From e8d0ca6a8ecd36a7a9032cd508529afdc2f4d179 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Max Moroz Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2017 03:40:56 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 01/21] Add libFuzzer, syzkaller and fuzzer-test-suite. (#8) * Add libFuzzer, syzkaller and fuzzer-test-suite. * Add missing http:// scheme. --- | 14 +++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 0784add..e606f2c 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -159,6 +159,12 @@ [Filesystem Fuzzing with American Fuzzy lop]( +##### libFuzzer Fuzzer related tutorials + +[libFuzzer Tutorial]( + +[libFuzzer Workshop: "Modern fuzzing of C/C++ Projects"]( + ##### Spike Fuzzer related tutorials [Fuzzing with Spike to find overflows]( @@ -234,6 +240,10 @@ [Hodor Fuzzer]( - Yet Another general purpose fuzzer. +[libFuzzer]( - In-process, coverage-guided, evolutionary fuzzing engine for targets written in C/C++. + +[syzkaller]( - Distributed, unsupervised, coverage-guided Linux syscall fuzzer. + ### Taint Analysis ( How user input affects the execution) @@ -307,10 +317,12 @@ PacketStorm - ##### Samples files for seeding during fuzzing: -[PDF Test Corpus from Mozilla] ( +[PDF Test Corpus from Mozilla]( [MS Office file format documentation]( +[Fuzzer Test Suite]( - Set of tests for fuzzing engines. Includes different well-known bugs such as Heartbleed, c-ares $100K bug and others. + ## Anti-Fuzzing From 8d1305a33b63759d8cf1883314c4f3e242e98327 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?=E8=B0=AD=E5=85=B4=E9=82=A6?= Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2017 10:42:48 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 02/21] Add Chinese Translation (#9) * add chiness translation Chinese translation of part * Add Chinese Translation Add Chinese Translation --- | 326 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 326 insertions(+) create mode 100644 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8d1fcb --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,326 @@ +Fuzzing 大合集 [![Awesome](]( +=================== + +这是一个在学习 fuzzing 的最初阶段最好的有关 fuzzing 的资源合集(书籍、课程、视频、教程等等) + +### Table of Contents +- [书籍](#书籍) +- [课程](#课程) + + [免费](#免费) + + [付费](#付费) +- [视频](#videos) + + [NYU Poly Course videos](#nyu-poly-videos) + + [Conference talks/tutorials on Fuzzing](#conf-talks-tutorials) +- [教程](#教程) +- [工具](#工具) + + [文件格式 Fuzzer](#文件格式Fuzzer) + + [网络协议 Fuzzer](#网络协议Fuzzer) + + [Taint Analysis](#taint-analysis) + + [符号执行 + SAT/SMT求解器](#符号执行) + + [基本工具(通用)](#基本工具(通用)) +- [存在漏洞的应用程序](#存在漏洞的应用程序) +- [反Fuzzing](#反Fuzzing) +- [贡献](#贡献) + +Awesome Fuzzing Resources +------------- + +## 书籍 +*关于 fuzzing 的书籍* + ++ [Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery]( 作者: Michael Sutton, Adam Greene, Pedram Amini + ++ [Fuzzing for Software Security Testing and Quality Assurance ]( 作者: Ari Takanen, Charles Miller, and Jared D Demott + ++ [Open Source Fuzzing Tools]( 作者: Gadi Evron and Noam Rathaus + ++ [Gray Hat Python]( 作者: Justin Seitz + + +> **Note:** 下列书籍中的部分章节也描述了 fuzzing + +> - [The Shellcoder's Handbook: Discovering and Exploiting Security Holes ( Chapter 15 )]( 作者 Chris Anley, Dave Aitel, David Litchfield 等 + +> - [iOS Hacker's Handbook - Chapter 1]( 作者: Charles Miller, Dino DaiZovi, Dion Blazakis, Ralf-Philip Weinmann, and Stefan Esser + +IDA Pro - The IDA Pro Book: 世界上最流行的反汇编工具的非官方指导书 + + +## 课程 + +*与 fuzzing 有关的课程/培训* + + +### 免费 + +[NYU Poly ( see videos for more )]( ) - Dan Guido 出品的免费指导 + +[ ( check projects section and chapter 17 ) ]( - Sam 出品 + +[Modern Binary Exploitation ( RPISEC ) - Chapter 15 ]( - RPISEC 出品 + +[Offensive Computer Security - Week 6]( - W. Owen Redwood 和 Prof. Xiuwen Liu 出品 + + +### 付费 ( $$$ ) +[Offensive Security, Cracking The Perimeter ( CTP ) and Advanced Windows Exploitation ( AWE )]( + +[SANS 660/760 Advanced Exploit Development for Penetration Testers]( + +[Exodus Intelligence - 漏洞挖掘大师级课程]( + + +## 视频 + +*讨论 fuzzing 技术、工具、最佳实践的视频* + +### NYU Poly Course videos (from Dan Guido) +[Fuzzing 101 (Part 1)]( - Mike Zusman 出品 + +[Fuzzing 101 (Part 2)]( - Mike Zusman 出品 + +[Fuzzing 101 (2009)]( - Mike Zusman 出品 + +[Fuzzing - Software Security Course on Coursera]( - 马里兰大学出品 + + +### 关于 Fuzzing 的会议讨论/教程 +[Youtube Playlist of various fuzzing talks and presentations ]( - 列表内有许多优质内容 + + +[Browser bug hunting - Memoirs of a last man standing]( - Atte Kettunen 出品 + +[Coverage-based Greybox Fuzzing as Markov Chain]( + + +## 教程 + +*解释 fuzzing 方法、技术与最佳实践的教程与博客* +### [2016 文章] + +[Effective File Format Fuzzing]( - Mateusz “j00ru” Jurczyk @ Black Hat Europe 2016, London + +[A year of Windows kernel font fuzzing Part-1 the results]( - Google Zero 项目的最佳论文,描述了如何进行 fuzzing 以及如何构建一个 fuzzer + +[A year of Windows kernel font fuzzing Part-2 the techniques]( - Google Zero 项目的最佳论文,描述了如何进行 fuzzing 以及如何构建一个 fuzzer + +[Interesting bugs and resources at fuzzing project]( - 出品 + +[Fuzzing workflows; a fuzz job from start to finish]( - @BrandonPrry 出品 + +[A gentle introduction to fuzzing C++ code with AFL and libFuzzer]( - Jeff Trull 出品 + +[15 分钟介绍 fuzzing]( - MWR Security 出品 + +> **Note:** Folks at 收集了很多非常有用的链接,我没有重复他们的工作,我只是整理了 2015 年到 2016 年间他们没有收录的文章 +[Fuzzing Papers]( - 出品 + +[Fuzzing 博客]( - 出品 + +[Root Cause Analysis of the Crash during Fuzzing]( - Corelan Team 出品 +[Root cause analysis of integer flow]( - Corelan Team 出品 + +[Creating custom peach fuzzer publishers]( - Open Security Research 出品 + +[在 Fuzzing 大型开源项目前要考虑的 7 件事]( - Emily Ratliff + +##### 从 Fuzzing 到 Exploit +[从 fuzzing 到 0-day]( - Harold Rodriguez(@superkojiman) 出品 + +[从 crash 到 exploit]( - Corelan Team 出品 + +##### Peach Fuzzer 相关教程 +[Peach 上手指南]( +[使用 Peach 进行 Fuzzing Part 1]( - Jason Kratzer of corelan team 出品 +[使用 Peach 进行 Fuzzing Part 2]( - Jason Kratzer of corelan team 出品 +[Peach pit 文件的自动生成]( - Frédéric Guihéry, Georges Bossert 出品 + +##### AFL Fuzzer 相关教程 +[Fuzzing 工作流程,包含 fuzz 的始末]( - @BrandonPrry 出品 + +[使用 AFL persistent 模式对 capstone 进行 Fuzzing]( - @toasted_flakes 出品 + +[RAM disks and saving your SSD from AFL Fuzzing]( + +[使用 AFL 进行 Bug 挖掘]( + +[AFL 在真实示例中的高级用法]( + +[Segfaulting Python with afl-fuzz]( + +[Fuzzing Perl: A Tale of Two American Fuzzy Lops]( + +[使用 AFL-Fuzz 进行 Fuzzing 的实例( AFL vs Binutils )]( + +[Fuzzing 模拟器的重要性]( + +[心脏滴血漏洞是如何被发现的]( + +[用 AFL 进行文件系统 Fuzzing]( + +##### Spike Fuzzer 相关教程 + +[Fuzzing with Spike to find overflows]( + +[Fuzzing with Spike]( - 出品 + +##### FOE Fuzzer 相关教程 +[Fuzzing with FOE]( - 出品 + + +##### SMT/SAT 求解器教程 +[Z3 - A guide]( - Z3 快速上手指南 + + +## 工具 + +*那些在 fuzzing 中能帮上忙的工具* + +### 文件格式 Fuzzer + +*那些帮助对像 pdf, mp3, swf 等文件格式进行 fuzzing 的 Fuzzers* + +[MiniFuzz]( - Microsoft 出品的基础文件格式 fuzzing 工具 + +[BFF from CERT]( - 基础文件格式 fuzzing 框架 + +[AFL Fuzzer (Linux only)]( - Michal Zalewski aka lcamtuf 开发的 Fuzzer + +[Win AFL]( - Ivan Fratic 开发的针对 Windows 二进制程序 fuzzing 的 AFL 分支版本 + +[Shellphish Fuzzer]( - 一个操纵 AFL 的 Python 接口,可以简单的写入测试用例与其他功能 + +[TriforceAFL]( - 一个 AFL 的修正版,支持应用源码无法获得情况下的 fuzzing + +[Peach Fuzzer]( - 帮助创建传统 dumb 以及小型 fuzzer 的框架 + +[MozPeach]( - 由 Mozilla Security 开发基于 peach 2.7 版本的分支版本 + +[Failure Observation Engine (FOE)]( - 基于畸形文件的 Windows 程序 Fuzzing 工具 + +[rmadair]( - 基于畸形文件的 fuzzer,使用 PyDBG 来监视感兴趣的信号 + +[honggfuzz]( - 支持反馈驱动、基于代码覆盖率的通用、易用型 Fuzzer + +[zzuf]( - 一个透明应用输入 fuzzer,可以拦截文件操作、改变程序输入的随机位 + +[radamsa]( - 通用的 fuzzer,测试用例生成器 + + +### 网络协议 Fuzzer + +*那些帮助对像 HTTP, SSH, SMTP 等网络协议进行 fuzzing 的 Fuzzer* + +[Peach Fuzzer]( - 帮助创建传统 dumb 以及小型 fuzzer 的框架 + +[Sulley]( - Michael Sutton 开发,包含多个可扩展组件的 Fuzzer 开发与 Fuzzing 测试框架 + +[boofuzz]( - Sulley 框架的继任者 + +[Spike]( - 像 sulley 的 fuzzer 开发框架,是 sulley 的前身 + +[Metasploit Framework]( - 通过 Auxiliary 模块使其具有了 fuzzing 