oobabooga 5a79863df3 Increase the sequence length, decrease batch size
I have no idea what I am doing
2023-03-03 15:54:13 -03:00

97 lines
2.9 KiB

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.
import json
import os
import sys
import time
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple
import fire
import torch
from fairscale.nn.model_parallel.initialize import initialize_model_parallel
from llama import LLaMA, ModelArgs, Tokenizer, Transformer
os.environ['RANK'] = '0'
os.environ['WORLD_SIZE'] = '1'
os.environ['MP'] = '1'
os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = ''
os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = '2223'
def setup_model_parallel() -> Tuple[int, int]:
local_rank = int(os.environ.get("LOCAL_RANK", -1))
world_size = int(os.environ.get("WORLD_SIZE", -1))
# seed must be the same in all processes
return local_rank, world_size
def load(
ckpt_dir: str,
tokenizer_path: str,
local_rank: int,
world_size: int,
max_seq_len: int,
max_batch_size: int,
) -> LLaMA:
start_time = time.time()
checkpoints = sorted(Path(ckpt_dir).glob("*.pth"))
assert world_size == len(
), f"Loading a checkpoint for MP={len(checkpoints)} but world size is {world_size}"
ckpt_path = checkpoints[local_rank]
checkpoint = torch.load(ckpt_path, map_location="cpu")
with open(Path(ckpt_dir) / "params.json", "r") as f:
params = json.loads(f.read())
model_args: ModelArgs = ModelArgs(
max_seq_len=max_seq_len, max_batch_size=max_batch_size, **params
tokenizer = Tokenizer(model_path=tokenizer_path)
model_args.vocab_size = tokenizer.n_words
model = Transformer(model_args)
model.load_state_dict(checkpoint, strict=False)
generator = LLaMA(model, tokenizer)
print(f"Loaded in {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds")
return generator
class LLaMAModel:
def __init__(self):
def from_pretrained(self, path, max_seq_len=2048, max_batch_size=1):
tokenizer_path = path / "tokenizer.model"
path = os.path.abspath(path)
tokenizer_path = os.path.abspath(tokenizer_path)
local_rank, world_size = setup_model_parallel()
if local_rank > 0:
sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w")
generator = load(
path, tokenizer_path, local_rank, world_size, max_seq_len, max_batch_size
result = self()
result.pipeline = generator
return result
def generate(self, prompt, token_count=512, temperature=0.8, top_p=0.95):
results = self.pipeline.generate(
[prompt], max_gen_len=token_count, temperature=temperature, top_p=top_p
return results[0]