import argparse import glob import os import shutil import site import subprocess import sys script_dir = os.getcwd() # Use this to set your command-line flags. For the full list, see: # CMD_FLAGS = '--chat --model-menu' def run_cmd(cmd, assert_success=False, environment=False, capture_output=False, env=None): # Use the conda environment if environment: conda_env_path = os.path.join(script_dir, "installer_files", "env") if sys.platform.startswith("win"): conda_bat_path = os.path.join(script_dir, "installer_files", "conda", "condabin", "conda.bat") cmd = "\"" + conda_bat_path + "\" activate \"" + conda_env_path + "\" >nul && " + cmd else: conda_sh_path = os.path.join(script_dir, "installer_files", "conda", "etc", "profile.d", "") cmd = ". \"" + conda_sh_path + "\" && conda activate \"" + conda_env_path + "\" && " + cmd # Run shell commands result =, shell=True, capture_output=capture_output, env=env) # Assert the command ran successfully if assert_success and result.returncode != 0: print("Command '" + cmd + "' failed with exit status code '" + str(result.returncode) + "'. Exiting...") sys.exit() return result def check_env(): # If we have access to conda, we are probably in an environment conda_exist = run_cmd("conda", environment=True, capture_output=True).returncode == 0 if not conda_exist: print("Conda is not installed. Exiting...") sys.exit() # Ensure this is a new environment and not the base environment if os.environ["CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV"] == "base": print("Create an environment for this project and activate it. Exiting...") sys.exit() def install_dependencies(): # Select your GPU or, choose to run in CPU mode print("What is your GPU") print() print("A) NVIDIA") print("B) AMD") print("C) Apple M Series") print("D) None (I want to run in CPU mode)") print() gpuchoice = input("Input> ").lower() # Install the version of PyTorch needed if gpuchoice == "a": run_cmd("conda install -y -k pytorch[version=2,build=py3.10_cuda11.7*] torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 cuda-toolkit ninja git -c pytorch -c nvidia/label/cuda-11.7.0 -c nvidia", assert_success=True, environment=True) elif gpuchoice == "b": print("AMD GPUs are not supported. Exiting...") sys.exit() elif gpuchoice == "c" or gpuchoice == "d": run_cmd("conda install -y -k pytorch torchvision torchaudio cpuonly git -c pytorch", assert_success=True, environment=True) else: print("Invalid choice. Exiting...") sys.exit() # Clone webui to our computer run_cmd("git clone", assert_success=True, environment=True) if sys.platform.startswith("win"): # Fix a bitsandbytes compatibility issue with Windows run_cmd("python -m pip install", assert_success=True, environment=True) # Install the webui dependencies update_dependencies() def update_dependencies(): os.chdir("text-generation-webui") run_cmd("git pull", assert_success=True, environment=True) # Installs/Updates dependencies from all requirements.txt run_cmd("python -m pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade", assert_success=True, environment=True) extensions = next(os.walk("extensions"))[1] for extension in extensions: if extension in ['superbooga']: # No wheels available for dependencies continue extension_req_path = os.path.join("extensions", extension, "requirements.txt") if os.path.exists(extension_req_path): run_cmd("python -m pip install -r " + extension_req_path + " --upgrade", assert_success=True, environment=True) # The following dependencies are for CUDA, not CPU # Check if the package cpuonly exists to determine if torch uses CUDA or not cpuonly_exist = run_cmd("conda list cpuonly | grep cpuonly", environment=True, capture_output=True).returncode == 0 if cpuonly_exist: return # Finds the path to your dependencies for sitedir in site.getsitepackages(): if "site-packages" in sitedir: site_packages_path = sitedir break # This path is critical to installing the following dependencies if site_packages_path is None: print("Could not find the path to your Python packages. Exiting...") sys.exit() # Fix a bitsandbytes compatibility issue with Linux if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): shutil.copy(os.path.join(site_packages_path, "bitsandbytes", ""), os.path.join(site_packages_path, "bitsandbytes", "")) if not os.path.exists("repositories/"): os.mkdir("repositories") # Install GPTQ-for-LLaMa which enables 4bit CUDA quantization os.chdir("repositories") if not os.path.exists("GPTQ-for-LLaMa/"): run_cmd("git clone -b cuda", assert_success=True, environment=True) # Install GPTQ-for-LLaMa dependencies os.chdir("GPTQ-for-LLaMa") run_cmd("git pull", assert_success=True, environment=True) # On some Linux distributions, g++ may not exist or be the wrong version to compile GPTQ-for-LLaMa if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): gxx_output = run_cmd("g++ --version", environment=True, capture_output=True) if gxx_output.returncode != 0 or b"g++ (GCC) 12" in gxx_output.stdout: # Install the correct version of g++ run_cmd("conda install -y -k gxx_linux-64=11.2.0", environment=True) # Compile and install GPTQ-for-LLaMa if os.path.exists(''): os.rename("", "") run_cmd("python -m pip install .", environment=True) # Wheel installation can fail while in the build directory of a package with the same name os.chdir("..") # If the path does not exist, then the install failed quant_cuda_path_regex = os.path.join(site_packages_path, "quant_cuda*/") if not glob.glob(quant_cuda_path_regex): # Attempt installation via alternative, Windows-specific method if sys.platform.startswith("win"): print("\n\n*******************************************************************") print("* WARNING: GPTQ-for-LLaMa compilation failed, but this is FINE and can be ignored!") print("* The installer will proceed to install a pre-compiled wheel.") print("*******************************************************************\n\n") result = run_cmd("python -m pip install", environment=True) if result.returncode == 0: print("Wheel installation success!") else: print("ERROR: GPTQ wheel installation failed. You will not be able to use GPTQ-based models.") else: print("ERROR: GPTQ CUDA kernel compilation failed.") print("You will not be able to use GPTQ-based models.") print("Continuing with install..") def download_model(): os.chdir("text-generation-webui") run_cmd("python", environment=True) def run_model(): os.chdir("text-generation-webui") run_cmd(f"python {CMD_FLAGS}", environment=True) if __name__ == "__main__": # Verifies we are in a conda environment check_env() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--update', action='store_true', help='Update the web UI.') args = parser.parse_args() if args.update: update_dependencies() else: # If webui has already been installed, skip and run if not os.path.exists("text-generation-webui/"): install_dependencies() os.chdir(script_dir) # Check if a model has been downloaded yet if len(glob.glob("text-generation-webui/models/*/")) == 0: download_model() os.chdir(script_dir) # Run the model with webui run_model()