 强大的 Java IDE。 Freeware
  • Ipython - 强大的 Python shell。 Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Jupyter Notebook - 开源,交互式数据科学和科学计算,支持超过 40 种编程语言。 Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • KDevelop - 免费,开源 IDE全功能支持插件扩展的 C/C++ 以及其它编程语言 IDE。Freeware
  • Komodo Edit - 免费,开源的多语言开发环境。 Freeware
  • MariaDB - 最流行的数据库服务器之一。由原 MySQL 开发者打造。Freeware Open-Source Software
  • MonoDevelop - 跨平台的 C#F# 以及更多语言的 IDE。Freeware Open-Source Software
  • Nemiver - Nemiver 项目编写集成到 GNOME 桌面环境的独立图形调试器。Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Netbeans - NetBeans IDE 让你快速而且容易地开发 Java 桌面,移动以及 web 应用,还有基于 HTMLJavaScript 以及 CSS 的 HTML5 应用。 Freeware
  • NodeJS - Node.js® 是一个基于 Chrome V8 JavaScript 引擎的 JavaScript 运行时环境。 Freeware
  • Oh-my-zsh - 一个由社区驱动,优雅的 zsh 配置管理框架。 Freeware Open-Source Software
  • PyCharm - 强大的 Python IDE。 Freeware
  • Postgresql - PostgreSQL 是一款强大,开源的对象-关系型数据库系统。 Freeware
  • Postman - Postman帮助我们快速测试 API。Freeware
  • QT Creator - 全功能跨平台集成开发环境,轻松创建互联设备,用户界面以及应用程序。Freeware
  • Rabbit VCS - RabbitVCS 是一个图形工具的集合,提供一个与你使用的版本控制系统简单而直接的访问方式。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Sqlite Browser - 可视化创建,管理,以及查看 sqlite 数据库文件。 Freeware Open-Source Software
  • Swift - Swift 是一个通用编程语言,基于更现代的安全,性能,和软件设计模式为目标设计。 Freeware
  • Ubuntu-SDK - Ubuntu 官方 SDK。 Freeware
  • Zsh - 一款强大的命令行 shell。 Open-Source Software


  • Calibre - 难以置信的丑但很强大的电子书管理和转换软件。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Evince - Evince 是一款支持多种格式的文档查看器。Evince 的目标是用一个简单的应用取代已经存在于 GNOME 桌面的多种文档查看器。Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Foxit - Foxit Reader 8.0——获得殊荣的 PDF 阅读器。 Freeware
  • FBReader - 最流行的电子阅读应用之一。 Freeware
  • Lucidor - Lucidor 是一个阅读和处理电子书的电脑软件。Lucidor 支持 EPUB 格式的电子书和 OPDS 格式的目录。 Freeware
  • MasterPDF editor - Master PDF Editor 一款方便而智能的 Linux PDF 编辑器。Freeware
  • MuPDF - 一款轻量级的 PDF 和 XPS 查看器。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Okular - Okular 由 KDE 原始开发的通用文档查看器。Okular 可以在多个平台上工作,包括但不限于 LinuxWindowsMac OS X*BSD 等等。Freeware
  • qpdf - qpdfview 是一款标签页式文档查看器。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Sigil - Sigil 是一款多平台 EPUB 电子书编辑器。Open-Source Software Freeware


