import asyncio import os import re import sys import traceback from typing import Union, Optional import aiohttp from nio import (AsyncClient, AsyncClientConfig, InviteMemberEvent, JoinError, KeyVerificationCancel, KeyVerificationEvent, EncryptionError, KeyVerificationKey, KeyVerificationMac, KeyVerificationStart, LocalProtocolError, LoginResponse, MatrixRoom, MegolmEvent, RoomMessageText, ToDeviceError) from import SqliteStore from askgpt import askGPT from bing import BingBot from BingImageGen import ImageGenAsync from log import getlogger from send_image import send_room_image from send_message import send_room_message from v3 import Chatbot from bard import Bardbot from flowise import flowise_query logger = getlogger() class Bot: def __init__( self, homeserver: str, user_id: str, device_id: str, chatgpt_api_endpoint: str = os.environ.get( "CHATGPT_API_ENDPOINT") or "", api_key: Union[str, None] = None, room_id: Union[str, None] = None, bing_api_endpoint: Union[str, None] = None, password: Union[str, None] = None, access_token: Union[str, None] = None, bard_token: Union[str, None] = None, jailbreakEnabled: Union[bool, None] = True, bing_auth_cookie: Union[str, None] = '', markdown_formatted: Union[bool, None] = False, output_four_images: Union[bool, None] = False, import_keys_path: Optional[str] = None, import_keys_password: Optional[str] = None, flowise_api_url: Optional[str] = None, flowise_api_key: Optional[str] = None ): if (homeserver is None or user_id is None or device_id is None): logger.warning("homeserver && user_id && device_id is required") sys.exit(1) if (password is None and access_token is None): logger.warning("password or access_toekn is required") sys.exit(1) self.homeserver = homeserver self.user_id = user_id self.password = password self.access_token = access_token self.bard_token = bard_token self.device_id = device_id self.room_id = room_id self.api_key = api_key self.chatgpt_api_endpoint = chatgpt_api_endpoint self.import_keys_path = import_keys_path self.import_keys_password = import_keys_password self.flowise_api_url = flowise_api_url self.flowise_api_key = flowise_api_key self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession() if bing_api_endpoint is None: self.bing_api_endpoint = '' else: self.bing_api_endpoint = bing_api_endpoint if jailbreakEnabled is None: self.jailbreakEnabled = True else: self.jailbreakEnabled = jailbreakEnabled if bing_auth_cookie is None: self.bing_auth_cookie = '' else: self.bing_auth_cookie = bing_auth_cookie if markdown_formatted is None: self.markdown_formatted = False else: self.markdown_formatted = markdown_formatted if output_four_images is None: self.output_four_images = False else: self.output_four_images = output_four_images # initialize AsyncClient object self.store_path = os.getcwd() self.config = AsyncClientConfig(store=SqliteStore, store_name="db", store_sync_tokens=True, encryption_enabled=True, ) self.client = AsyncClient(homeserver=self.homeserver, user=self.user_id, device_id=self.device_id, config=self.config, store_path=self.store_path,) if self.access_token is not None: self.client.access_token = self.access_token # setup event callbacks self.client.add_event_callback( self.message_callback, (RoomMessageText, )) self.client.add_event_callback( self.decryption_failure, (MegolmEvent, )) self.client.add_event_callback( self.invite_callback, (InviteMemberEvent, )) self.client.add_to_device_callback( self.to_device_callback, (KeyVerificationEvent, )) # regular expression to match keyword commands self.gpt_prog = re.compile(r"^\s*!gpt\s*(.+)$") self.chat_prog = re.compile(r"^\s*!chat\s*(.+)$") self.bing_prog = re.compile(r"^\s*!bing\s*(.+)$") self.bard_prog = re.compile(r"^\s*!bard\s*(.+)$") self.pic_prog = re.compile(r"^\s*!pic\s*(.+)$") self.lc_prog = re.compile(r"^\s*!lc\s*(.+)$") self.help_prog = re.compile(r"^\s*!help\s*.*$") # initialize chatbot and chatgpt_api_endpoint if self.api_key is not None: self.chatbot = Chatbot(api_key=self.api_key, timeout=120) self.chatgpt_api_endpoint = self.chatgpt_api_endpoint # request header for !gpt command self.headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": f"Bearer {self.api_key}", } # initialize askGPT class self.askgpt = askGPT(self.session) # initialize bingbot if self.bing_api_endpoint != '': self.bingbot = BingBot( self.session, bing_api_endpoint, jailbreakEnabled=self.jailbreakEnabled) # initialize BingImageGenAsync if self.bing_auth_cookie != '': self.imageGen = ImageGenAsync(self.bing_auth_cookie, quiet=True) # initialize Bardbot if bard_token is not None: self.bardbot = Bardbot(self.bard_token) def __del__(self): try: loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() except RuntimeError: loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) loop.run_until_complete(self._close()) async def _close(self): await self.session.close() # message_callback RoomMessageText event async def message_callback(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: