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synced 2025-03-03 19:59:18 -05:00
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# Guidelines to Contribute
## English
> Simply put the name of the **application** in the list.
> Link to its **homepage** or a **guide** on how to install it.
> Also write a **short description** for the application + add **icon**.
> Make sure it is put under the **appropriate topic**.
> If the application doesn't fit in any **existing topic**, make a **new one** for it.
> Ensure everything is **alphabetically sorted**.
### Unsure how to contribute?
- [How to Use Github](https://guides.github.com/activities/forking/)
- [How to Git from the Command Line](https://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/)
- [What is Markdown?](https://github.com/LewisVo/Markdown-Tutorial) - Markdown is the writing method used to create this list, if you want to know how to format properly, it's best that you learn how to use Github Markdown.
- [Alternative Markdown Guide:](https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/)
*Items marked with [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon] are open-source software and link to the source code. Items marked with [![Nonfree][Money Icon] are nonfree (as in nonfree beer) and may cost money to use.*
## Español
> Simplemente cree el nombre de la **aplicación** en la lista.
> Enlace a su **página de inicio** o **una guía** sobre cómo instalarlo.
> Escriba también una **breve descripción** para la aplicación + añadir **icono**.
> Asegúrese de que se pone bajo el **tema apropiado**.
> Si la aplicación no encaja en ningún **tema existente**, haga un **nuevo** para ello.
> Asegúrese de que todo esté **ordenado alfabéticamente**.
### Cómo contribuir
- [How to Use Github (Inglés)](https://guides.github.com/activities/forking/)
- [Cómo utilizar Git desde la línea de comandos.](https://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/index.es.html)
- [¿Qué es Markdown?](https://github.com/LewisVo/Markdown-Tutorial/blob/master/Translation:Spanish.md) - Markdown es un tipo de código utilizado para crear esta lista, que utiliza un tipo específico llamado: GitHub Markdown.
- [Alternative Markdown Guide (Inglés)](https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/)
*Artículos marcados [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon] son software de código abierto y tienen un enlace al código fuente. Artículos marcados [![Nonfree][Money Icon] cuesta dinero (como en cerveza que cuesta dinero).*
*Nota del autor: Recientemente, recibí comentarios de usted sobre la calidad de algunas aplicaciones en esta lista. Yo mismo los probé mucho (no todos ellos, sin embargo). Si tienes algún problema con las aplicaciones, por favor: -> ir a la página de dev (si está disponible) -> hacer un problema para el dev allí -> hacer un problema aquí para que pueda considerar si debo sacar la aplicación de la lista. Recuerde: Todo tiene su propia calidad, por lo que nunca habrá algo como "mejor aplicación" o "lista selectiva" aquí, gracias.*
## Português
> Basta colocar o nome da **aplicação** na lista.
> Link para a sua **página inicial** ou um **guia** como instalá-la.
> Escreva também uma **breve descrição** para uma aplicação + adicionando um **icone**.
> Certifique-se de que o software está escrito no seu **tópico apropriado**.
> Se o aplicativo não se encaixa em nenhum **tópico existente**, faça **um novo** para ele.
> Certifique que tudo seja classificado em ordem **alfabética**.
### Unsure how to contribute?
- [How to Use Github](https://guides.github.com/activities/forking/)
- [How to Git from the Command Line](https://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/)
- [What is Markdown?](https://github.com/LewisVo/Markdown-Tutorial) - Markdown is the writing method used to create this list, if you want to know how to format properly, it's best that you learn how to use Github Markdown.