  • Atom - 21 世纪的可 hack 文本编辑器。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Bluefish - Bluefish 是一款面向程序员和 web 开发者的强大编辑器,带有很多编写网站,脚本和代码的选项。Freeware
  • Brackets - 懂 web 设计的现代文本编辑器。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Emacs - 可扩展,可个性化,免费/自由的文本编辑器——还有更多。 Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Geany - Geany 是一款使用了 GTK+ 工具集的文本编辑器,带有基本的集成开发环境功能。它的开发是为了成为一个小型又快速的 IDE对其它包仅有不多的依赖。 Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Gedit - gedit 是 GNOME 文本编辑器。尽管以简单易用为目标gedit 仍然是个强大的多功能编辑器。Freeware
  • Kate - Kate 是一个多文档编辑器,从 KDE 2.2 开始就是 KDE 的一部分了。 Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Lighttable - 下一代代码编辑器!支持实时编码。 Freeware
  • Sublime - 有史以来最好的编辑器之一。 Freeware
  • VSCode - Visual Studio Code 是一款轻量但强大的代码编辑器,提供 WindowsOS X 以及 Linux 版本。它内置了 JavaScriptTypeScript 以及 Node.js 支持并且对其它语言C++C#PythonPHP还有丰富的插件系统和运行环境。Freeware
  • Vim -Vim 是一个高级文本编辑器,寻求以更完整的功能集提供事实上的 Unix 编辑器“Vi”的强大功能。无论你已经在使用 vi 或其它编辑器,它都十分有用。 Open-Source SoftwareFreeware


  • BibleTime - BibleTime 是一款基于 Sword 库和 Qt 工具集的圣经学习应用。 Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Celestia - 免费的空间模拟器,让你在三维空间中探索我们的宇宙。Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Chemtool - Chemtool 是一款在 Linux 上绘制化学结构的小程序。 Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Epoptes - 一款开源的计算机实验室管理和监视工具。 Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Gcompris - GCompris 是一款高质量教育软件,由无数适合 2 到 10 岁儿童的活动组成。Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Geogebra - 图形计算器,支持函数,几何,代数,微积分,统计以及 3D 数学。 Freeware
  • GNUKhata - 开源会计软件。 Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • GNU Typist - 基于 ncurses 的免费打字教学软件 Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Google Earth - Google Earth 是一款虚拟地球,地图以及地理信息程序。Freeware
  • GPeriodic - GPeriodic 是一个 Linux 上的元素周期表应用。Freeware
  • ITalc - iTALC 是一款为老师准备的实用并且强大的教学工具。它让你有多种方式查看和控制你网络中的其它计算机。 Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • KDE Edu Suite - 基于 KDE 技术的免费教育软件。Freeware
  • MAPLE - Maple 是一款数学软件,它结合了世界上最强大的数学引擎以及一个让它十分易于分析,探索,可视化以及解决数学问题的界面。
  • MATLAB - MATLAB 平台专为剞劂工程和科学问题优化。MATLAB 让你的想法不仅仅停留在桌面。你可以在巨大的数据集上进行你的分析并按比例增加你的集群和云。
  • Maxima - Maxima 是一个处理符号和数值表达式的系统,包括微分,积分,泰勒级数,拉普拉斯变换,常微分方程,线性方程组.... Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Moodle - Course management system for online learning.Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • OpenEuclid - OpenEuclide 是一款 2D 几何软件:数据由描述形式化的几何约束动态定义。Freeware
  • OpenSIS - 学校管理软件。
  • Scipy - SciPy 是一个基于 Python 的开源软件生态系统,面向数学,科学,以及工程学。Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Scratch - 有了 Scratch你可以编程你自己的互动故事游戏以及动画——并且在在线社区和其他人分享你的创造。Freeware
  • Stellarium - Stellarium 是一个为你电脑准备的免费开源天文馆。Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Tux4Kids - Tux4Kids 为孩子们开发高质量软件,目标是将乐趣和学习结合到一起。 Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • UGENE - UGENE 是一款免费开源,跨平台,基于图形界面的生物信息学软件。Open-Source SoftwareFreeware


  • Evolution - Evolution 是一款个人信息管理应用,集成了邮件,日历以及地址簿功能。 Freeware
  • Geary - Geary 是一款为 GNOME 3 构建的电子邮件应用。它让你可以在一个简单,现代的界面上阅读和发送邮件。Freeware
  • Mailnag - Mailnag 是一个向 POP3 和 IMAP 服务器检查新邮件的守护程序。 Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Sylpheed - 轻量化,用户友好的电子邮件客户端。 [Open-Source Software]
  • Thunderbird - Thunderbird 是一款免费的电子油价客户端,设置以及个性化简单方便,功能强大。 Freeware
  • Wmail - Gmail & Google Inbox 的非官方 Linux 桌面客户端。 Open-Source SoftwareFreeware