能力的框架 + +[Nightmare]( - 一个带有 Web 管理界面的分布式 fuzzing 测试套件,支持对网络协议进行 fuzzing + +[rage_fuzzer]( - 未知协议包 fuzzer + + +### 杂项,内核 Fuzzer,通用 Fuzzer +[KernelFuzzer]( - 跨平台内核 Fuzzer 框架 + +[honggfuzz]( - 带有分析选项的通用、易用型 fuzzer + +[Hodor Fuzzer]( - 曾经是另一个通用的 fuzzer + + +### 流分析(用户输入如何影响执行) + +[PANDA ( Platform for Architecture-Neutral Dynamic Analysis )]( + +[QIRA (QEMU Interactive Runtime Analyser)]( + + +### 符号执行 + SAT/SMT 求解器 +[Z3]( + +[SMT-LIB]( + +### 参考 + +我没有把全部的东西都纳进来,比如 AxMan,请参考以下链接获取更多信息 + + + +### 基本工具(通用) + +*漏洞利用工具开发者、逆向工程师常用的工具* + +#### 调试工具 + +[Windbg]( - 漏洞利用者常用的调试器 + +[Immunity Debugger]( - Immunity Sec 出品的调试器 + +[OllyDbg]( - 逆向工程师的常见选择 + +[ ( Plugin for windbg and Immunity dbg )]( - 漏洞利用开发者的绝佳工具 + +[x64dbg]( - 开源 Windows x64/x32 调试器 + +[Evan's Debugger (EDB)]( - Front end for gdb. + +[GDB - Gnu Debugger]( - 最好的 Linux 调试器 + +[PEDA]( - Python 开发的 GDB 辅助程序 + +[Radare2]( - 逆向工程与程序分析的框架 + + + +#### 反汇编工具 + +*反汇编工具、反汇编框架等* + +[IDA Pro]( - 最好的反汇编工具 + +[binnavi]( - 二进制程序分析 IDE,注释反汇编代码的控制流图与调用图 + +[Capstone]( - Capstone 是一个轻量、跨平台、多架构支持的反汇编框架 + + +#### 其他 + +[ltrace]( - 库调用拦截 + +[strace]( - 系统调用拦截 + + + +## 存在漏洞的应用程序 +Exploit-DB - +(搜索、选取漏洞,有些提供了程序下载,可以通过你选择试用的 fuzzer 对利用进行复现 + +PacketStorm - + +##### fuzzing 期间种子样本文件 + + +[PDF Test Corpus from Mozilla]( + +[MS Office file format documentation]( + + +## 反Fuzzing + +[Introduction to Anti-Fuzzing: A Defence In-Depth Aid]( + + +## 贡献 + +[请查看 中关于细节的介绍]( + +感谢下列人员对这个项目的贡献: ++ [Tim Strazzere]( ++ [jksecurity]( + From 385a1e64b25e53d77e84277a15e8c6e00a86c2d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mohammed A Imran Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2017 01:07:07 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 03/21] Fix markdown rendering issues with anchor tags Anchor tag doesnt render well for links inside --- | 122 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------- 1 file changed, 71 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index e606f2c..e3c2c87 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -9,32 +9,32 @@ A curated list of fuzzing resources ( Books, courses - free and paid, videos, to + [Free](#free) + [Paid](#paid) - [Videos](#videos) - + [NYU Poly Course videos](#nyu-poly-videos) - + [Conference talks/tutorials on Fuzzing](#conf-talks-tutorials) -- [Tutorials](#tutorials) + + [NYU Poly Course videos](#nyu-poly-course-videos) + + [Conference talks and tutorials](#conference-talks-and-tutorials) +- [Tutorials and Blogs](#tutorials-and-blogs) - [Tools](#tools) + [File Format Fuzzers](#file-format-fuzzers) + [Network Protocol Fuzzers](#network-protocol-fuzzers) + [Taint Analysis](#taint-analysis) - + [Symbolic Execution + SAT/SMT Solvers](#smt-solvers) - + [Essential Tools (generic)](#essential-tools) -- [Vulnerable Applications](#vuln-apps) -- [Anti-Fuzzing](#antifuzz) -- [Contributing](#contribution) + + [Symbolic Execution SAT and SMT Solvers](#symbolic-execution-sat-and-smt-solvers) + + [Essential Tools](#essential-tools) +- [Vulnerable Applications](#vulnerable-applications) +- [Anti-Fuzzing](#anti-fuzzing) +- [Contributing](#contributing) + + +# Awesome Fuzzing Resources -Awesome Fuzzing Resources -------------- - ## Books + *Books on fuzzing* +- [Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery]( by Michael Sutton, Adam Greene, Pedram Amini. -+ [Fuzzing: Brute Force Vulnerability Discovery]( by Michael Sutton, Adam Greene, Pedram Amini. +- [Fuzzing for Software Security Testing and Quality Assurance ]( by Ari Takanen, Charles Miller, and Jared D Demott. -+ [Fuzzing for Software Security Testing and Quality Assurance ]( by Ari Takanen, Charles Miller, and Jared D Demott. +- [Open Source Fuzzing Tools]( by by Gadi Evron and Noam Rathaus. -+ [Open Source Fuzzing Tools]( by by Gadi Evron and Noam Rathaus. - -+ [Gray Hat Python]( by Justin Seitz. +- [Gray