dark_theme: true show_controls: true start_with: '' mode: chat chat_style: cai-chat prompt-default: QA prompt-notebook: QA preset: simple-1 max_new_tokens: 200 max_new_tokens_min: 1 max_new_tokens_max: 4096 seed: -1 negative_prompt: '' truncation_length: 2048 truncation_length_min: 0 truncation_length_max: 32768 custom_stopping_strings: '' auto_max_new_tokens: false max_tokens_second: 0 ban_eos_token: false custom_token_bans: '' add_bos_token: true skip_special_tokens: true stream: true name1: You character: Assistant instruction_template: Alpaca chat-instruct_command: |- Continue the chat dialogue below. Write a single reply for the character "<|character|>". <|prompt|> autoload_model: false gallery-items_per_page: 50 gallery-open: false default_extensions: - gallery