diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 78ca5d0..eac0c4b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -84,8 +84,9 @@ IDA Pro - The IDA Pro Book: The Unofficial Guide to the World's Most Popular Dis ### Conference talks/tutorials on Fuzzing -[Youtube Playlist of various fuzzing talks and presentations ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtPrYlwXDImiO_hzK7npBi4eKQQBgygLD) -Consider watching talks from Charlie Miller, +[Youtube Playlist of various fuzzing talks and presentations ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtPrYlwXDImiO_hzK7npBi4eKQQBgygLD) - Lots of good content in these videos. + + [Browser bug hunting - Memoirs of a last man standing](https://vimeo.com/109380793) - by Atte Kettunen @@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ https://www.corelan.be/index.php/2013/02/26/root-cause-analysis-memory-corruptio [RAM disks and saving your SSD from AFL Fuzzing](http://cipherdyne.org/blog/2014/12/ram-disks-and-saving-your-ssd-from-afl-fuzzing.html) + ##### Spike Fuzzer related tutorials [Fuzzing with Spike to find overflows](http://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-like-pro-build-your-own-exploits-part-3-fuzzing-with-spike-find-overflows-0162789/) @@ -145,6 +147,10 @@ https://www.corelan.be/index.php/2013/02/26/root-cause-analysis-memory-corruptio ##### FOE Fuzzer related tutorials [Fuzzing with FOE](https://samsclass.info/127/proj/p16-fuzz.htm) - by Samclass.info + +##### SMT/SAT solver tutorials +[Z3 - A guide](http://rise4fun.com/z3/tutorial/guide) - Getting Started with Z3: A Guide + ## Tools @@ -162,6 +168,8 @@ https://www.corelan.be/index.php/2013/02/26/root-cause-analysis-memory-corruptio [Win AFL](https://github.com/ivanfratric/winafl) - A fork of AFL for fuzzing Windows binaries by Ivan Fratic +[Shellphish Fuzzer](https://github.com/shellphish/fuzzer) - A Python interface to AFL, allowing for easy injection of testcases and other functionality. + [TriforceAFL](https://www.nccgroup.trust/uk/about-us/newsroom-and-events/blogs/2016/june/project-triforce-run-afl-on-everything/) - A modified version of AFL that supports fuzzing for applications whose source code not available. [Peach Fuzzer](https://peachfuzz.sourceforge.net/) - Framework which helps to create custom dumb and smart fuzzers. @@ -172,7 +180,7 @@ https://www.corelan.be/index.php/2013/02/26/root-cause-analysis-memory-corruptio [rmadair](http://rmadair.github.io/fuzzer/) - mutation based file fuzzer that uses PyDBG to monitor for signals of interest. -[hongfuzz](https://github.com/google/honggfuzz) - A general-purpose, easy-to-use fuzzer with interesting analysis options. Supports feedback-driven fuzzing based on code coverage. Supports GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OSX and Android. +[honggfuzz](https://github.com/google/honggfuzz) - A general-purpose, easy-to-use fuzzer with interesting analysis options. Supports feedback-driven fuzzing based on code coverage. Supports GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OSX and Android. [zzuf](https://github.com/samhocevar/zzuf) - A transparent application input fuzzer. It works by intercepting file operations and changing random bits in the program's input. @@ -195,6 +203,14 @@ https://www.corelan.be/index.php/2013/02/26/root-cause-analysis-memory-corruptio [Nightmare](https://github.com/joxeankoret/nightmare) - A distributed fuzzing testing suite with web administration, supports fuzzing using network protocols. + +### Misc. like Kernel Fuzzers, general purpose fuzzer etc., +[KernelFuzzer](https://github.com/mwrlabs/KernelFuzzer) - Cross Platform Kernel Fuzzer Framework. + +[honggfuzz](http://google.github.io/honggfuzz/) - A general-purpose, easy-to-use fuzzer with interesting analysis options. + +[Hodor Fuzzer](https://github.com/nccgroup/hodor) - Yet Another general purpose fuzzer. + ### Taint Analysis ( How user input affects the execution) @@ -266,6 +282,8 @@ Exploit-DB - https://www.exploit-db.com ##### Samples files for seeding during fuzzing: https://files.fuzzing-project.org/ +[PDF Test Corpus from Mozilla] (https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/tree/master/test/pdfs) + [MS Office file format documentation](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=14565)