Hat Python]( by Justin Seitz. > **Note:** Chapter(s) in the following books are dedicated to fuzzing. @@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ Awesome Fuzzing Resources > - [iOS Hacker's Handbook - Chapter 1]( Charles Miller, Dino DaiZovi, Dion Blazakis, Ralf-Philip Weinmann, and Stefan Esser. -IDA Pro - The IDA Pro Book: The Unofficial Guide to the World's Most Popular Disassembler. +> - [IDA Pro - The IDA Pro Book: The Unofficial Guide to the World's Most Popular Disassembler]( + - ## Courses *Courses/Training videos on fuzzing* - + ### Free [NYU Poly ( see videos for more )]( ) - Made available freely by Dan Guido. @@ -61,20 +61,21 @@ IDA Pro - The IDA Pro Book: The Unofficial Guide to the World's Most Popular Dis [Offensive Computer Security - Week 6]( - by W. Owen Redwood and Prof. Xiuwen Liu. - -### Paid ( $$$ ) +### Paid + [Offensive Security, Cracking The Perimeter ( CTP ) and Advanced Windows Exploitation ( AWE )]( [SANS 660/760 Advanced Exploit Development for Penetration Testers]( [Exodus Intelligence - Vulnerability development master class]( - + ## Videos *Videos talking about fuzzing techniques, tools and best practices* - -### NYU Poly Course videos (from Dan Guido) + + +### NYU Poly Course videos [Fuzzing 101 (Part 1)]( - by Mike Zusman. [Fuzzing 101 (Part 2)]( - by Mike Zusman. @@ -83,19 +84,18 @@ IDA Pro - The IDA Pro Book: The Unofficial Guide to the World's Most Popular Dis [Fuzzing - Software Security Course on Coursera]( - by University of Maryland. - -### Conference talks/tutorials on Fuzzing +### Conference talks and tutorials [Youtube Playlist of various fuzzing talks and presentations ]( - Lots of good content in these videos. - [Browser bug hunting - Memoirs of a last man standing]( - by Atte Kettunen [Coverage-based Greybox Fuzzing as Markov Chain]( - -## Tutorials/Blogs. + +## Tutorials and Blogs *Tutorials and blogs which explain methodology, techniques and best practices of fuzzing* + ### [2016 articles] [Effective File Format Fuzzing]( - Mateusz “j00ru” Jurczyk @ Black Hat Europe 2016, London @@ -125,15 +125,21 @@ [7 Things to Consider Before Fuzzing a Large Open Source Project]( - by Emily Ratliff. + ##### From Fuzzing to Exploit: [From fuzzing to 0-day]( - by Harold Rodriguez(@superkojiman). [From crash to exploit]( - by Corelan Team. ##### Peach Fuzzer related tutorials + [Getting Started with Peach]( -[Fuzzing with Peach Part 1]( - by Jason Kratzer of corelan team. -[Fuzzing with Peach Part 2]( - by Jason Kratzer of corelan team. + +[Fuzzing with Peach Part 1]( - by Jason Kratzer of corelan team + + +[Fuzzing with Peach Part 2]( - by Jason Kratzer of corelan team. + [Auto generation of Peach pit files/fuzzers]( - by Frédéric Guihéry, Georges Bossert. ##### AFL Fuzzer related tutorials @@ -155,34 +161,40 @@ [The Importance of Fuzzing...Emulators?]( -[How Heartbleed could've been found]( +[How Heartbleed could've been found]( [Filesystem Fuzzing with American Fuzzy lop]( + ##### libFuzzer Fuzzer related tutorials [libFuzzer Tutorial]( [libFuzzer Workshop: "Modern fuzzing of C/C++ Projects"]( + ##### Spike Fuzzer related tutorials [Fuzzing with Spike to find overflows]( [Fuzzing with Spike]( - by + ##### FOE Fuzzer related tutorials + [Fuzzing with FOE]( - by ##### SMT/SAT solver tutorials + [Z3 - A guide]( - Getting Started with Z3: A Guide - + ## Tools *Tools which helps in fuzzing applications* - + + ### File Format Fuzzers *Fuzzers which helps in fuzzing file formats like pdf, mp3, swf etc.,* @@ -213,7 +225,7 @@ [radamsa]( - A general purpose fuzzer and test case generator. - + ### Network Protocol Fuzzers *Fuzzers which helps in fuzzing applications which use network based protocals like HTTP, SSH, SMTP etc.,* @@ -232,8 +244,11 @@ [rage_fuzzer]( - A dumb protocol-unaware packet fuzzer/replayer. - -### Misc. like