- [Alternative Markdown Guide:](https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/)
*Itens marcados com [![open-Source Software][OSS Icon] são software de código aberto e link para o código-fonte. Os itens marcados com ![Nonfree][Money Icon] são não livres (as in nonfree beer) e pode custar dinheiro para poder utilizá-lo.*
## 汉语
将应用的名称放入列表。 链接到它的主页或安装指南。 再给应用写一小段简短的介绍 + 添加图标。 确保应用放在了合适的主题下。 如果应用不在以上任何一个已有的主题内,为它新建一个主题。 确保所有项都是按字母表顺序排序的。
标有 Open-Source Software 的是开源软件并且链接到源代码。标有 Freeware 的意为免费(就如免费的啤酒)。
原作者注:最近我收到了一些关于列表中一些应用软件的质量的反馈。我自己测试了其中的大部分应用(但不是全部)。如果你对应用有任何问题:-> 去往开发页面(如果有的话)-> 给开发提个 issue -> 在这里提个 issue 以便我考虑是否将应用移出列表。记住:所有东西都有它自己的质量,所以这里永远不会有“最佳应用”或“选择性的列表”,谢谢。
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
- [Chatty](http://chatty.github.io/) - Chatty 是一款 Twitch 聊天客户端,它是为那些想尝试不同于 web 聊天的新事物,又不想像 IRC 客户端那样复杂或错过 Twitch 特色功能的用户准备的。[![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://github.com/chatty/chatty) ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
- [Cutegram](http://aseman.co/en/products/cutegram/) - 提供比官方 Telegram 应用更多的特性。 [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://github.com/Aseman-Land/Cutegram) ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
- [Discord](https://discordapp.com/) - 为玩家准备的多合一语音文本聊天工具,免费,安全,同时支持桌面和手机。 ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
- [Franz](http://meetfranz.com/) - Franz 是一个免费的消息应用,结合了许多聊天及消息服务到单独的一个客户端中。![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
- [Franz](http://meetfranz.com/) - Franz 是一个免费的消息应用,结合了许多聊天及消息服务到单独的一个客户端中。[![Open-Source-Software][OSS Icon]](https://github.com/meetfranz/franz) ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
- [GhettoSkype](https://github.com/stanfieldr/ghetto-skype) - Skype 的开源 web 封装。 [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://github.com/stanfieldr/ghetto-skype) ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
- [Gitter](https://gitter.im/) - Gitter — 开发者交流的地方。Gitter 的设计目标是让社区消息,协作和发现尽可能地简单。 [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://github.com/gitterHQ/services) ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
- [HexChat](https://hexchat.github.io/) - HexChat 是一款基于 XChat 的 IRC 客户端,但和 XChat 不一样的是它对 Windows 和 Unix-like 系统都是完全自由的。[![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://github.com/hexchat) ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
@ -468,7 +468,7 @@
### 实用工具
- [Actionaz](http://actionaz.org/) - Ubuntu/Linux 下的任务自动化工具。![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
- [Albert](https://github.com/ManuelSchneid3r/albert/wiki/User-guide#how-to-install-albert) - Linux 桌面超赞的应用启动器。 [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://github.com/ManuelSchneid3r/albert) ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
- [Albert](https://github.com/albertlauncher/albert) - Linux 桌面超赞的应用启动器。 [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://github.com/albertlauncher/albert) ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
- [Bleach bit](https://www.bleachbit.org/) - BleachBit 快速释放磁盘空间并不知疲倦地守卫你的隐私。释放缓存,删除 cookie,清除互联网浏览历史,清理临时文件,删除日志,以及更多功能... ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
- [Brasero](https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Brasero) - CD/DVD 烧录软件。![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
- [Caffeine](https://launchpad.net/caffeine) - 防止 ubuntu 自动睡眠。![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
- [English](#introduction)
- [中文](#介绍)
- [Português (Brasil)](#português-brasil)
- [Español](#español)
# Introduction
`asort.py` is a very simple python3 script that aims to make sure items in the README file of the repo [Awesome-Linux-Software](https://github.com/VoLuong/Awesome-Linux-Software) are sorted alphabetically.
`asort.py` is a very simple python3 script that aims to make sure items in the README file of the repo [Awesome-Linux-Software](https://github.com/VoLuong/Awesome-Linux-Software) are sorted alphabetically.
This script only sorts items in the following topics for now (items between topic Applications and topic Setup):
- Applications
@ -13,13 +15,15 @@ This script only sorts items in the following topics for now (items between topi
# Usage
1. Add items to corresponding topics, don't worry about the order of those items.
1. Make sure you've installed python3 environment on your system.
1. Open a terminal, type `python3 asort.py` to run this script. After that, you'll get a new README file with all the items in the above topics sorted alphabetically.
2. Make sure you've installed python3 environment on your system.
3. Open a terminal, type `python3 asort.py` to run this script. After that, you'll get a new README file with all the items in the above topics sorted alphabetically.

## Note
`asort_zh.py` works for the file [README_zh-CN.md](https://github.com/VoLuong/Awesome-Linux-Software/blob/master/README_zh-CN.md), the Chinese version of this list.