  • 7Zip - 解压任何压缩文件Freeware
  • AngrySearch - Linux 文件搜索,结果输入即得。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Double Commander - Double Commander 是一款跨平台的开源双栏文件管理器。它受 Total Commander 启发并有自己的新想法。Freeware
  • Marlin - 文件管理器界最性感的成员Marlin 为速度,简单和易用精心设计。 Freeware
  • Nautilus - NautilusFiles鹦鹉螺是为适配 Gnome 桌面设计和行为所设计的文件管理器,给用户一个简单的方式导航和管理文件。Freeware
  • Nemo - Nemo 是一款 Cinnamon 桌面环境下的文件管理器。Open-Source Software Freeware
  • QDirStat - 基于 Qt 的文件夹统计——不用 KDE 的 KDirStat来自原 KDirStat 开发者的作品。Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Ranger - Ranger 是一款使用 VI 快捷键的终端文件管理器。Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Synapse - Linux 上最好的应用启动器。Freeware
  • Thunar - Thunar 被设计成为 Xfce 4.6 的默认文件管理器,为快速和易用设计。 Open-Source Software Freeware


  • 0 A.D - 类帝国时代的开源即时战略游戏。
  • Civilization5 - 席德梅尔的文明®被认为是有史以来最伟大的策略经营类游戏之一。
  • Cockatrice - Cockatrice 是一个开源的多平台网络桌面卡牌游戏支持程序。Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Desura - Desura 是一个社区驱动的游戏玩家数字分发服务,将来自开发者的最好的游戏,模组,以及可下载内容放在玩家的指尖,随时可以购买和游玩。
  • GBrainy - Gbrainy 是一个脑筋急转弯游戏,获得乐趣并且锻炼你的大脑。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Minecraft - Minecraft 是一个关于放置方块和冒险的游戏。探索随机生成的世界,建造惊奇的事物,从最简单的家到最伟大的城堡。Freeware
  • Minetest - 开源的 Minecraft 实现,由 C++ 写就(占用更少的资源),还包含模组扩展 API。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • PlayOnLinux - 在 Linux 玩 Windows 游戏。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Simutrans - Simutrans 是一个免费而且开源的运输模拟器。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Steam - 超赞的游戏平台,打开众多游戏的大门。Freeware
  • SuperTuxCar - SuperTuxKart 是一款 3D 开源的赛车竞技游戏,有不同的人物,赛道以及模式。Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Warzone2100 - 开源即时策略/即时战术游戏。 Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Wine - Wine“Wine Is Not an Emulator”的首字母缩写是一个兼容层可以在若干 POSIX 兼容的系统上运行 Windows 程序,比如 LinuxMac OS X以及 BSD Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Xonotic - 受 Unreal Tournament 以及 Quake 启发的竞技场射击游戏。 Open-Source Software Freeware