Kernel Fuzzers, general purpose fuzzer etc., + +### Misc +*Other notable fuzzers like Kernel Fuzzers, general purpose fuzzer etc.,* + + [KernelFuzzer]( - Cross Platform Kernel Fuzzer Framework. [honggfuzz]( - A general-purpose, easy-to-use fuzzer with interesting analysis options. @@ -244,31 +259,35 @@ [syzkaller]( - Distributed, unsupervised, coverage-guided Linux syscall fuzzer. - -### Taint Analysis ( How user input affects the execution) +### Taint Analysis +*How user input affects the execution* [PANDA ( Platform for Architecture-Neutral Dynamic Analysis )]( [QIRA (QEMU Interactive Runtime Analyser)]( - -### Symbolic Execution + SAT/SMT Solvers + +### Symbolic Execution SAT and SMT Solvers + [Z3]( [SMT-LIB]( + ### References I haven't included some of the legends like AxMan, please refer the following link for more information. - -### Essential Tools (generic) + +### Essential Tools *Tools of the trade for exploit developers, reverse engineers* - + + #### Debuggers + [Windbg]( - The preferred debugger by exploit writers. [Immunity Debugger]( - Immunity Debugger by Immunity Sec. @@ -288,18 +307,18 @@ [Radare2]( - Framework for reverse-engineering and analyzing binaries. - #### Disassemblers and some more *Dissemblers, disassembly frameworks etc.,* + [IDA Pro]( - The best disassembler [binnavi]( - Binary analysis IDE, annotates control flow graphs and call graphs of disassembled code. [Capstone]( - Capstone is a lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework. - + #### Others [ltrace]( - Intercepts library calls @@ -307,14 +326,16 @@ [strace]( - Intercepts system calls - ## Vulnerable Applications + Exploit-DB - (search and pick the exploits, which have respective apps available for download, reproduce the exploit by using fuzzer of your choice) PacketStorm - + ##### Samples files for seeding during fuzzing: + [PDF Test Corpus from Mozilla]( @@ -323,12 +344,12 @@ [Fuzzer Test Suite]( - Set of tests for fuzzing engines. Includes different well-known bugs such as Heartbleed, c-ares $100K bug and others. - -## Anti-Fuzzing + +## Anti Fuzzing [Introduction to Anti-Fuzzing: A Defence In-Depth Aid]( - + ## Contributing [Please refer the guidelines at for details]( @@ -336,4 +357,3 @@ Thanks to the following folks who made contributions to this project. + [Tim Strazzere]( + [jksecurity]( - From 49dc9fb8bb9a3d13eb45d7bd4c726e0897ca5676 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marshall Whittaker Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2017 10:22:06 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 04/21] ansvif Added ansvif (A Not So Very Intelligent Fuzzer) to the list. --- | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/ b/ index e3c2c87..ed47ee8 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -259,6 +259,8 @@ [syzkaller]( - Distributed, unsupervised, coverage-guided Linux syscall fuzzer. +[ansvif]( - An advanced cross platform fuzzing framework designed to find vulnerabilities in C/C++ code. + ### Taint Analysis *How user input affects the execution* From 3cc4f05aa5c0bd5d20be3542adffabe7c683ff61 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mohammed A Imran Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2017 12:29:33 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 05/21] Fixes #10 - Fix broken Peach tutorial links --- | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index ed47ee8..c17af94 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ [Getting Started with Peach]( -[Fuzzing with Peach Part 1]( - by Jason Kratzer of corelan team +[Fuzzing with Peach Part 1]( - by Jason Kratzer of corelan team -[Fuzzing with Peach Part 2]( - by Jason Kratzer of corelan team. +[Fuzzing with Peach Part 2]( - by Jason Kratzer of corelan team. [Auto generation of Peach pit files/fuzzers]( - by Frédéric