import re import gc import time import glob import torch import argparse import json import io import base64 import sys from sys import exit from pathlib import Path from PIL import Image import copy import gradio as gr import warnings from tqdm import tqdm import transformers from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM from modules.html_generator import * from modules.ui import * from modules.stopping_criteria import _SentinelTokenStoppingCriteria transformers.logging.set_verbosity_error() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, help='Name of the model to load by default.') parser.add_argument('--notebook', action='store_true', help='Launch the web UI in notebook mode, where the output is written to the same text box as the input.') parser.add_argument('--chat', action='store_true', help='Launch the web UI in chat mode.') parser.add_argument('--cai-chat', action='store_true', help='Launch the web UI in chat mode with a style similar to Character.AI\'s. If the file img_bot.png or img_bot.jpg exists in the same folder as, this image will be used as the bot\'s profile picture. Similarly, img_me.png or img_me.jpg will be used as your profile picture.') parser.add_argument('--cpu', action='store_true', help='Use the CPU to generate text.') parser.add_argument('--load-in-8bit', action='store_true', help='Load the model with 8-bit precision.') parser.add_argument('--auto-devices', action='store_true', help='Automatically split the model across the available GPU(s) and CPU.') parser.add_argument('--disk', action='store_true', help='If the model is too large for your GPU(s) and CPU combined, send the remaining layers to the disk.') parser.add_argument('--disk-cache-dir', type=str, help='Directory to save the disk cache to. Defaults to "cache/".') parser.add_argument('--gpu-memory', type=int, help='Maximum GPU memory in GiB to allocate. This is useful if you get out of memory errors while trying to generate text. Must be an integer number.') parser.add_argument('--cpu-memory', type=int, help='Maximum CPU memory in GiB to allocate for offloaded weights. Must be an integer number. Defaults to 99.') parser.add_argument('--no-stream', action='store_true', help='Don\'t stream the text output in real time. This improves the text generation performance.') parser.add_argument('--settings', type=str, help='Load the default interface settings from this json file. See settings-template.json for an example.') parser.add_argument('--extensions', type=str, help='The list of extensions to load. If you want to load more than one extension, write the names separated by commas and between quotation marks, "like,this".') parser.add_argument('--listen', action='store_true', help='Make the web UI reachable from your local network.') parser.add_argument('--listen-port', type=int, help='The listening port the server will use.') parser.add_argument('--share', action='store_true', help='Create a public URL. This is useful for running the web UI on Google Colab or similar.') parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', help='Print the prompts to the terminal.') args = parser.parse_args() if ( or args.cai_chat) and not args.no_stream: print("Warning: chat mode currently becomes somewhat slower with text streaming on.\nConsider starting the web UI with the --no-stream option.\n") settings = { 'max_new_tokens': 200, 'max_new_tokens_min': 1, 'max_new_tokens_max': 2000, 'preset': 'NovelAI-Sphinx Moth', 'name1': 'Person 1', 'name2': 'Person 2', 'context': 'This is a conversation between two people.', 'prompt': 'Common sense questions and answers\n\nQuestion: \nFactual answer:', 'prompt_gpt4chan': '-----\n--- 865467536\nInput text\n--- 865467537\n', 'stop_at_newline': True, 'history_size': 0, 'history_size_min': 0, 'history_size_max': 64, 'preset_pygmalion': 'Pygmalion', 'name1_pygmalion': 'You', 'name2_pygmalion': 'Kawaii', 'context_pygmalion': "Kawaii's persona: Kawaii is a cheerful person who loves to make others smile. She is an optimist who loves to spread happiness and positivity wherever she goes.