RoomMessageText) -> None: if self.room_id is None: room_id = room.room_id else: # if event room id does not match the room id in config, return if room.room_id != self.room_id: return room_id = self.room_id # reply event_id reply_to_event_id = event.event_id # sender_id sender_id = event.sender # user_message raw_user_message = event.body # print info to console f"Message received in room {room.display_name}\n" f"{room.user_name(event.sender)} | {raw_user_message}" ) # prevent command trigger loop if self.user_id != event.sender: # remove newline character from event.body content_body = re.sub("\r\n|\r|\n", " ", raw_user_message) # chatgpt n = self.chat_prog.match(content_body) if n: prompt = if self.api_key is not None: try: asyncio.create_task(, reply_to_event_id, prompt, sender_id, raw_user_message ) ) except Exception as e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) await send_room_message(self.client, room_id, reply_message=str(e)) else: logger.warning("No API_KEY provided") await send_room_message(self.client, room_id, reply_message="API_KEY not provided") m = self.gpt_prog.match(content_body) if m: prompt = try: asyncio.create_task(self.gpt( room_id, reply_to_event_id, prompt, sender_id, raw_user_message ) ) except Exception as e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) await send_room_message(self.client, room_id, reply_message=str(e)) # bing ai if self.bing_api_endpoint != '': b = self.bing_prog.match(content_body) if b: prompt = # raw_content_body used for construct formatted_body try: asyncio.create_task( room_id, reply_to_event_id, prompt, sender_id, raw_user_message ) ) except Exception as e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) await send_room_message(self.client, room_id, reply_message=str(e)) # Image Generation by Microsoft Bing if self.bing_auth_cookie != '': i = self.pic_prog.match(content_body) if i: prompt = try: asyncio.create_task(self.pic(room_id, prompt)) except Exception as e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) await send_room_message(self.client, room_id, reply_message=str(e)) # Google's Bard if self.bard_token is not None: b = self.bard_prog.match(content_body) if b: prompt = try: asyncio.create_task(self.bard( room_id, reply_to_event_id, prompt, sender_id, raw_user_message ) ) except Exception as e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) await send_room_message(self.client, room_id, reply_message={e}) # lc command if self.flowise_api_url is not None: m = self.lc_prog.match(content_body) if m: prompt = try: asyncio.create_task( room_id, reply_to_event_id, prompt, sender_id, raw_user_message ) ) except Exception as e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) await send_room_message(self.client, room_id, reply_message={e}) # help command h = self.help_prog.match(content_body) if h: asyncio.create_task( # message_callback decryption_failure event async def decryption_failure(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: MegolmEvent) -> None: if not isinstance(event, MegolmEvent): return logger.error( f"Failed to decrypt message: {event.event_id} \ from {event.sender} in {room.room_id}\n" + "Please make sure the bot current session is verified" ) # invite_callback event async def invite_callback(self, room: MatrixRoom, event: InviteMemberEvent) -> None: """Handle an incoming invite event. If an invite is received, then join the room specified in the invite. code copied from: """ logger.debug(f"Got invite to {room.room_id} from {event.sender}.") # Attempt to join 3 times before giving up for attempt in range(3): result = await self.client.join(room.room_id) if type(result) == JoinError: logger.error( f"Error joining room {room.room_id} (attempt %d): %s", attempt, result.message, ) else: break else: logger.error("Unable to join room: %s", room.room_id) # Successfully joined room"Joined {room.room_id}") # to_device_callback event async def to_device_callback(self, event: KeyVerificationEvent) -> None: """Handle events sent to device. Specifically this will perform Emoji verification. It will accept an incoming Emoji verification requests and follow the verification protocol. code copied from: """ try: client = self.client logger.debug( f"Device Event of type {type(event)} received in " "to_device_cb().") if isinstance(event, KeyVerificationStart): # first step """ first step: receive KeyVerificationStart KeyVerificationStart( source={'content': {'method': '', 'from_device': 'DEVICEIDXY', 'key_agreement_protocols': ['curve25519-hkdf-sha256', 'curve25519'], 'hashes': ['sha256'], 'message_authentication_codes': ['hkdf-hmac-sha256', 'hmac-sha256'], 'short_authentication_string': ['decimal', 'emoji'], 'transaction_id': 'SomeTxId' }, 'type': 'm.key.verification.start', 'sender': '' }, sender='', transaction_id='SomeTxId', from_device='DEVICEIDXY', method='', key_agreement_protocols=[ 'curve25519-hkdf-sha256', 'curve25519'], hashes=['sha256'], message_authentication_codes=[ 