Guihéry, Georges Bossert. From 35ba0d91e82cf36872e2988d5b1165f3258f82c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: shanmugam Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2017 16:35:15 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 06/21] Minifuzz no longer available --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index c17af94..d1610a7 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ *Fuzzers which helps in fuzzing file formats like pdf, mp3, swf etc.,* -[MiniFuzz]( - Basic file format fuzzing tool by Microsoft. +~~[MiniFuzz]( - Basic file format fuzzing tool by Microsoft.~~ (No longer available) [BFF from CERT]( - Basic Fuzzing Framework for file formats. From 3739e0cc8269eb385da4c9c9f452b8bb8e2bb763 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Fuzz Stati0n Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2017 00:59:31 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 07/21] Add Fuzzgoat to Vulnerable Applications section (#19) --- | 2 ++ | 2 ++ 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+) diff --git a/ b/ index c17af94..a27042c 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -335,6 +335,8 @@ Exploit-DB - PacketStorm - +[Fuzzgoat]( - Vulnerable C program for testing fuzzers. + ##### Samples files for seeding during fuzzing: diff --git a/ b/ index b8d1fcb..82b3286 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -303,6 +303,8 @@ Exploit-DB - PacketStorm - +[Fuzzgoat]( - Vulnerable C program for testing fuzzers. + ##### fuzzing 期间种子样本文件 From b45b3ea411ff4cc173879b161de86231030a6d50 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Aaron Muir Hamilton Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2017 08:05:12 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 08/21] Fix MozPeach link. (#18) --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index a27042c..50c3eb7 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ [Peach Fuzzer]( - Framework which helps to create custom dumb and smart fuzzers. -[MozPeach]( - A fork of peach 2.7 by Mozilla Security. +[MozPeach]( - A fork of peach 2.7 by Mozilla Security. [Failure Observation Engine (FOE)]( - mutational file-based fuzz testing tool for windows applications. From 937a3e59c5aa8b773a5ea69dfcdf2ab977cb7981 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Aron Granberg Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2017 10:06:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 09/21] Fix typo in (fuzzy loop -> fuzzy lop) (#15) --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 50c3eb7..f895ad0 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ [BFF from CERT]( - Basic Fuzzing Framework for file formats. -[AFL Fuzzer (Linux only)]( - American Fuzzy Loop Fuzzer by Michal Zalewski aka lcamtuf +[AFL Fuzzer (Linux only)]( - American Fuzzy Lop Fuzzer by Michal Zalewski aka lcamtuf [Win AFL]( - A fork of AFL for fuzzing Windows binaries by Ivan Fratic From c1ca34c7f338d8ca0208a176c335f4540c47444e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Damian Gryski Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2017 10:07:58 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 10/21] add perl/xs fuzzing tutorial (#13) --- | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/ b/ index f895ad0..9196e75 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -165,6 +165,8 @@ [Filesystem Fuzzing with American Fuzzy lop]( +[Fuzzing Perl/XS modules with AFL]( + ##### libFuzzer Fuzzer related tutorials From f302cac4ccd4fb6ae16cf4f33beccbff37f78229 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jose nazario Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2017 04:09:42 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 11/21] blurbs for SMT-LIB and Z3 (#14) --- | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 