  • Aftershot - 一个强大的 Adobe Photoshop 替代品!
  • Agave - Agave 是 GNOME 桌面下一个很简单的程序,让你可以从一个颜色开始生成各种不同的配色方案Freeware
  • Blender - 面向艺术家和小团队的免费开源的完整 3D 创作流水线。Freeware
  • Cinepaint - 开源绘画软件 Freeware
  • Darktable - darktable 是一个开源的摄影处理软件,支持 RAW 文件处理Freeware
  • Digikam - digiKam 是一个高级的 Linux 数字相片管理应用Freeware
  • Feh - 轻量且快速的图片查看器。FreewareOpen-Source Software
  • Fotoxx - Fotoxx 是一个免费开源的图像编辑和收藏管理程序。Freeware
  • GIMP - GIMP 是一个自由分发的程序,可以进行照片修版,图像合成,图像编辑等操作FreewareOpen-Source Software
  • Hugin - 基于 Panorama Tools 的一款易用的跨平台全景图像工具链。Freeware
  • Inkscape - 不管你是插画家设计师web 设计师还是仅仅是需要创建一些矢量图像,它都是一款强大,免费的设计工具Freeware
  • Krita - 面向概念艺术家,数字画家以及插画艺术家的开源软件。Freeware
  • Luminance HDR - Luminance HDR 是一款开源的图形化用户界面应用,它的目标是提供一整套的 HDR 图像工作流程。Freeware Open-Source Software
  • Mypaint - Mypaint 是一款配合画板使用的绘画程序。 Freeware Open-Source Software
  • Ojo - 一款快速且漂亮的图像查看器。 Freeware Open-Source Software
  • OpenShot - OpenShot 是一款免费,易用,功能丰富的 Linxu 视频编辑器。 Freeware
  • Photonic - Phototonic 是一款图片查看和组织工具。 Freeware Open-Source Software
  • Pinta - Pinta is a free, open source program for drawing and image editing.Freeware Open-Source Software
  • Pitivi - A free video editor with a beautiful and intuitive user interface, a clean codebase and a fantastic community.Freeware
  • Radiance - Radiance - A Validated Lighting Simulation ToolFreeware
  • RawTherapee - A good looking but lesser known photo editing app.Freeware Open-Source Software
  • Shotwell - Shotwell is a photo manager for GNOME 3.Freeware
  • StopMotion - Linux Stopmotion is a Free Open Source application to create stop-motion animations. It helps you capture and edit the frames of your animation and export them as a single file.Freeware
  • Xara Extreme - Xara Xtreme for Linux is a powerful, general purpose graphics program for Unix platforms including Linux, FreeBSDFreeware


  • Anatine - A twitter desktop app with many customizations.Freeware Open-Source Software
  • Brave - Brave is a fast, good desktop browser for macOS, Windows, and Linux.Freeware Open-Source Software
  • Chrome - A popular Web Browsers with a lot of plugins/apps.Freeware
  • Chromium - Chromium is an open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all users to experience the web.Freeware Open-Source Software
  • Corebird - corebird is native gtk+ twitter desktop client. Freeware Open-Source Software
  • Firefox - A popular Web Browsers with a lot of plugins/apps.Freeware Open-Source Software
  • Midori - A lightweight free browser that runs well on low spec systems. Freeware Open-Source Software.
  • Tor - Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against traffic analysis, a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy. Freeware
  • Vivaldi - A new and rising browser with a lot of customizations.Freeware
  • Yandex - Fast and convenient browser.Freeware


  • Caligra Office - offers a comprehensive set of 8 applications which satisfies the office, graphics and management needs.Freeware
  • Gummi gtk2|gtk3 - Simple latex editor with templates, spell check, and wizards.Freeware Open-Source Software
  • LibreOffice - Best office bundle for linux.Freeware Open-Source Software
  • LyX - Mature document editor that renders into LaTeX ..Freeware Open-Source Software
  • WPS office - One of the best office app bundle for linux.Freeware Open-Source Software