'hkdf-hmac-sha256', 'hmac-sha256'], short_authentication_string=['decimal', 'emoji']) """ if "emoji" not in event.short_authentication_string: estr = ("Other device does not support emoji verification " f"{event.short_authentication_string}. Aborting.") return resp = await client.accept_key_verification( event.transaction_id) if isinstance(resp, ToDeviceError): estr = f"accept_key_verification() failed with {resp}" sas = client.key_verifications[event.transaction_id] todevice_msg = sas.share_key() resp = await client.to_device(todevice_msg) if isinstance(resp, ToDeviceError): estr = f"to_device() failed with {resp}" elif isinstance(event, KeyVerificationCancel): # anytime """ at any time: receive KeyVerificationCancel KeyVerificationCancel(source={ 'content': {'code': 'm.mismatched_sas', 'reason': 'Mismatched authentication string', 'transaction_id': 'SomeTxId'}, 'type': 'm.key.verification.cancel', 'sender': ''}, sender='', transaction_id='SomeTxId', code='m.mismatched_sas', reason='Mismatched short authentication string') """ # There is no need to issue a # client.cancel_key_verification(tx_id, reject=False) # here. The SAS flow is already cancelled. # We only need to inform the user. estr = (f"Verification has been cancelled by {event.sender} " f"for reason \"{event.reason}\".") elif isinstance(event, KeyVerificationKey): # second step """ Second step is to receive KeyVerificationKey KeyVerificationKey( source={'content': { 'key': 'SomeCryptoKey', 'transaction_id': 'SomeTxId'}, 'type': 'm.key.verification.key', 'sender': '' }, sender='', transaction_id='SomeTxId', key='SomeCryptoKey') """ sas = client.key_verifications[event.transaction_id]"{sas.get_emoji()}") # don't log the emojis # The bot process must run in forground with a screen and # keyboard so that user can accept/reject via keyboard. # For emoji verification bot must not run as service or # in background. # yn = input("Do the emojis match? (Y/N) (C for Cancel) ") # automatic match, so we use y yn = "y" if yn.lower() == "y": estr = ("Match! The verification for this " "device will be accepted.") resp = await client.confirm_short_auth_string( event.transaction_id) if isinstance(resp, ToDeviceError): estr = ("confirm_short_auth_string() " f"failed with {resp}") elif yn.lower() == "n": # no, don't match, reject estr = ("No match! Device will NOT be verified " "by rejecting verification.") resp = await client.cancel_key_verification( event.transaction_id, reject=True) if isinstance(resp, ToDeviceError): estr = (f"cancel_key_verification failed with {resp}") else: # C or anything for cancel estr = ("Cancelled by user! Verification will be " "cancelled.") resp = await client.cancel_key_verification( event.transaction_id, reject=False) if isinstance(resp, ToDeviceError): estr = (f"cancel_key_verification failed with {resp}") elif isinstance(event, KeyVerificationMac): # third step """ Third step is to receive KeyVerificationMac KeyVerificationMac( source={'content': { 'mac': {'ed25519:DEVICEIDXY': 'SomeKey1', 'ed25519:SomeKey2': 'SomeKey3'}, 'keys': 'SomeCryptoKey4', 'transaction_id': 'SomeTxId'}, 'type': 'm.key.verification.mac', 'sender': ''}, sender='', transaction_id='SomeTxId', mac={'ed25519:DEVICEIDXY': 'SomeKey1', 'ed25519:SomeKey2': 'SomeKey3'}, keys='SomeCryptoKey4') """ sas = client.key_verifications[event.transaction_id] try: todevice_msg = sas.get_mac() except LocalProtocolError as e: # e.g. it might have been cancelled by ourselves estr = (f"Cancelled or protocol error: Reason: {e}.\n" f"Verification with {event.sender} not concluded. " "Try again?") else: resp = await client.to_device(todevice_msg) if isinstance(resp, ToDeviceError): estr = f"to_device failed with {resp}" estr = (f"sas.we_started_it = {sas.we_started_it}\n" f"sas.sas_accepted = {sas.sas_accepted}\n" f"sas.canceled = {sas.canceled}\n" f"sas.timed_out = {sas.timed_out}\n" f"sas.verified = {sas.verified}\n" f"sas.verified_devices = {sas.verified_devices}\n") estr = ("Emoji verification was successful!\n" "Initiate another Emoji verification from " "another device or room if desired. " "Or if done verifying, hit Control-C to stop the " "bot in order to restart it as a service or to " "run it in the background.") else: estr = (f"Received unexpected event type {type(event)}. " f"Event is {event}. Event will be ignored.") except BaseException: estr = traceback.format_exc() # !chat command async def chat(self, room_id, reply_to_event_id, prompt, sender_id, raw_user_message): await self.client.room_typing(room_id, timeout=120000) try: text = await self.chatbot.ask_async(prompt) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) try: text = text.strip() await send_room_message(self.client, room_id, reply_message=text, reply_to_event_id="", sender_id=sender_id, user_message=raw_user_message, markdown_formatted=self.markdown_formatted) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error: {e}", exc_info=True) # !gpt