`asort_pt-BR.py` works for the Brasilian Portuguese version of the file [README_pt-BR](https://github.com/VoLuong/Awesome-Linux-Software/blob/master/README_pt-BR.md)
`asort_zh.py` works for the Spanish version of the file [README_es-ES](https://github.com/VoLuong/Awesome-Linux-Software/blob/master/README_es-ES.md)
# License
MIT License.
@ -37,8 +41,8 @@ MIT License.
# 用法
1. 请首先按照说明将新的条目添加到合适的主题下,不用考虑排序问题;
1. 然后,确保你在系统上安装了 Python3 运行环境;
1. 打开终端,运行 `python3 asort.py` 即可。之后,你将得到一个新生成的 README 文件,并且文件中所有的在上述几个主题中的条目都已经按照字母表的顺序排列好了。
2. 然后,确保你在系统上安装了 Python3 运行环境;
3. 打开终端,运行 `python3 asort.py` 即可。之后,你将得到一个新生成的 README 文件,并且文件中所有的在上述几个主题中的条目都已经按照字母表的顺序排列好了。

@ -48,3 +52,54 @@ MIT License.
# 许可
MIT 许可协议。
# Português (Brasil)
`asort.py` é um script python3 muito simples, que visa garantir que os itens no arquivo README do repositório [Awesome-Linux-Software](https://github.com/VoLuong/Awesome-Linux-Software) sejam ordenados alfabeticamente.
Este script apenas classifica itens nos seguintes tópicos por enquanto (Itens entre os tópicos Aplicativos e Configuração):
- Aplicativos
- Utilitários de linha de comando
- Ambiente de trabalho
- Gestores de exibição
- Gestor de janelas
# Modo de usar
1. Adicione itens aos tópicos correspondentes, não se preocupe com a ordem desses itens.
2. Verifique se está instalado o ambiente python3 em seu sistema.
3. Abra o terminal e digite `python3 asort.py` para executar o script. Depois disso, você receberá um novo arquivo README com todos os itens nos tópicos acima classificados em ordem alfabética.

## Nota
`asort_pt-BR.py` funciona no arquivo [README_pt-BR.md](https://github.com/VoLuong/Awesome-Linux-Software/blob/master/README_pt-BR.md), versão Portugês Brasileira desta lista.
# Licença
Licença MIT.
# Español
`asort.py` es un es un simple script para garantizar los elementos del archivo README del repositorio [Awesome-Linux-Software](https://github.com/VoLuong/Awesome-Linux-Software) se ordenan alfabéticamente.
Este script sólo puede ordenar elementos en estas secciones por ahora (Los elementos son las secciones entre aplicaciones y Configuración)
- Aplicaciones
- Herramientas de línea de comandos
- Los Entornos des escritorios
- Gestors des pantallas
- Gestor de ventanas
# modo de uso
1. Añadir un nuevo software a las secciones correspondientes. El orden del software no importa.
2. Asegúrese de que el entorno de desarrollo de Python3 está instalado.
3. abra una línea de comandos y escriba: 'python3 asort.py' para activar el script. Después de esto, el script creará un nuevo archivo README con todos los elementos ordenados automáticamente.

`asort.py` es compatible con la versión en inglés de la lista [README](https://github.com/VoLuong/Awesome-Linux-Software/blob/master/README.md)
`asort_zh.py` es compatible con la versión china de la lista [README_zh-CN.md](https://github.com/VoLuong/Awesome-Linux-Software/blob/master/README_zh-CN.md)
`asort_pt-BR.py` es compatible con la versión portuguesa brasileña de la lista [README_pt-BR](https://github.com/VoLuong/Awesome-Linux-Software/blob/master/README_pt-BR.md)
`asort_es-ES.py` es compatible con la versión español de la lista [README_es-ES](https://github.com/VoLuong/Awesome-Linux-Software/blob/master/README_es-ES.md)
# Licencia
Licencia MIT
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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*-coding: utf-8-*-
# Author : Christopher L
# Blog : http://blog.chriscabin.com
# GitHub : https://www.github.com/chrisleegit
# File : asort.py
# Date : 2016/08/22 11:12
# Version: 0.1
# Description: A very simple python script that can sort items alphabetically.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import shutil
TEMP_FILE = 'temp_es-ES.md'
