# ChatGPT Settings (required) # Set the API Key from OpenAI OPENAI_API_KEY= # Set the ChatGPT conversation context to 'thread', 'room' or 'both'. CHATGPT_CONTEXT=thread # (Optional) Explicitly set the ChatGPT model to be used by the API. #CHATGPT_MODEL=text-chat-davinci-002-20221122 # (Optional) Explicitly set the prefix sent to model at the beginning of a conversation #CHATGPT_PROMPT_PREFIX=Instructions:\nYou are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. # (Optional) Set to true if ChatGPT should ignore any attachments which are not text #CHATGPT_IGNORE_MEDIA=false # Set data store settings KEYV_BACKEND=file KEYV_URL= KEYV_BOT_ENCRYPTION=false KEYV_BOT_STORAGE=true # Matrix Static Settings (required, see notes) # Defaults to "https://matrix.org" MATRIX_HOMESERVER_URL= # With the @ and :DOMAIN, ie @SOMETHING:DOMAIN - Not used if `MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN` is set. MATRIX_BOT_USERNAME= # Set `MATRIX_BOT_PASSWORD` the bot will print an `MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN` to the terminal MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN= # Not used if `MATRIX_ACCESS_TOKEN` is set. MATRIX_BOT_PASSWORD= # Matrix Configurable Settings Defaults (optional) # Leave prefix blank to reply to all messages MATRIX_DEFAULT_PREFIX=!chatgpt MATRIX_DEFAULT_PREFIX_REPLY=false # Matrix Access Control (optional) # Can be set to user:homeserver or a wildcard like :anotherhomeserver.example MATRIX_BLACKLIST= # `MATRIX_WHITELIST` is overriden by `MATRIX_BLACKLIST` if they contain same entry MATRIX_WHITELIST= # Matrix Feature Flags (optional) MATRIX_AUTOJOIN=true MATRIX_ENCRYPTION=true # If you turn threads off you will have problems if you don't set CHATGPT_CONTEXT=room MATRIX_THREADS=true MATRIX_PREFIX_DM=false MATRIX_RICH_TEXT=true