import { MatrixAuth, MatrixClient, SimpleFsStorageProvider, AutojoinRoomsMixin, LogService, LogLevel, RichConsoleLogger, // RustSdkCryptoStorageProvider, } from "matrix-bot-sdk"; import { chatGPTApiKey, homeserverUrl, matrixBotPassword, matrixBotUsername } from './config.js' import { parseMatrixUsernamePretty } from './utils.js'; import { handleRoomEvent } from './handlers.js'; import { ChatGPTAPI } from 'chatgpt' LogService.setLogger(new RichConsoleLogger()); // Shows the Matrix sync loop details - not needed most of the time // LogService.setLevel(LogLevel.DEBUG); LogService.setLevel(LogLevel.INFO); // LogService.muteModule("Metrics"); LogService.trace = LogService.debug; const storage = new SimpleFsStorageProvider("./storage/bot.json"); // Still fails to decrypt sometimes // const cryptoProvider = new RustSdkCryptoStorageProvider("./crypto/"); async function main() { const botUsernameWithoutDomain = parseMatrixUsernamePretty(matrixBotUsername); const authedClient = await (new MatrixAuth(homeserverUrl)).passwordLogin(botUsernameWithoutDomain, matrixBotPassword); const client = new MatrixClient(authedClient.homeserverUrl, authedClient.accessToken, storage); const chatGPT = new ChatGPTAPI({ sessionToken: chatGPTApiKey }) // ensure the API is properly authenticated await chatGPT.ensureAuth() // Automatically join rooms the bot is invited to AutojoinRoomsMixin.setupOnClient(client); client.on("room.failed_decryption", async (roomId, event, error) => { // handle `` event that could not be decrypted LogService.error("index", `Failed decryption event!\n${{ roomId, event, error }}`); await client.sendText(roomId, `I couldn't decrypt the message :( Please add me to an unencrypted room.`); }); client.on("room.join", async (roomId: string, _event: any) => {"index", `Bot joined room ${roomId}`); await client.sendMessage(roomId, { "msgtype": "m.notice", "body": `👋 Hello, I'm the ChatGPT bot! I only work in unencrypted rooms at the moment.`, }); }); client.on("room.event", await handleRoomEvent(client, chatGPT));"index", "Starting bot..."); await client.start()"index", "Bot started!"); } main();