import asyncio import json import sys try: import websockets except ImportError: print("Websockets package not found. Make sure it's installed.") # For local streaming, the websockets are hosted without ssl - ws:// HOST = 'localhost:5005' URI = f'ws://{HOST}/api/v1/chat-stream' # For reverse-proxied streaming, the remote will likely host with ssl - wss:// # URI = 'wss://' async def run(user_input, history): # Note: the selected defaults change from time to time. request = { 'user_input': user_input, 'max_new_tokens': 250, 'history': history, 'mode': 'instruct', # Valid options: 'chat', 'chat-instruct', 'instruct' 'character': 'Example', 'instruction_template': 'Vicuna-v1.1', 'your_name': 'You', 'regenerate': False, '_continue': False, 'stop_at_newline': False, 'chat_generation_attempts': 1, 'chat-instruct_command': 'Continue the chat dialogue below. Write a single reply for the character "<|character|>".\n\n<|prompt|>', # Generation params. If 'preset' is set to different than 'None', the values # in presets/preset-name.yaml are used instead of the individual numbers. 'preset': 'None', 'do_sample': True, 'temperature': 0.7, 'top_p': 0.1, 'typical_p': 1, 'epsilon_cutoff': 0, # In units of 1e-4 'eta_cutoff': 0, # In units of 1e-4 'tfs': 1, 'top_a': 0, 'repetition_penalty': 1.18, 'top_k': 40, 'min_length': 0, 'no_repeat_ngram_size': 0, 'num_beams': 1, 'penalty_alpha': 0, 'length_penalty': 1, 'early_stopping': False, 'mirostat_mode': 0, 'mirostat_tau': 5, 'mirostat_eta': 0.1, 'seed': -1, 'add_bos_token': True, 'truncation_length': 2048, 'ban_eos_token': False, 'skip_special_tokens': True, 'stopping_strings': [] } async with websockets.connect(URI, ping_interval=None) as websocket: await websocket.send(json.dumps(request)) while True: incoming_data = await websocket.recv() incoming_data = json.loads(incoming_data) match incoming_data['event']: case 'text_stream': yield incoming_data['history'] case 'stream_end': return async def print_response_stream(user_input, history): cur_len = 0 async for new_history in run(user_input, history): cur_message = new_history['visible'][-1][1][cur_len:] cur_len += len(cur_message) print(cur_message, end='') sys.stdout.flush() # If we don't flush, we won't see tokens in realtime. if __name__ == '__main__': user_input = "Please give me a step-by-step guide on how to plant a tree in my backyard." # Basic example history = {'internal': [], 'visible': []} # "Continue" example. Make sure to set '_continue' to True above # arr = [user_input, 'Surely, here is'] # history = {'internal': [arr], 'visible': [arr]}, history))