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synced 2024-10-01 01:06:10 -04:00
Signed-off-by: Adam Treat <treat.adam@gmail.com>
132 lines
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132 lines
4.6 KiB
#include "sourceexcerpt.h"
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonValue>
QString SourceExcerpt::toJson(const QList<SourceExcerpt> &sources)
if (sources.isEmpty())
return QString();
QJsonArray resultsArray;
for (const auto &source : sources) {
QJsonObject sourceObj;
sourceObj["date"] = source.date;
sourceObj["collection"] = source.collection;
sourceObj["path"] = source.path;
sourceObj["file"] = source.file;
sourceObj["url"] = source.url;
sourceObj["favicon"] = source.favicon;
sourceObj["title"] = source.title;
sourceObj["author"] = source.author;
sourceObj["description"] = source.description;
QJsonArray excerptsArray;
for (const auto &excerpt : source.excerpts) {
QJsonObject excerptObj;
excerptObj["text"] = excerpt.text;
if (excerpt.page != -1)
excerptObj["page"] = excerpt.page;
if (excerpt.from != -1)
excerptObj["from"] = excerpt.from;
if (excerpt.to != -1)
excerptObj["to"] = excerpt.to;
sourceObj["excerpts"] = excerptsArray;
QJsonObject jsonObj;
jsonObj["results"] = resultsArray;
QJsonDocument doc(jsonObj);
return doc.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact);
QList<SourceExcerpt> SourceExcerpt::fromJson(const QString &json, QString &errorString)
if (json.isEmpty())
return QList<SourceExcerpt>();
QJsonParseError err;
QJsonDocument document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(json.toUtf8(), &err);
if (err.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
errorString = err.errorString();
return QList<SourceExcerpt>();
QJsonObject jsonObject = document.object();
if (!jsonObject.contains("results")) {
errorString = "json does not contain results array";
return QList<SourceExcerpt>();
QList<SourceExcerpt> excerpts;
QJsonArray results = jsonObject["results"].toArray();
for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); ++i) {
QJsonObject result = results[i].toObject();
if (!result.contains("date")) {
errorString = "result does not contain required date field";
return QList<SourceExcerpt>();
if (!result.contains("excerpts") || !result["excerpts"].isArray()) {
errorString = "result does not contain required excerpts array";
return QList<SourceExcerpt>();
QJsonArray textExcerpts = result["excerpts"].toArray();
if (textExcerpts.isEmpty()) {
errorString = "result excerpts array is empty";
return QList<SourceExcerpt>();
SourceExcerpt source;
source.date = result["date"].toString();
if (result.contains("collection"))
source.collection = result["collection"].toString();
if (result.contains("path"))
source.path = result["path"].toString();
if (result.contains("file"))
source.file = result["file"].toString();
if (result.contains("url"))
source.url = result["url"].toString();
if (result.contains("favicon"))
source.favicon = result["favicon"].toString();
if (result.contains("title"))
source.title = result["title"].toString();
if (result.contains("author"))
source.author = result["author"].toString();
if (result.contains("description"))
source.author = result["description"].toString();
for (int i = 0; i < textExcerpts.size(); ++i) {
if (!textExcerpts[i].isObject()) {
errorString = "result excerpt is not an object";
return QList<SourceExcerpt>();
QJsonObject excerptObj = textExcerpts[i].toObject();
if (!excerptObj.contains("text")) {
errorString = "result excerpt is does not have text field";
return QList<SourceExcerpt>();
Excerpt excerpt;
excerpt.text = excerptObj["text"].toString();
if (excerptObj.contains("page"))
excerpt.page = excerptObj["page"].toInt();
if (excerptObj.contains("from"))
excerpt.from = excerptObj["from"].toInt();
if (excerptObj.contains("to"))
excerpt.to = excerptObj["to"].toInt();
return excerpts;