  • Ambient Noise - Install ambient noise for extra focus on LinuxFreeware
  • Autokey - A desktop automation utility for Linux allows you to manage collection of scripts and phrases, and assign abbreviations and hotkeys to these. Freeware
  • Basket Note Pads - This multi-purpose note-taking application helps you to easily take all sort of notes. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Brightness - Brightness indicator for ubuntu. Freeware
  • SpeedCrunch - A nice, opensouce, high-precision scientific calculator. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • California - Complete Calendar app replacement which uses natural language for creating events.Freeware
  • CopyQ -CopyQ is advanced clipboard manager with editing and scripting features. Freeware
  • f.lux - Automatically adjust your computer screen to match lighting. Freeware
  • Gnome-dictionary - A powerful dictionary for GNOME
  • Go For It - Go For It! is a simple and stylish productivity app, featuring a to-do list, merged with a timer that keeps your focus on the current task.Freeware
  • My Todo - Mytodo is an open source to-do list program that puts you, the user, in command of everything.Open-Source Software Freeware
  • My Weather Indicator - Weather indicator and widget for ubuntu.Freeware
  • Notes - A clean simple note taking app for linux.Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Notepadqq - Notepadqq is a Notepad++-like editor for the Linux desktop.Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Plank - Plank is meant to be the simplest dock of apps on the planet.
  • Pomodone App - PomoDoneApp is the easiest way to track your workflow using Pomodoro technique®, on top of your current task management service.Freeware
  • Papyrus - Papyrus is a different note manager which is focusing on Security, Better user interface. Papyrus are trying to provide an easy to use and smart user interface for users. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Recent Noti - An indicator for recent notification.Freeware
  • Redshift - Redshift adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings. This may help your eyes hurt less if you are working in front of the screen at night.Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Shutter - Shutter is a feature-rich screenshot program for Linux based operating systems such as Ubuntu. Freeware
  • Simplenote - Cross platform notetaking app. Evernote competitor.Freeware
  • Springseed - Simple and beautiful note taking app for daily user.Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Stickynote - Sticky note on desktop of linux.Freeware
  • TaskWarrior - Taskwarrior is Free and Open Source Software that manages your TODO list from the command line.Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Todo.txt - todo.txt-focused editors which help you manage your tasks with as few keystrokes and taps possible.Freeware
  • Todoist - Unofficial client of Todoist, the Cross-platform to-do manager with mobile apps, great UI and has some optional premium features.Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Tomboy - Tomboy is a desktop note-taking application which is simple and easy to use. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Undistract me - Notifies you when long-running terminal commands complete. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Xmind - Mind Mapping Tool.
  • Zim - A graphical text editor used to maintain a collection of wiki pages, great for notes and documents. Stored in plain text files for easy version control.Open-Source Software Freeware


  • ClamAV - Clam Anti Virus Freeware
  • GnuPG - Gnu Privacy GuardFreeware
  • GuFW - One of the easiest firewalls in the world of linux. FreewareOpen-Source Software
  • OpenSSH - OpenSSH Secure Shell Server and ClientFreeware
  • Fail2ban - Fail2ban scans log files (e.g. /var/log/apache/error_log) and bans IPs that show the malicious signs -- too many password failures, seeking for exploits, etc.Freeware
  • Seahorse - Gnome frontend for GnuPGFreeware
  • Tcpdump - TCP Debugging/Capture ToolFreeware


  • CrossFTP - CrossFTP makes it extremely simple to manage the FTP related tasks.Freeware
  • D-lan - A free LAN file sharing software.Freeware
  • Deluge - Deluge is a lightweight, Free Software, cross-platform BitTorrent client.Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Dropbox - Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily.Freeware
  • Filezilla - the free FTP solution Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Meiga - a tool that makes possible to share selected local directories via web. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • ownCloud - The goal of ownCloud is to give you access to your files wherever you areFreeware
  • Quazaa - A cross platform multi-network peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing client.Freeware
  • PushBullet - Pushbullet connects your devices, making them feel like one.Freeware
  • qBittorent - The qBittorrent project aims to provide a Free Software alternative to µTorrent.Open-Source Software Freeware
  • SpiderOak - Real-time collaboration for teams and businesses that care about privacy Freeware
  • Syncthing - Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized.Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Teamviewer - PC remote control/remote access software, free for personal use.Freeware
  • Transmission - Simple, lightweight, multi-platform torrent client. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • uGet - The best download manager for linux. Open-Source Software Freeware


  • GnomeTerminal - A widely preinstalled terminal emulator in linux world Freeware
  • Guake - Guake is a top-down terminal for GnomeFreeware
  • Konsole - Best terminal for KDE dekstop environment.Freeware
  • RXVT - A terminal emulator for X11, a popular replacement for the standard xterm.Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • RXVT-Unicode - rxvt-unicode is a fork of the well known terminal emulator.Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Sakura - Simple but powerful libvte based terminal emulator, supporting utf-8 and input methods as provided by gtk+ and pango libraries. Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Terminator - its quite clear that the most powerful terminal emulator on Linux is the feature-filled Terminator.Freeware
  • Termit - Simple terminal emulator based on vte library, extensible via Lua.Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Xterm - The xterm program is a terminal emulator for the X Window System. It provides DEC VT102 and Tektronix 4014 compatible terminals for programs that can't use the window system directly.Freeware
  • Yakuake - A Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology.Freeware