# only works for those items between BEGIN and END.
BEGIN = '## Aplicaciones'
END = '## Configurar'
def main():
# make sure the script can find file: README.md
README_FILE = os.path.abspath(README_FILE)
if not os.path.exists(README_FILE):
print('Error: archivo o directorio no existe: {}'.format(README_FILE))
sort_enable = False
items = list()
print('cargando archivo: {}'.format(README_FILE))
# read file: README.md
with open(README_FILE) as infile, open(TEMP_FILE, 'w') as outfile:
# process each line
for line in infile:
if not sort_enable and BEGIN in line:
sort_enable = True
# if sort_enable and END in line:
# sort_enable = False
if sort_enable:
line = line.strip()
# each item starts with a character '-' (maybe '*' and '+')
if line.startswith(('-', '*', '+')):
elif line.startswith('#'):
sort_enable = False if END in line else True
# when we meet the next header, we should stop adding new item to the list.
for item in sorted(items, key=lambda x: x.upper()):
# write the ordered list to the temporary file.
print(item, file=outfile)
print('', file=outfile)
# remember to put the next header in the temporary file.
print(line, file=outfile)
print(line, end='', file=outfile)
print(line, end='', file=outfile)
print('reemplazar el archivo original: README_es-ES.md')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*-coding: utf-8-*-
# Author : Christopher L
# Blog : http://blog.chriscabin.com
# GitHub : https://www.github.com/chrisleegit
# File : asort.py
# Date : 2016/08/22 11:12
# Version: 0.1
# Description: A very simple python script that can sort items alphabetically.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import shutil
TEMP_FILE = 'temp_pt-BR.md'
# only works for those items between BEGIN and END.
BEGIN = '## Aplicativos'
END = '## Configuração'
def main():
# make sure the script can find file: README.md
README_FILE = os.path.abspath(README_FILE)
if not os.path.exists(README_FILE):
print('Erro: Arquivo ou diretório não existe: {}'.format(README_FILE))
sort_enable = False
items = list()
print('Carregando arquivo: {}'.format(README_FILE))
# read file: README.md
with open(README_FILE) as infile, open(TEMP_FILE, 'w') as outfile:
# process each line
for line in infile:
if not sort_enable and BEGIN in line:
sort_enable = True
# if sort_enable and END in line:
# sort_enable = False
if sort_enable:
line = line.strip()
# each item starts with a character '-' (maybe '*' and '+')
if line.startswith(('-', '*', '+')):
elif line.startswith('#'):
sort_enable = False if END in line else True
# when we meet the next header, we should stop adding new item to the list.
for item in sorted(items, key=lambda x: x.upper()):
# write the ordered list to the temporary file.
print(item, file=outfile)
print('', file=outfile)
# remember to put the next header in the temporary file.
print(line, file=outfile)
print(line, end='', file=outfile)
print(line, end='', file=outfile)
print('Substitua o arquivo original: README_pt-BR.md')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Normal file
Normal file
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<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN' 'http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd'><svg enable-background="new 0 0 512 512" height="14px" id="Layer_1" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="14px" xml:space="preserve" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"><path d="M256,73.089c-100.864,0-182.911,82.058-182.911,182.917S155.136,438.911,256,438.911 c100.859,0,182.911-82.046,182.911-182.905S356.86,73.089,256,73.089z M256,410.059c-84.951,0-154.06-69.108-154.06-154.054 c0-84.956,69.109-154.065,154.06-154.065c84.951,0,154.06,69.109,154.06,154.065C410.06,340.951,340.951,410.059,256,410.059z"/><path d="M227.076,220.157c0-11.572,16.925-13.548,31.606-13.548c13.837,0,32.744,6.485,48.553,14.681l3.098-31.895 c-7.906-4.52-26.247-9.884-44.877-11.005l4.515-32.461H239.77l4.521,32.461c-38.947,3.664-51.651,26.242-51.651,45.154 c0,47.697,88.898,37.547,88.898,66.888c0,11.017-10.434,14.959-28.785,14.959c-24.832,0-43.467-8.74-53.056-17.779l-4.803,35.848 c9.04,5.364,27.375,10.161,49.397,11.294l-4.521,31.329h30.201l-4.515-31.617c45.722-3.954,53.906-28.23,53.906-44.311 C319.363,233.428,227.076,247.532,227.076,220.157z"/></svg>
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