\n", 'stop_at_newline_pygmalion': False, } if args.settings is not None and Path(args.settings).exists(): with open(Path(args.settings), 'r') as f: new_settings = json.load(f) for item in new_settings: if item in settings: settings[item] = new_settings[item] def load_model(model_name): print(f"Loading {model_name}...") t0 = time.time() # Default settings if not (args.cpu or args.load_in_8bit or args.auto_devices or args.disk or args.gpu_memory is not None): if Path(f"torch-dumps/{model_name}.pt").exists(): print("Loading in .pt format...") model = torch.load(Path(f"torch-dumps/{model_name}.pt")) elif model_name.lower().startswith(('gpt-neo', 'opt-', 'galactica')) and any(size in model_name.lower() for size in ('13b', '20b', '30b')): model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(Path(f"models/{model_name}"), device_map='auto', load_in_8bit=True) else: model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(Path(f"models/{model_name}"), low_cpu_mem_usage=True, torch_dtype=torch.float16).cuda() # Custom else: settings = ["low_cpu_mem_usage=True"] command = "AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained" if args.cpu: settings.append("torch_dtype=torch.float32") else: settings.append("device_map='auto'") if args.gpu_memory is not None: if args.cpu_memory is not None: settings.append(f"max_memory={{0: '{args.gpu_memory}GiB', 'cpu': '{args.cpu_memory}GiB'}}") else: settings.append(f"max_memory={{0: '{args.gpu_memory}GiB', 'cpu': '99GiB'}}") if args.disk: if args.disk_cache_dir is not None: settings.append(f"offload_folder='{args.disk_cache_dir}'") else: settings.append("offload_folder='cache'") if args.load_in_8bit: settings.append("load_in_8bit=True") else: settings.append("torch_dtype=torch.float16") settings = ', '.join(set(settings)) command = f"{command}(Path(f'models/{model_name}'), {settings})" model = eval(command) # Loading the tokenizer if model_name.lower().startswith(('gpt4chan', 'gpt-4chan', '4chan')) and Path(f"models/gpt-j-6B/").exists(): tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(Path("models/gpt-j-6B/")) else: tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(Path(f"models/{model_name}/")) tokenizer.truncation_side = 'left' print(f"Loaded the model in {(time.time()-t0):.2f} seconds.") return model, tokenizer # Removes empty replies from gpt4chan outputs def fix_gpt4chan(s): for i in range(10): s = re.sub("--- [0-9]*\n>>[0-9]*\n---", "---", s) s = re.sub("--- [0-9]*\n *\n---", "---", s) s = re.sub("--- [0-9]*\n\n\n---", "---", s) return s # Fix the LaTeX equations in galactica def fix_galactica(s): s = s.replace(r'\[', r'$') s = s.replace(r'\]', r'$') s = s.replace(r'\(', r'$') s = s.replace(r'\)', r'$') s = s.replace(r'$$', r'$') return s def encode(prompt, tokens_to_generate=0, add_special_tokens=True): if args.cpu: input_ids = tokenizer.encode(str(prompt), return_tensors='pt', truncation=True, max_length=2048-tokens_to_generate, add_special_tokens=add_special_tokens) else: torch.cuda.empty_cache() input_ids = tokenizer.encode(str(prompt), return_tensors='pt', truncation=True, max_length=2048-tokens_to_generate, add_special_tokens=add_special_tokens).cuda() return input_ids def decode(output_ids): reply = tokenizer.decode(output_ids, skip_special_tokens=True) reply = reply.replace(r'<|endoftext|>', '') return reply def formatted_outputs(reply, model_name): if not ( or args.cai_chat): if model_name.lower().startswith('galactica'): reply = fix_galactica(reply) return reply, reply, generate_basic_html(reply) elif model_name.lower().startswith(('gpt4chan', 'gpt-4chan', '4chan')): reply = fix_gpt4chan(reply) return reply, 'Only applicable for GALACTICA models.', generate_4chan_html(reply) else: return reply, 'Only applicable for GALACTICA models.', generate_basic_html(reply) else: return reply def generate_reply(question, tokens, inference_settings, selected_model, eos_token=None, stopping_string=None): global model, tokenizer, model_name, loaded_preset, preset original_question = question if not ( or args.cai_chat): question = apply_extensions(question, "input") if args.verbose: print(f"\n\n{question}\n--------------------\n") if selected_model != model_name: model_name = selected_model model = tokenizer = None if not args.cpu: gc.collect() torch.cuda.empty_cache() model, tokenizer = load_model(model_name) if inference_settings != loaded_preset: with open(Path(f'presets/{inference_settings}.txt'), 'r') as infile: preset = loaded_preset = inference_settings cuda = "" if args.cpu else ".cuda()" n = tokenizer.eos_token_id if eos_token is None else tokenizer.encode(eos_token, return_tensors='pt')[0][-1] input_ids = encode(question, tokens) if stopping_string is not None: # The stopping_criteria code below was copied from # t = encode(stopping_string, 0, add_special_tokens=False) stopping_criteria_list = transformers.StoppingCriteriaList([ _SentinelTokenStoppingCriteria( sentinel_token_ids=t, starting_idx=len(input_ids[0]) ) ]) else: stopping_criteria_list = None # Generate the entire reply at once if args.no_stream: t0 = time.time() output = eval(f"model.generate(input_ids, eos_token_id={n}, stopping_criteria=stopping_criteria_list, {preset}){cuda}") reply = decode(output[0]) t1 = time.time() print(f"Output generated in {(t1-t0):.2f} seconds ({(len(output[0])-len(input_ids[0]))/(t1-t0):.2f} it/s)") if not ( or args.cai_chat): reply = original_question + apply_extensions(reply[len(question):], "output") yield formatted_outputs(reply, model_name) # Generate the reply 1 token at a time else: yield formatted_outputs(original_question, model_name) preset = preset.replace('max_new_tokens=tokens', 'max_new_tokens=8') for i in tqdm(range(tokens//8+1)): output = eval(f"model.generate(input_ids, eos_token_id={n}, stopping_criteria=stopping_criteria_list, {preset}){cuda}") reply = decode(output[0]) if not ( or args.cai_chat): reply = original_question + apply_extensions(reply[len(question):], "output") yield formatted_outputs(reply, model_name) input_ids = output if output[0][-1] == n: break def apply_extensions(text, typ): global available_extensions, extension_state for ext in sorted(extension_state, key=lambda x : extension_state[x][1]): if extension_state[ext][0] == True: ext_string = f"extensions.{ext}.script" if typ == "input": text = eval(f"{ext_string}.input_modifier(text)") else: text = eval(f"{ext_string}.output_modifier(text)") return text def get_available_models(): return sorted(set([item.replace('.pt', '') for item in map(lambda x : str(, list(Path('models/').glob('*'))+list(Path('torch-dumps/').glob('*'))) if not item.endswith('.txt')]), key=str.lower) def get_available_presets(): return sorted(set(map(lambda x : '.'.join(str('.')[:-1]), Path('presets').glob('*.txt'))), key=str.lower) def get_available_characters(): return ["None"] + sorted(set(map(lambda x : '.'.join(str('.')[:-1]), Path('characters').glob('*.json'))), key=str.lower) def get_available_extensions(): return sorted(set(map(lambda x :[1], Path('extensions').glob('*/'))), key=str.lower) available_models = get_available_models() available_presets = get_available_presets() available_characters = get_available_characters() available_extensions = get_available_extensions() extension_state = {} if args.extensions is not None: for i,ext in enumerate(args.extensions.split(',')): if ext in available_extensions: print(f'Loading the extension "{ext}"... ', end='') ext_string = f"extensions.{ext}.script" exec(f"import {ext_string}") extension_state[ext] = [True, i] print(f'Ok.') # Choosing the default model if args.model is not None: model_name = args.model else: if len(available_models) == 0: print("No models are available! Please download at least one.") exit(0) elif len(available_models) == 1: i = 0 else: print("The following models are available:\n") for i,model in enumerate(available_models): print(f"{i+1}. {model}") print(f"\nWhich one do you want to load? 1-{len(available_models)}\n") i = int(input())-1 print() model_name = available_models[i] model, tokenizer = load_model(model_name) loaded_preset = None # UI settings default_text = settings['prompt_gpt4chan'] if model_name.lower().startswith(('gpt4chan', 'gpt-4chan', '4chan')) else settings['prompt'] description = f"\n\n# Text generation lab\nGenerate text using Large Language Models.