command async def gpt(self, room_id, reply_to_event_id, prompt, sender_id, raw_user_message) -> None: try: # sending typing state await self.client.room_typing(room_id, timeout=240000) # timeout 240s text = await asyncio.wait_for(self.askgpt.oneTimeAsk(prompt, self.chatgpt_api_endpoint, self.headers), timeout=240) except TimeoutError: logger.error("TimeoutException", exc_info=True) raise Exception("Timeout error") except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) try: text = text.strip() await send_room_message(self.client, room_id, reply_message=text, reply_to_event_id="", sender_id=sender_id, user_message=raw_user_message, markdown_formatted=self.markdown_formatted) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error: {e}", exc_info=True) # !bing command async def bing(self, room_id, reply_to_event_id, prompt, sender_id, raw_user_message) -> None: try: # sending typing state await self.client.room_typing(room_id, timeout=180000) # timeout 240s text = await asyncio.wait_for(self.bingbot.ask_bing(prompt), timeout=240) except TimeoutError: logger.error("timeoutException", exc_info=True) raise Exception("Timeout error") except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) try: text = text.strip() await send_room_message(self.client, room_id, reply_message=text, reply_to_event_id="", sender_id=sender_id, user_message=raw_user_message, markdown_formatted=self.markdown_formatted) except Exception as e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) # !bard command async def bard(self, room_id, reply_to_event_id, prompt, sender_id, raw_user_message) -> None: try: # sending typing state await self.client.room_typing(room_id) response = await asyncio.to_thread(self.bardbot.ask, prompt) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) try: content = str(response['content']).strip() await send_room_message(self.client, room_id, reply_message=content, reply_to_event_id="", sender_id=sender_id, user_message=raw_user_message, markdown_formatted=self.markdown_formatted) except Exception as e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) # !lc command async def lc(self, room_id, reply_to_event_id, prompt, sender_id, raw_user_message) -> None: try: # sending typing state await self.client.room_typing(room_id) if self.flowise_api_key is not None: headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {self.flowise_api_key}'} response = await asyncio.to_thread(flowise_query, self.flowise_api_url, prompt, headers) else: response = await asyncio.to_thread(flowise_query, self.flowise_api_url, prompt) await send_room_message(self.client, room_id, reply_message=response, reply_to_event_id="", sender_id=sender_id, user_message=raw_user_message, markdown_formatted=self.markdown_formatted) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) # !pic command async def pic(self, room_id, prompt): try: await self.client.room_typing(room_id, timeout=180000) # generate image try: links = await self.imageGen.get_images(prompt) image_path_list = await self.imageGen.save_images(links, "images", self.output_four_images) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Image Generation error: {e}", exc_info=True) raise Exception(e) # send image try: for image_path in image_path_list: await send_room_image(self.client, room_id, image_path) await self.client.room_typing(room_id, typing_state=False) except Exception as e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) except Exception as e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) # !help command async def help(self, room_id): try: # sending typing state await self.client.room_typing(room_id) help_info = "!gpt [prompt], generate response without context conversation\n" + \ "!chat [prompt], chat with context conversation\n" + \ "!bing [prompt], chat with context conversation powered by Bing AI\n" + \ "!bard [prompt], chat with Google's Bard\n" + \ "!pic [prompt], Image generation by Microsoft Bing\n" + \ "!lc [prompt], chat using langchain api\n" + \ "!help, help message" # noqa: E501 await send_room_message(self.client, room_id, reply_message=help_info) except Exception as e: logger.error(e, exc_info=True) # bot login async def login(self) -> None: if self.access_token is not None:"Login via access_token") else:"Login via password") try: resp = await self.client.login(password=self.password) if not isinstance(resp, LoginResponse): logger.error("Login Failed") sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error: {e}", exc_info=True) # import keys async def import_keys(self): resp = await self.client.import_keys( self.import_keys_path, self.import_keys_password ) if isinstance(resp, EncryptionError): logger.error(f"import_keys failed with {resp}") else: "import_keys success, please remove import_keys configuration!!!") # sync messages in the room async def sync_forever(self, timeout=30000, full_state=True) -> None: await self.client.sync_forever(timeout=timeout, full_state=full_state)