bertybuttface 0c4f3303a9 Make MATRIX_PREFIX configurable at conversation level
At the conversation level.
2023-01-05 22:24:19 +00:00

81 lines
1.9 KiB

type CommonMatrixEventFields = {
origin_server_ts: number,
sender: string,
event_id: string
export type RelatesTo = {
// The m.thread relationship structure
event_id: string // note: always references the *thread root*
rel_type: "m.thread" | string
// The rich reply structure (for non thread aware client fallback)
"m.in_reply_to"?: {
// The most recent message known to the client in the thread.
// Something easy to render for other client like a `` event.
"event_id": string
// A flag to denote that this is a thread with reply fallback
"is_falling_back": string
export type MessageEvent = CommonMatrixEventFields & {
content: {
body: string,
msgtype: "m.text" | string
"org.matrix.msc1767.text"?: string,
"m.relates_to"?: RelatesTo
raw: any,
"type": "",
unsigned: Object;
export type MatrixReactionEvent = CommonMatrixEventFields & {
type: "m.reaction",
content: {
'm.relates_to'?: {
event_id: string
/** The emoji itself */
key: string
export type MatrixJoinEvent = CommonMatrixEventFields & {
type: "",
content: {
membership: "join",
displayname?: string,
avatar_url: string | null
state_key?: string
unsigned?: Object;
export type MatrixUsername = string;
export type MatrixInviteEvent = CommonMatrixEventFields & {
content: {
avatar_url: string | null,
displayname: string,
membership: "invite"
origin_server_ts: number,
sender: MatrixUsername,
state_key: MatrixUsername,
type: "",
event_id: string
export type MembershipType = 'leave' | 'invite' | 'join'
export type StoredConversationConfig = {
export type StoredConversation = {
conversationId: string;
messageId: string;
config: StoredConversationConfig;