diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 905b9c1..e0e7f7b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1016,6 +1016,7 @@ _For a more comprehensive/advanced/better categorized/... list of Linux audio so - [![Open-Source Software][oss icon]](https://invent.kde.org/pim/kalendar) [Kalendar](https://apps.kde.org/kalendar/) - Kalendar is a calendar application that allows you to manage your tasks and events. - ![Nonfree][money icon] [Pomodone App](https://pomodoneapp.com/) - PomoDoneApp is the easiest way to track your workflow using Pomodoro technique®, on top of your current task management service. - [![Open-Source Software][oss icon]](https://invent.kde.org/utilities/rsibreak) [RSIBreak](https://apps.kde.org/rsibreak/) - RSIBreak takes care of your health and regularly breaks your work to avoid repetitive strain injury. +- [![Open-Source Software][oss icon]](https://github.com/ransome1/sleek) [sleek](https://github.com/ransome1/sleek) - cross platform todo manager based on the todo.txt syntax. - [![Open-Source Software][oss icon]](https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Solanum) [Solanum](https://apps.gnome.org/app/org.gnome.Solanum/) - A pomodoro timer for the GNOME desktop. - [![Open-Source Software][oss icon]](https://github.com/johannesjo/super-productivity) [Super Productivity](https://super-productivity.com/) - The simple free flexible ToDo List / Time Tracker / personal Jira and Github Task Manager. - [Taskade](https://www.taskade.com/downloads) - Real-time organization and collaboration tool for getting things done. Taskade is a unified workspace for team tasks, notes, with integrated video chat available cross-platform and free to use.