  • Actionaz - Automation tasks utility for ubuntu/LinuxFreeware
  • Bleach bit -BleachBit quickly frees disk space and tirelessly guards your privacy. Free cache, delete cookies, clear Internet history, shred temporary files, delete logs, and more ... Freeware
  • Brasero - CD/DVD burner.Freeware
  • Caffeine - Prevents ubuntu from automatically going to sleep.Freeware
  • Clonezilla - Clonezilla is a partition and disk imaging/cloning program similar to True Image® or Norton Ghost®.FreewareOpen-Source Software
  • EasyStroke - Easystroke is a gesture-recognition application for X11.Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Enpass - Enpass makes your life easy by securely managing your passwords and important information.Freeware
  • Convertall - Convert all units.Freeware
  • GD map - A tool to visualize disk usage. Freeware
  • Gnormalize - Audio converter. Freeware
  • GParted - Disk Partition utility for ubuntu/linux. Freeware
  • GRadio - Radio software for ubuntu linux. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Handbrake - Video converter. Freeware
  • KeePass - Windows focused password manager, with some cross platform support through Mono. Freeware
  • KeePassX - Cross platform password manager. Port of KeePass. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • ImageMagik - ImageMagick is a suite of command-line utilities for modifying and working with images. Freeware
  • LastPass - Cross platform password
  • Powertop - Diagnose issue with powerconsumption.Freeware
  • Pulse Audio - Improve Linux Audio with customized Profiles. Freeware
  • Peazip - Utility to unzip any zipped files Freeware
  • Psensor - Graphical hardware temperature monitor for Linux.Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Remarkable - Best Markdown editor in Ubuntu/Linux.Freeware
  • Systemload - Show systemload in status bar.Freeware
  • Synaptic - Synaptic is a graphical package management program for apt.Freeware
  • TLP - Optimize Linux battery.Freeware
  • Variety - Variety is an open-source wallpaper changer for Linux, packed with great features, yet slim and easy to use. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Virtualbox - VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware, targeted at server, desktop and embedded use.Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Xtreme Download Manager - A good download manager with fresh UI for linux.Open-Source Software Freeware
  • WallpaperChange - Automatically change your wallpaper.Freeware


  • Bomi Player - A powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player.Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Kodi - An award-winning free and open source (GPL) software media center for playing videos, music, pictures, games, and more.Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • MPlayer - MPlayer is a movie player which runs on many systems, play any kind of videos.Freeware
  • MPV - A free, open source, and cross-platform media player.Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • SMPlayer - Free Media Player with built-in codecs. Play all audio and video formats.Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • SVP - SVP allows you to watch any video on your desktop computer using frame interpolation as it is available on high-end TVs and projectors.Freeware
  • VLC - VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. Freeware


  • GrubCustomizer - Grub Customizer is a graphical interface to configure the GRUB2/BURG settings and menuentries. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Mycroft - A.I. for everyone Open-Source Software Freeware


  • Bastet - Play Tetris in commandline.Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Daily Reddit Wallpaper - Change your wallpaper to the most upvoted image of the day from /r/wallpapers or any other subreddit on system startup. Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Fishfry - replaces fish history with a history tailored to pentesters for efficency and newbie pentesters for learning.Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • htop - top with improved features and user experience Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Pacman4console - Play Pacman game in console.Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Tmux - It lets you switch easily between several programs in one terminal, detach them (they keep running in the background) and reattach them to a different terminal. And do a lot more.Open-Source SoftwareFreeware
  • Top 10 command line tools
  • wicd-curses - Command line WiFi connection manager.