\n" css = ".my-4 {margin-top: 0} .py-6 {padding-top: 2.5rem} #refresh-button {flex: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; min-width: 50px; border: none; box-shadow: none; border-radius: 0} #download-label, #upload-label {min-height: 0}" if or args.cai_chat: history = {'internal': [], 'visible': []} character = None # This gets the new line characters right. def clean_chat_message(text): text = text.replace('\n', '\n\n') text = re.sub(r"\n{3,}", "\n\n", text) text = text.strip() return text def generate_chat_prompt(text, tokens, name1, name2, context, history_size): text = clean_chat_message(text) rows = [f"{context.strip()}\n"] i = len(history['internal'])-1 count = 0 while i >= 0 and len(encode(''.join(rows), tokens)[0]) < 2048-tokens: rows.insert(1, f"{name2}: {history['internal'][i][1].strip()}\n") count += 1 if not (history['internal'][i][0] == '<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>'): rows.insert(1, f"{name1}: {history['internal'][i][0].strip()}\n") count += 1 i -= 1 if history_size != 0 and count >= history_size: break rows.append(f"{name1}: {text}\n") rows.append(f"{name2}:") while len(rows) > 3 and len(encode(''.join(rows), tokens)[0]) >= 2048-tokens: rows.pop(1) rows.pop(1) question = ''.join(rows) return question def chatbot_wrapper(text, tokens, inference_settings, selected_model, name1, name2, context, check, history_size): original_text = text text = apply_extensions(text, "input") question = generate_chat_prompt(text, tokens, name1, name2, context, history_size) history['internal'].append(['', '']) history['visible'].append(['', '']) eos_token = '\n' if check else None for reply in generate_reply(question, tokens, inference_settings, selected_model, eos_token=eos_token, stopping_string=f"\n{name1}:"): next_character_found = False previous_idx = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(f"(^|\n){name2}:", question)] idx = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(f"(^|\n){name2}:", reply)] idx = idx[len(previous_idx)-1] reply = reply[idx + len(f"\n{name2}:"):] if check: reply = reply.split('\n')[0].strip() else: idx = reply.find(f"\n{name1}:") if idx != -1: reply = reply[:idx] next_character_found = True reply = clean_chat_message(reply) history['internal'][-1] = [text, reply] history['visible'][-1] = [original_text, apply_extensions(reply, "output")] if next_character_found: break # Prevent the chat log from flashing if something like "\nYo" is generated just # before "\nYou:" is completed tmp = f"\n{name1}:" next_character_substring_found = False for j in range(1, len(tmp)): if reply[-j:] == tmp[:j]: next_character_substring_found = True if not next_character_substring_found: yield history['visible'] yield history['visible'] def cai_chatbot_wrapper(text, tokens, inference_settings, selected_model, name1, name2, context, check, history_size): for _history in chatbot_wrapper(text, tokens, inference_settings, selected_model, name1, name2, context, check, history_size): yield generate_chat_html(_history, name1, name2, character) def regenerate_wrapper(text, tokens, inference_settings, selected_model, name1, name2, context, check, history_size): last = history['visible'].pop() history['internal'].pop() text = last[0] if args.cai_chat: for i in cai_chatbot_wrapper(text, tokens, inference_settings, selected_model, name1, name2, context, check, history_size): yield i else: for i in chatbot_wrapper(text, tokens, inference_settings, selected_model, name1, name2, context, check, history_size): yield i def remove_last_message(name1, name2): if not history['internal'][-1][0] == '<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>': last = history['visible'].pop() history['internal'].pop() else: last = ['', ''] if args.cai_chat: return generate_chat_html(history['visible'], name1, name2, character), last[0] else: return history['visible'], last[0] def clear_html(): return generate_chat_html([], "", "", character) def clear_chat_log(_character, name1, name2): global history if _character != 'None': for i in range(len(history['internal'])): if '<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>' in history['internal'][i][0]: history['visible'] = [['', history['internal'][i][1]]] history['internal'] = history['internal'][:i+1] break else: history['internal'] = [] history['visible'] = [] if args.cai_chat: return generate_chat_html(history['visible'], name1, name2, character) else: return history['visible'] def redraw_html(name1, name2): global history return generate_chat_html(history['visible'], name1, name2, character) def tokenize_dialogue(dialogue, name1, name2): _history = [] dialogue = re.sub('', '', dialogue) dialogue = re.sub('', '', dialogue) dialogue = re.sub('(\n|^)[Aa]non:', '\\1You:', dialogue) dialogue = re.sub('(\n|^)\[CHARACTER\]:', f'\\1{name2}:', dialogue) idx = [m.start() for m in re.finditer(f"(^|\n)({name1}|{name2}):", dialogue)] if len(idx) == 0: return _history messages = [] for i in range(len(idx)-1): messages.append(dialogue[idx[i]:idx[i+1]].strip()) messages.append(dialogue[idx[-1]:].strip()) entry = ['', ''] for i in messages: if i.startswith(f'{name1}:'): entry[0] = i[len(f'{name1}:'):].strip() elif i.startswith(f'{name2}:'): entry[1] = i[len(f'{name2}:'):].strip() if not (len(entry[0]) == 0 and len(entry[1]) == 0): _history.append(entry) entry = ['', ''] print(f"\nDialogue tokenized to:\n\n", end='') for i in _history: print(i) print("--------------------\n", end='') return _history def save_history(): if not Path('logs').exists(): Path('logs').mkdir() with open(Path('logs/conversation.json'), 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps({'data': history['internal'], 'data_visible': history['visible']})) return Path('logs/conversation.json') def upload_history(file, name1, name2): global history file = file.decode('utf-8') try: j = json.loads(file) if 'data' in j: history['internal'] = j['data'] if 'data_visible' in j: history['visible'] = j['data_visible'] else: history['visible'] = copy.deepcopy(history['internal']) # Compatibility with Pygmalion AI's official web UI elif 'chat' in j: history['internal'] = [':'.join(x.split(':')[1:]).strip() for x in j['chat']] if len(j['chat']) > 0 and j['chat'][0].startswith(f'{name2}:'): history['internal'] = [['<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>', history['internal'][0]]] + [[history['internal'][i], history['internal'][i+1]] for i in range(1, len(history['internal'])-1, 2)] else: history['internal'] = [[history['internal'][i], history['internal'][i+1]] for i in range(0, len(history['internal'])-1, 2)] except: history['internal'] = tokenize_dialogue(file, name1, name2) history['visible'] = copy.deepcopy(history['internal']) def load_character(_character, name1, name2): global history, character context = "" history['internal'] = [] history['visible'] = [] if _character != 'None': character = _character with open(Path(f'characters/{_character}.json'), 'r') as f: data = json.loads( name2 = data['char_name'] if 'char_persona' in data and data['char_persona'] != '': context += f"{data['char_name']}'s Persona: {data['char_persona']}\n" if 'world_scenario' in data and data['world_scenario'] != '': context += f"Scenario: {data['world_scenario']}\n" context = f"{context.strip()}\n\n" if 'example_dialogue' in data and data['example_dialogue'] != '': history['internal'] = tokenize_dialogue(data['example_dialogue'], name1, name2) if 'char_greeting' in data and len(data['char_greeting'].strip()) > 0: history['internal'] += [['<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>', data['char_greeting']]] history['visible'] += [['', data['char_greeting']]] else: history['internal'] += [['<|BEGIN-VISIBLE-CHAT|>', "Hello there!"]] history['visible'] += [['', "Hello there!"]] else: character = None context = settings['context_pygmalion'] name2 = settings['name2_pygmalion'] if args.cai_chat: return name2, context, generate_chat_html(history['visible'], name1, name2, character) else: return name2, context, history['visible'] def upload_character(json_file, img): json_file = json_file if type(json_file) == str else json_file.decode('utf-8') data = json.loads(json_file) outfile_name = data["char_name"] i = 1 while Path(f'characters/{outfile_name}.json').exists(): outfile_name = f'{data["char_name"]}_{i:03d}' i += 1 with open(Path(f'characters/{outfile_name}.json'), 'w') as f: f.write(json_file) if img is not None: img ='characters/{outfile_name}.png')) print(f'New character saved to "characters/{outfile_name}.json".') return outfile_name def upload_tavern_character(img, name1, name2): _img = _img.getexif() decoded_string = base64.b64decode(['chara']) _json = json.loads(decoded_string) _json = {"char_name": _json['name'], "char_persona": _json['description'], "char_greeting": _json["first_mes"], "example_dialogue": _json['mes_example'], "world_scenario": _json['scenario']} _json['example_dialogue'] = _json['example_dialogue'].replace('{{user}}', name1).replace('{{char}}', _json['char_name']) return upload_character(json.dumps(_json), img) def upload_your_profile_picture(img): img ='img_me.png')) print(f'Profile picture saved to "img_me.png"') suffix = '_pygmalion' if 'pygmalion' in model_name.lower() else '' with gr.Blocks(css=css+".h-\[40vh\] {height: 66.67vh} .gradio-container {max-width: 800px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto}", analytics_enabled=False) as interface: if args.cai_chat: display1 = gr.HTML(value=generate_chat_html([], "", "", character)) else: display1 = gr.Chatbot() textbox = gr.Textbox(label='Input') btn = gr.Button("Generate") with gr.Row(): stop = gr.Button("Stop") btn_regenerate = gr.Button("Regenerate") btn_remove_last = gr.Button("Remove last") btn_clear = gr.Button("Clear history") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): length_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=settings['max_new_tokens_min'], maximum=settings['max_new_tokens_max'], step=1, label='max_new_tokens', value=settings['max_new_tokens']) with gr.Row(): model_menu = gr.Dropdown(choices=available_models, value=model_name, label='Model') create_refresh_button(model_menu, lambda : None, lambda : {"choices": get_available_models()}, "refresh-button") with gr.Column(): history_size_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=settings['history_size_min'], maximum=settings['history_size_max'], step=1, label='Chat history size in prompt (0 for no limit)', value=settings['history_size']) with gr.Row(): preset_menu = gr.Dropdown(choices=available_presets, value=settings[f'preset{suffix}'], label='Generation parameters preset') create_refresh_button(preset_menu, lambda : None, lambda : {"choices": get_available_presets()}, "refresh-button") name1 = gr.Textbox(value=settings[f'name1{suffix}'], lines=1, label='Your name') name2 = gr.Textbox(value=settings[f'name2{suffix}'], lines=1, label='Bot\'s name') context = gr.Textbox(value=settings[f'context{suffix}'], lines=2, label='Context') with gr.Row(): character_menu = gr.Dropdown(choices=available_characters, value="None", label='Character') create_refresh_button(character_menu, lambda : None, lambda : {"choices": get_available_characters()}, "refresh-button") with gr.Row(): check = gr.Checkbox(value=settings[f'stop_at_newline{suffix}'], label='Stop generating at new line character?') with gr.Row(): with gr.Tab('Chat history'): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown('Upload') upload = gr.File(type='binary') with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown('Download') download = gr.File() save_btn = gr.Button(value="Click me") with gr.Tab('Upload character'): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown('1. Select the JSON file') upload_char = gr.File(type='binary') with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown('2. Select your character\'s profile picture (optional)') upload_img = gr.File(type='binary') upload_btn = gr.Button(value="Submit") with gr.Tab('Upload your profile picture'): upload_img_me = gr.File(type='binary') with gr.Tab('Upload TavernAI Character Card'): upload_img_tavern = gr.File(type='binary') input_params = [textbox, length_slider, preset_menu, model_menu, name1, name2, context, check, history_size_slider] if args.cai_chat: gen_event =, input_params, display1, show_progress=args.no_stream, api_name="textgen") gen_event2 = textbox.submit(cai_chatbot_wrapper, input_params, display1, show_progress=args.no_stream) else: gen_event =, input_params, display1, show_progress=args.no_stream, api_name="textgen") gen_event2 = textbox.submit(chatbot_wrapper, input_params, display1, show_progress=args.no_stream) gen_event3 =, input_params, display1, show_progress=args.no_stream), [character_menu, name1, name2], display1), [name1, name2], [display1, textbox], show_progress=False) x: "", textbox, textbox, show_progress=False) x: "", textbox, textbox, show_progress=False) textbox.submit(lambda x: "", textbox, textbox, show_progress=False), None, None, cancels=[gen_event, gen_event2, gen_event3]), inputs=[], outputs=[download]) character_menu.change(load_character, [character_menu, name1, name2], [name2, context, display1]) upload.upload(upload_history, [upload, name1, name2], []), [upload_char, upload_img], [character_menu]) upload_img_tavern.upload(upload_tavern_character, [upload_img_tavern, name1, name2], [character_menu]) upload_img_me.upload(upload_your_profile_picture, [upload_img_me], []) if args.cai_chat: upload.upload(redraw_html, [name1, name2], [display1]) upload_img_me.upload(redraw_html, [name1, name2], [display1]) else: upload.upload(lambda : history['visible'], [], [display1]) upload_img_me.upload(lambda : history['visible'], [], [display1]) elif args.notebook: with gr.Blocks(css=css, analytics_enabled=False) as interface: gr.Markdown(description) with gr.Tab('Raw'): textbox = gr.Textbox(value=default_text, lines=23) with gr.Tab('Markdown'): markdown = gr.Markdown() with gr.Tab('HTML'): html = gr.HTML() btn = gr.Button("Generate") stop = gr.Button("Stop") length_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=settings['max_new_tokens_min'], maximum=settings['max_new_tokens_max'], step=1, label='max_new_tokens', value=settings['max_new_tokens']) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): model_menu = gr.Dropdown(choices=available_models, value=model_name, label='Model') create_refresh_button(model_menu, lambda : None, lambda : {"choices": get_available_models()}, "refresh-button") with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): preset_menu = gr.Dropdown(choices=available_presets, value=settings['preset'], label='Generation parameters preset') create_refresh_button(preset_menu, lambda : None, lambda : {"choices": get_available_presets()}, "refresh-button") gen_event =, [textbox, length_slider, preset_menu, model_menu], [textbox, markdown, html], show_progress=args.no_stream, api_name="textgen") gen_event2 = textbox.submit(generate_reply, [textbox, length_slider, preset_menu, model_menu], [textbox, markdown, html], show_progress=args.no_stream), None, None, cancels=[gen_event, gen_event2]) else: with gr.Blocks(css=css, analytics_enabled=False) as interface: gr.Markdown(description) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): textbox = gr.Textbox(value=default_text, lines=15, label='Input') length_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=settings['max_new_tokens_min'], maximum=settings['max_new_tokens_max'], step=1, label='max_new_tokens', value=settings['max_new_tokens']) with gr.Row(): preset_menu = gr.Dropdown(choices=available_presets, value=settings['preset'], label='Generation parameters preset') create_refresh_button(preset_menu, lambda : None, lambda : {"choices": get_available_presets()}, "refresh-button") with gr.Row(): model_menu = gr.Dropdown(choices=available_models, value=model_name, label='Model') create_refresh_button(model_menu, lambda : None, lambda : {"choices": get_available_models()}, "refresh-button") btn = gr.Button("Generate") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): cont = gr.Button("Continue") with gr.Column(): stop = gr.Button("Stop") with gr.Column(): with gr.Tab('Raw'): output_textbox = gr.Textbox(lines=15, label='Output') with gr.Tab('Markdown'): markdown = gr.Markdown() with gr.Tab('HTML'): html = gr.HTML() gen_event =, [textbox, length_slider, preset_menu, model_menu], [output_textbox, markdown, html], show_progress=args.no_stream, api_name="textgen") gen_event2 = textbox.submit(generate_reply, [textbox, length_slider, preset_menu, model_menu], [output_textbox, markdown, html], show_progress=args.no_stream) cont_event =, [output_textbox, length_slider, preset_menu, model_menu], [output_textbox, markdown, html], show_progress=args.no_stream), None, None, cancels=[gen_event, gen_event2, cont_event]) interface.queue() if args.listen: interface.launch(share=args.share, server_name="", server_port=args.listen_port) else: interface.launch(share=args.share, server_port=args.listen_port)