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synced 2025-02-17 13:14:29 -05:00
- Awesome Geospatial
- Database
- [Image Classification & DIP Software ] (#image-classification-&-DIP-software)
- [Geographic Information System] (#geographic-information-system)
- [Web map development] (#web-map-development)
- [Web map server] (#web-map-server)
- PostGIS - PostgreSql spatial extension.
- Spatialite - SQLite spatial extension.
- Neo4j Spatial - Library of spatial utilities for Neo4j.
- Oracle Spatial - Oracle database spatial extension.
- MySql Spatial - MySql spatial extension.
- [GeoCouch] (https://github.com/couchbase/geocouch) - GeoCouch is a spatial extension for Couchbase and Apache CouchDB.
- [Cloudant] (https://cloudant.com/) - IBM noSQL database that supports spatial data (GeoJSON).
- [MondoDB] (https://www.mongodb.com/) - Also supports GeoJSON and spatial indexes.
- [DB2 Spatial Extender] (http://www-03.ibm.com/software/products/en/db2spaext) - Spatial Extender allows you to store, manage, and analyze spatial data in DB2.
- [Informix Spatial] (http://www-01.ibm.com/software/data/informix/spatial/) - Informix spatial extension.
- [Teradata Geospatial Feature] (http://br.teradata.com/Resources/Demos/Teradata-Geospatial-Features-Overview/?LangType=1046&LangSelect=true) - Teradata spatial extension for DW and BI.
Image Classification & DIP Software
- [eCognition] (http://www.ecognition.com/suite/ecognition-developer) - GEOBIA software.
- [Interimage] (http://www.lvc.ele.puc-rio.br/projects/interimage/) - Open Source GEOBIA software.
- [ENVI] (http://www.harrisgeospatial.com/ProductsandSolutions/GeospatialProducts/ENVI.aspx) - Geospatial image processing and classification software.
- [ERDAS] (http://www.hexagongeospatial.com/products/producer-suite/erdas-imagine) - Geospatial image processing and classification software.
- [PCI Geomatica] (http://www.pcigeomatics.com/software/geomatica/professional) - Remote sensing software package for image processing
- [Global Mapper] (http://www.bluemarblegeo.com/products/global-mapper.php) - Geospatial and remote sensing data analysis.
- [Spring] (http://www.dpi.inpe.br/spring/english/index.html) - GIS and remote sensing image processing system with an object-oriented data model.
- [TerrSet] (https://clarklabs.org/terrset/) - TerrSet (formerly IDRISI) is an integrated geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing software
Geographic Information System
- [ArcGIS] (https://www.arcgis.com/features/) - GIS for working with maps and geographic information.
- [QGIS] (http://www.qgis.org/en/site/) - Cross-platform free and open-source desktop geographic information system.
- [Terraview] (http://www.dpi.inpe.br/terraview_eng/index.php) - GIS application built using the TerraLib GIS library.
- [gvSIG] (http://www.gvsig.com/en) - Free and open source GIS.
- [GRASS GIS] (https://grass.osgeo.org/) - GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) is a free and open source GIS.
- [ILWIS] (http://52north.org/communities/ilwis/ilwis-open) - Integrated Land and Water Information System (ILWIS) is a remote sensing and GIS software.
- [MapWindow GIS] (http://www.mapwindow.org/) - Free and open source desktop geographic information system.
- [MapInfo] (http://www.pitneybowes.com/us/location-intelligence/geographic-information-systems/mapinfo-pro.html) - Commercial GIS.
- [Geomedia] (http://www.hexagongeospatial.com/products/producer-suite/geomedia) - Commercial GIS.
- [uDig] (http://udig.refractions.net/) - A GIS Framework for Eclipse (Java) and also a GIS software.
- [SAGA] (http://www.saga-gis.org/en/index.html) - SAGA is the abbreviation for System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses.
- [Manifold System] (http://www.manifold.net/) - Commercial GIS.
- [AutoCAD Map 3D] (http://www.autodesk.com.br/products/autocad-map-3d/overview) - GIS AutoCAD integration.
- [Smallworld] (https://www.gegridsolutions.com/geospatial/catalog/smallworld_core.htm) - Commercial GIS.
Web map development
- [OpenLayers] (http://openlayers.org/) - Open source AJAX library.
- [Leaflet] (http://leafletjs.com/) - Open-Source JavaScript Library for Mobile-Friendly Interactive Maps.
- [Geomanjas] (http://www.geomajas.org/) - Open source development software for web-based and cloud based GIS applications.
- [Cesium] (https://cesiumjs.org/) - An open-source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes and maps.
Web map server
- [Geoserver] (http://geoserver.org/) - WMS written in Java and relies on GeoTools. Allows users to share and edit geospatial data.
- [Mapserver] (http://mapserver.org/) - WMS written in C.
- [Mapnik] (http://mapnik.org/) - C++/Python/Node.js library for rendering.
- [MapGuide] (https://mapguide.osgeo.org/) - Runs on Linux or Windows, supports Apache and IIS web servers, and has APIs (PHP, .NET, Java, and JavaScript) for application development.
Long list of geospatial tools and resources
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