9196e75..8d2862b 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -273,9 +273,9 @@ ### Symbolic Execution SAT and SMT Solvers -[Z3]( +[Z3]( - A theorem prover from Microsoft Research. -[SMT-LIB]( +[SMT-LIB]( - An international initiative aimed at facilitating research and development in Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) ### References From 70fde7696afde746b556b4345d18245e09b5f70d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Foster Brereton Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2017 01:11:45 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 12/21] Adding binspector to the tools list (#17) --- | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/ b/ index 8d2862b..b277a7f 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ [radamsa]( - A general purpose fuzzer and test case generator. +[binspector]( - A binary format analysis and fuzzing tool ### Network Protocol Fuzzers From c2d46650bc85c8d78edda7d02ce0e8138db5a8fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jose nazario Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2017 14:56:45 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 13/21] add server fuzzing with AFL tutorial (#20) --- | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/ b/ index b277a7f..310fae2 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ [Fuzzing Perl/XS modules with AFL]( +[How to fuzz a server with American Fuzzy Lop]( - by Jonathan Foote ##### libFuzzer Fuzzer related tutorials From 1b08264880a22dc1fa98719d1edbd774cbc0f816 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Renata Hodovan Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2017 23:03:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 14/21] Add grammarinator to file format fuzzers. --- | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/ b/ index 310fae2..34d0f61 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -230,6 +230,8 @@ [binspector]( - A binary format analysis and fuzzing tool +[grammarinator]( - Fuzzing tool for file formats based on ANTLR v4 grammars (lots of grammars already available from the ANTLR project). + ### Network Protocol Fuzzers *Fuzzers which helps in fuzzing applications which use network based protocals like HTTP, SSH, SMTP etc.,* From 3389f5f05ec282185371b5814c718a58267e8d7a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mohammed A Imran Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2017 16:57:55 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 15/21] Link to contributors page --- | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/ b/ index dd91e26..38e448c 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -367,3 +367,4 @@ Thanks to the following folks who made contributions to this project. + [Tim Strazzere]( + [jksecurity]( ++ [and these awesome people]( From 6aa1eac08825d28e03e7d5a4f9a2bc2f53a1020c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mohammed A Imran Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2017 11:49:11 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 16/21] Fix author name for Sulley --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 38e448c..efdd06b 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ [Peach Fuzzer]( - Framework which helps to create custom dumb and smart fuzzers. -[Sulley]( - A fuzzer development and fuzz testing framework consisting of multiple extensible components by Michael Sutton. +[Sulley]( - A fuzzer development and fuzz testing framework consisting of multiple extensible components by Pedram Amini. [boofuzz]( - A fork and successor of Sulley framework. From 01a365c2bd3a2f22313cf162de6d5270404bab17 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: griddd Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 07:05:58 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 17/21] Add