Aaron Miller 29e3e04fcf persistent threadcount setting
threadcount is now on the Settings object and
gets reapplied after a model switch
2023-04-24 18:05:08 -04:00

130 lines
4.0 KiB

#ifndef LLM_H
#define LLM_H
#include <QObject>
#include <QThread>
#include "gptj.h"
#include "llamamodel.h"
class LLMObject : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QList<QString> modelList READ modelList NOTIFY modelListChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isModelLoaded READ isModelLoaded NOTIFY isModelLoadedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString response READ response NOTIFY responseChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString modelName READ modelName WRITE setModelName NOTIFY modelNameChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int32_t threadCount READ threadCount WRITE setThreadCount NOTIFY threadCountChanged)
bool isModelLoaded() const;
void regenerateResponse();
void resetResponse();
void resetContext();
void stopGenerating() { m_stopGenerating = true; }
void setThreadCount(int32_t n_threads);
int32_t threadCount();
QString response() const;
QString modelName() const;
QList<QString> modelList() const;
void setModelName(const QString &modelName);
public Q_SLOTS:
bool prompt(const QString &prompt, const QString &prompt_template, int32_t n_predict, int32_t top_k, float top_p,
float temp, int32_t n_batch);
bool loadModel();
void modelNameChangeRequested(const QString &modelName);
void isModelLoadedChanged();
void responseChanged();
void responseStarted();
void responseStopped();
void modelNameChanged();
void modelListChanged();
void threadCountChanged();
bool loadModelPrivate(const QString &modelName);
bool handleResponse(const std::string &response);
LLModel *m_llmodel;
std::string m_response;
quint32 m_responseTokens;
quint32 m_responseLogits;
QString m_modelName;
QThread m_llmThread;
std::atomic<bool> m_stopGenerating;
class LLM : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QList<QString> modelList READ modelList NOTIFY modelListChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isModelLoaded READ isModelLoaded NOTIFY isModelLoadedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString response READ response NOTIFY responseChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString modelName READ modelName WRITE setModelName NOTIFY modelNameChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool responseInProgress READ responseInProgress NOTIFY responseInProgressChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int32_t threadCount READ threadCount WRITE setThreadCount NOTIFY threadCountChanged)
static LLM *globalInstance();
Q_INVOKABLE bool isModelLoaded() const;
Q_INVOKABLE void prompt(const QString &prompt, const QString &prompt_template, int32_t n_predict, int32_t top_k, float top_p,
float temp, int32_t n_batch);
Q_INVOKABLE void regenerateResponse();
Q_INVOKABLE void resetResponse();
Q_INVOKABLE void resetContext();
Q_INVOKABLE void stopGenerating();
Q_INVOKABLE void syncThreadCount();
Q_INVOKABLE void setThreadCount(int32_t n_threads);
Q_INVOKABLE int32_t threadCount();
QString response() const;
bool responseInProgress() const { return m_responseInProgress; }
QList<QString> modelList() const;
QString modelName() const;
void setModelName(const QString &modelName);
Q_INVOKABLE bool checkForUpdates() const;
void isModelLoadedChanged();
void responseChanged();
void responseInProgressChanged();
void promptRequested(const QString &prompt, const QString &prompt_template, int32_t n_predict, int32_t top_k, float top_p,
float temp, int32_t n_batch);
void regenerateResponseRequested();
void resetResponseRequested();
void resetContextRequested();
void modelNameChangeRequested(const QString &modelName);
void modelNameChanged();
void modelListChanged();
void threadCountChanged();
void setThreadCountRequested(int32_t threadCount);
private Q_SLOTS:
void responseStarted();
void responseStopped();
LLMObject *m_llmodel;
int32_t m_desiredThreadCount;
bool m_responseInProgress;
explicit LLM();
~LLM() {}
friend class MyLLM;
#endif // LLM_H