import ChatGPTClient from '@waylaidwanderer/chatgpt-api'; import Markdown from 'markdown-it'; import { MatrixClient } from "matrix-bot-sdk"; import { MessageEvent, StoredConversation } from "./interfaces.js"; import { CHATGPT_TIMEOUT } from "./env.js"; const md = Markdown(); export function parseMatrixUsernamePretty(matrix_username: string): string { if (matrix_username.includes(":") === false || matrix_username.includes("@") === false) { return matrix_username; } const withoutUrl = matrix_username.split(':')[0]; return withoutUrl.split('@')[1] } export function isEventAMessage(event: any): event is MessageEvent { return event.type === '' } export async function sendError(client: MatrixClient, text: string, roomId: string, eventId: string): Promise { Promise.all([client.setTyping(roomId, false, 500), client.sendText(roomId, text), client.sendReadReceipt(roomId, eventId)]); } /** * Send a thread reply. * @param {MatrixClient} client Matrix client * @param {string} roomId the room ID the event being replied to resides in * @param {string} rootEventId the root event of the thread * @param {string} text the plain text to reply with * @param {boolean} thread reply as a thread * @param {boolean} rich should the plain text be rendered to html using markdown? */ export async function sendReply(client: MatrixClient, roomId: string, rootEventId: string, text: string, thread: boolean = false, rich:boolean = false): Promise { const contentCommon = { body: text, msgtype: "m.text", } const contentThreadOnly = { "m.relates_to": { event_id: rootEventId, is_falling_back: true, "m.in_reply_to": { "event_id": rootEventId }, rel_type: "m.thread" } } const contentTextOnly = { "org.matrix.msc1767.text": text, } const renderedText = md.render(text) const contentRichOnly = { format: "org.matrix.custom.html", formatted_body: renderedText, "org.matrix.msc1767.message": [ { "body": text, "mimetype": "text/plain" }, { "body": renderedText, "mimetype": "text/html" } ] } const content = rich ? { ...contentCommon, ...contentRichOnly } : { ...contentCommon, ...contentTextOnly }; const finalContent = thread ? { ...content, ...contentThreadOnly } : content await client.sendEvent(roomId, "", finalContent); } export async function sendChatGPTMessage(chatgpt: ChatGPTClient, question: string, storedConversation: StoredConversation) { // TODO: CHATGPT_TIMEOUT return (storedConversation !== undefined) ? await chatgpt.sendMessage(question, { conversationId: storedConversation.conversationId, parentMessageId: storedConversation.messageId }) : await chatgpt.sendMessage(question); } export function wrapPrompt(wrapped: string) { const currentDateString = new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-us', { year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' },); return `<|im_sep|>${wrapped}\nCurrent date: ${currentDateString}<|im_sep|>\n\n` }