import { ChatGPTAPIBrowser, ChatResponse } from "chatgpt"; import { LogService, MatrixClient, UserID } from "matrix-bot-sdk"; import { CHATGPT_TIMEOUT, MATRIX_DEFAULT_PREFIX_REPLY, MATRIX_DEFAULT_PREFIX, MATRIX_BLACKLIST, MATRIX_WHITELIST, MATRIX_RICH_TEXT} from "./env.js"; import { RelatesTo, MessageEvent, StoredConversation, StoredConversationConfig } from "./interfaces.js"; import { sendError, sendThreadReply } from "./utils.js"; export default class CommandHandler { // Variables so we can cache the bot's display name and ID for command matching later. private displayName: string; private userId: string; private localpart: string; constructor(private client: MatrixClient, private chatGPT:ChatGPTAPIBrowser) {} public async start() { await this.prepareProfile(); // Populate the variables above (async) this.client.on("room.message", this.onMessage.bind(this)); // Set up the event handler } private async prepareProfile() { this.userId = await this.client.getUserId(); this.localpart = new UserID(this.userId).localpart; try { const profile = await this.client.getUserProfile(this.userId); if (profile && profile['displayname']) this.displayName = profile['displayname']; } catch (e) { // Non-fatal error - we'll just log it and move on. LogService.warn("CommandHandler", e); } } /** * Run when `message` room event is received. The bot only sends a message if needed. * @returns Room event handler, which itself returnings nothing */ private async onMessage(roomId: string, event: MessageEvent) { try { if (event.sender === this.userId) return; // Ignore ourselves if ( - event.origin_server_ts > 10000) return; // Ignore old messages const relatesTo: RelatesTo | undefined = event.content["m.relates_to"]; if ((relatesTo !== undefined) && (relatesTo["rel_type"] === "m.replace")) return; // Ignore edits if ((MATRIX_BLACKLIST !== undefined) && MATRIX_BLACKLIST){ if (MATRIX_BLACKLIST.split(" ").find(b => event.sender.endsWith(b))) return; // Ignore if on blacklist if set } if ((MATRIX_WHITELIST !== undefined) && MATRIX_WHITELIST){ if (!MATRIX_WHITELIST.split(" ").find(w => event.sender.endsWith(w))) return; // Ignore if not on whitelist if set } const rootEventId: string = (relatesTo !== undefined && relatesTo.event_id !== undefined) ? relatesTo.event_id : event.event_id; const storedValue: string = await this.client.storageProvider.readValue('gpt-' + rootEventId) const storedConversation: StoredConversation = (storedValue !== undefined) ? JSON.parse(storedValue) : undefined; const config: StoredConversationConfig = (storedConversation !== undefined && storedConversation.config !== undefined) ? storedConversation.config : {}; const MATRIX_PREFIX: string = (config.MATRIX_PREFIX === undefined) ? MATRIX_DEFAULT_PREFIX : config.MATRIX_PREFIX const MATRIX_PREFIX_REPLY:boolean = (config.MATRIX_PREFIX_REPLY === undefined) ? MATRIX_DEFAULT_PREFIX_REPLY : config.MATRIX_PREFIX_REPLY const shouldBePrefixed: boolean = ((MATRIX_PREFIX) && (relatesTo === undefined)) || (MATRIX_PREFIX_REPLY && (relatesTo !== undefined)); const prefixes = [MATRIX_PREFIX, `${this.localpart}:`, `${this.displayName}:`, `${this.userId}:`]; if ((relatesTo !== undefined) && !MATRIX_PREFIX_REPLY) { if(relatesTo.event_id !== undefined){ const rootEvent: MessageEvent = await this.client.getEvent(roomId, relatesTo.event_id) // relatesTo is root event. const rootPrefixUsed = prefixes.find(p => rootEvent.content.body.startsWith(p)); if (!rootPrefixUsed) return; // Ignore unrelated threads } else { // reply not a thread, we don't currently support looking back for a prefix return; // Ignore if no relatesTo EventID } } const prefixUsed: string = prefixes.find(p => event.content.body.startsWith(p)); if (shouldBePrefixed && !prefixUsed) return; // Ignore without prefix if prefixed await Promise.all([this.client.sendReadReceipt(roomId, event.event_id), this.client.setTyping(roomId, true, 10000)]); const trimLength: number = shouldBePrefixed ? prefixUsed.length : 0 const question: string = event.content.body.slice(trimLength).trimStart(); if ((question === undefined) || !question) { await sendError(this.client, "Error with question: " + question, roomId, event.event_id); return; } let result: ChatResponse if (storedConversation !== undefined) { result = await this.chatGPT.sendMessage(question, { timeoutMs: CHATGPT_TIMEOUT, conversationId: storedConversation.conversationId, parentMessageId: storedConversation.messageId }); } else { result = await this.chatGPT.sendMessage(question, {timeoutMs: CHATGPT_TIMEOUT}); } await Promise.all([this.client.setTyping(roomId, false, 500), sendThreadReply(this.client, roomId, rootEventId,`${result.response}`, MATRIX_RICH_TEXT)]); await this.client.storageProvider.storeValue('gpt-' + rootEventId, JSON.stringify({ conversationId: result.conversationId, messageId: result.messageId, config: ((storedConversation !== undefined && storedConversation.config !== undefined) ? storedConversation.config : {}), })); } catch (e) { console.error(e); await sendError(this.client, "Bot error, terminating.", roomId, event.event_id); } } }