Derbycon talk on Fuzzing (#23) * Update --- | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/ b/ index efdd06b..e6a18fb 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ A curated list of fuzzing resources ( Books, courses - free and paid, videos, to [Coverage-based Greybox Fuzzing as Markov Chain]( +[DerbyCon 2016: Fuzzing basics...or how to break software]( + ## Tutorials and Blogs From 911c8f4989a6d21f1b71a0e52446e6fe4d6c5fca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: f0r Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 20:07:19 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 18/21] Fix broken link of AFL and LibFuzzer tutorial (#24) replace the link of 'A gentle introduction to fuzzing C++ code with AFL and libFuzzer' --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index e6a18fb..f648bf6 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ A curated list of fuzzing resources ( Books, courses - free and paid, videos, to [Fuzzing workflows; a fuzz job from start to finish]( - by @BrandonPrry. -[A gentle introduction to fuzzing C++ code with AFL and libFuzzer]( - by Jeff Trull. +[A gentle introduction to fuzzing C++ code with AFL and libFuzzer]( - by Jeff Trull. [A 15 minute introduction to fuzzing]( - by folks at MWR Security. From eaf54f8e78c1c0986d0b1b23c72409c76ce943e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mohammed A Imran Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2017 14:09:51 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 19/21] Add minifuzz way back machine link --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index f648bf6..d501ec2 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ *Fuzzers which helps in fuzzing file formats like pdf, mp3, swf etc.,* -~~[MiniFuzz]( - Basic file format fuzzing tool by Microsoft.~~ (No longer available) +[MiniFuzz - Wayback Machine link]( - Basic file format fuzzing tool by Microsoft. (No longer available on Microsoft website). [BFF from CERT]( - Basic Fuzzing Framework for file formats. From 620bb36a8495ab6b16b9d2003d64b5013c0058c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sponge Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2017 08:04:26 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 20/21] Add kfetch-toolkit, advanced logging of memory references (#25) --- | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/ b/ index d501ec2..2535e09 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ [QIRA (QEMU Interactive Runtime Analyser)]( +[kfetch-toolkit]( - Tool to perform advanced logging of memory references performed by operating systems’ kernels ### Symbolic Execution SAT and SMT Solvers From f11eaae59c5746ac610aec913e29b4946e08cb8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: mykter Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2017 02:10:59 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 21/21] Add fuzzing with AFL workshop from SteelCon 2017 (#26) Also remove out of date "2016" sub-heading --- | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 2535e09..ca79777 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -98,8 +98,6 @@ A curated list of fuzzing resources ( Books, courses - free and paid, videos, to *Tutorials and blogs which explain methodology, techniques and best practices of fuzzing* -### [2016 articles] - [Effective File Format Fuzzing]( - Mateusz “j00ru” Jurczyk @ Black Hat Europe 2016, London [A year of Windows kernel font fuzzing Part-1 the results]( - Amazing article by Google's Project Zero, describing what it takes to do fuzzing and create fuzzers. @@ -171,6 +169,8 @@ [How to fuzz a server with American Fuzzy Lop]( - by Jonathan Foote +[Fuzzing with AFL Workshop - a set of challenges on real vulnerabilities]( + ##### libFuzzer Fuzzer related tutorials [libFuzzer Tutorial](