Φφ 5389fce8e1 Extensions performance & memory optimisations
Reworked remove_surrounded_chars() to use regular expression ( https://regexr.com/7alb5 ) instead of repeated string concatenations for elevenlab_tts, silero_tts, sd_api_pictures. This should be both faster and more robust in handling asterisks.

Reduced the memory footprint of send_pictures and sd_api_pictures by scaling the images in the chat to 300 pixels max-side wise. (The user already has the original in case of the sent picture and there's an option to save the SD generation).
This should fix history growing annoyingly large with multiple pictures present
2023-03-22 11:51:00 +03:00

117 lines
3.6 KiB

from pathlib import Path
import gradio as gr
from elevenlabslib import ElevenLabsUser
from elevenlabslib.helpers import save_bytes_to_path
import re
import modules.shared as shared
params = {
'activate': True,
'api_key': '12345',
'selected_voice': 'None',
initial_voice = ['None']
wav_idx = 0
user = ElevenLabsUser(params['api_key'])
user_info = None
if not shared.args.no_stream:
print("Please add --no-stream. This extension is not meant to be used with streaming.")
raise ValueError
# Check if the API is valid and refresh the UI accordingly.
def check_valid_api():
global user, user_info, params
user = ElevenLabsUser(params['api_key'])
user_info = user._get_subscription_data()
print('checking api')
if params['activate'] == False:
return gr.update(value='Disconnected')
elif user_info is None:
print('Incorrect API Key')
return gr.update(value='Disconnected')
print('Got an API Key!')
return gr.update(value='Connected')
# Once the API is verified, get the available voices and update the dropdown list
def refresh_voices():
global user, user_info
your_voices = [None]
if user_info is not None:
for voice in user.get_available_voices():
return gr.Dropdown.update(choices=your_voices)
def remove_surrounded_chars(string):
# regexp is way faster than repeated string concatenation!
# this expression matches to 'as few symbols as possible (0 upwards) between any asterisks' OR
# 'as few symbols as possible (0 upwards) between an asterisk and the end of the string'
return re.sub('\*[^\*]*?(\*|$)','',string)
def input_modifier(string):
This function is applied to your text inputs before
they are fed into the model.
return string
def output_modifier(string):
This function is applied to the model outputs.
global params, wav_idx, user, user_info
if params['activate'] == False:
return string
elif user_info == None:
return string
string = remove_surrounded_chars(string)
string = string.replace('"', '')
string = string.replace('', '')
string = string.replace('\n', ' ')
string = string.strip()
if string == '':
string = 'empty reply, try regenerating'
output_file = Path(f'extensions/elevenlabs_tts/outputs/{wav_idx:06d}.wav'.format(wav_idx))
voice = user.get_voices_by_name(params['selected_voice'])[0]
audio_data = voice.generate_audio_bytes(string)
save_bytes_to_path(Path(f'extensions/elevenlabs_tts/outputs/{wav_idx:06d}.wav'), audio_data)
string = f'<audio src="file/{output_file.as_posix()}" controls></audio>'
wav_idx += 1
return string
def ui():
# Gradio elements
with gr.Row():
activate = gr.Checkbox(value=params['activate'], label='Activate TTS')
connection_status = gr.Textbox(value='Disconnected', label='Connection Status')
voice = gr.Dropdown(value=params['selected_voice'], choices=initial_voice, label='TTS Voice')
with gr.Row():
api_key = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Enter your API key.", label='API Key')
connect = gr.Button(value='Connect')
# Event functions to update the parameters in the backend
activate.change(lambda x: params.update({'activate': x}), activate, None)
voice.change(lambda x: params.update({'selected_voice': x}), voice, None)
api_key.change(lambda x: params.update({'api_key': x}), api_key, None)
connect.click(check_valid_api, [], connection_status)
connect.click(refresh_voices, [], voice)