  • Budgie - Budgie is a desktop environment designed with the modern user in mind, it focuses on simplicity and elegance. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Cinammon - Cinnamon strives to provide a traditional user experience. Cinnamon is a fork of GNOME 3. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Gnome - The GNOME desktop environment is an attractive and intuitive desktop with both a modern (GNOME) and a classic (GNOME Classic) session. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • GNOME Flashback - GNOME Flashback is a shell for GNOME 3 which was initially called GNOME fallback mode. The desktop layout and the underlying technology is similar to GNOME 2. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • KDE Plasma - The KDE Plasma desktop environment is a familiar working environment. Plasma Desktop offers all the tools required for a modern desktop computing experience so you can be productive right from the start. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • LXDE - The Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment is a fast and energy-saving desktop environment. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • LXQt - LXQt is the Qt port and the upcoming version of LXDE, the Lightweight Desktop Environment. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Mate - Mate provides an intuitive and attractive desktop to Linux users using traditional metaphors. MATE is a fork of GNOME 2. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Pantheon - Pantheon is the default desktop environment originally created for the elementary OS distribution. Freeware
  • Unity - Unity is a shell for GNOME designed by Canonical for Ubuntu. Freeware
  • Xfce - Xfce embodies the traditional UNIX philosophy of modularity and re-usability. Open-Source Software Freeware



  • CDM - Ultra-minimalistic, yet full-featured login manager written in Bash. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Console TDM - Extension for xinit written in pure Bash. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • nodm - Minimalistic display manager for automatic logins. Open-Source Software Freeware


  • Entrance - An EFL based display manager, highly experimental. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • GDM - GNOME display manager. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • KDM - KDE4 display manager (discontinued). Freeware
  • LightDM - Cross-desktop display manager, can use various front-ends written in any toolkit. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • LXDM - LXDE display manager. Can be used independent of the LXDE desktop environment. Freeware
  • MDM - MDM display manager, used in Linux Mint, a fork of GDM 2. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • SDDM - QML-based display manager and successor to KDE4's kdm; recommended for Plasma 5 and LXQt. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • SLiM - Lightweight and elegant graphical login solution. (discontinued) Open-Source Software Freeware
  • XDM - X display manager with support for XDMCP, host chooser. Open-Source Software Freeware



  • 2bwm - Fast floating WM, with the particularity of having 2 borders, written over the XCB library and derived from mcwm. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Blackbox - Fast, lightweight window manager for the X Window System, without all those annoying library dependencies. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Fluxbox - Window manager for X that was based on the Blackbox 0.61.1 code. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Openbox - Highly configurable, next generation window manager with extensive standards support. Open-Source Software Freeware


  • Bspwm - bspwm is a tiling window manager that represents windows as the leaves of a full binary tree. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • Herbstluftwm - Manual tiling window manager for X11 using Xlib and Glib. Open-Source Software Freeware


  • awesome - Highly configurable, next generation framework window manager for X. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • dwm - Dynamic window manager for X. It manages windows in tiled, monocle and floating layouts. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • i3 - Tiling window manager, completely written from scratch. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • spectrwm - Small dynamic tiling window manager for X11, largely inspired by xmonad and dwm. Open-Source Software Freeware
  • xmonad - Dynamically tiling X11 window manager that is written and configured in Haskell. Open-Source Software Freeware







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  1. Me (LuongVo)
  2. anewuser
  3. nathanmusoke
  4. bpearson
  5. orestisf1993
  6. lasseborly
  7. sebasspf
  8. buivnhai
  9. ankurk91
  10. mAzurkovic
  11. bocklund
  12. grebenschikov
  13. fareez-ahamed
  14. MichaelAquilina
  15. Wamadahama
  16. Alasin
  17. LYF610400210
  18. willmtemple for a more correct repo name.
  19. jakub-olczyk
  20. shakib609
  21. talisk
  22. smdrz
  23. bishoyh
  24. Voicu
  25. ryandaniels
  26. mame98
  27. Everyone @ reddit.com/r/linux & reddit.com/r/ubuntu & vozforums.com for many suggestions and compliments ...

(The list above is updated on 14th August 2016)

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Simply put the name of the application in the list. Link to its homepage or a guide on how to install it. Also write a short description for the application + add icon. Make sure it is put under the appropriate topic. If the application doesn't fit in any existing topic, make a new one for it. Ensure everything is alphabetically sorted.

Items marked with Open-Source Software are open-source software and link to the source code. Items marked with Freeware are free (as in free beer).

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该作品签署 Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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