import Qt5Compat.GraphicalEffects
import QtCore
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Controls.Basic
import QtQuick.Layouts
import chatlistmodel
import download
import gpt4all
import llm
import localdocs
import modellist
import mysettings
import network
Rectangle {
id: window
Theme {
id: theme
property var currentChat: ChatListModel.currentChat
property var chatModel: currentChat.chatModel
signal addCollectionViewRequested()
signal addModelViewRequested()
color: theme.viewBackground
Connections {
target: currentChat
function onResponseInProgressChanged() {
if (MySettings.networkIsActive && !currentChat.responseInProgress)
Network.sendConversation(, getConversationJson());
function onModelLoadingErrorChanged() {
if (currentChat.modelLoadingError !== "")
function onModelLoadingWarning(warning) {
function currentModelName() {
return ModelList.modelInfo(;
PopupDialog {
id: modelLoadingErrorPopup
anchors.centerIn: parent
shouldTimeOut: false
text: qsTr("
Encountered an error loading model:
+ "\"" + currentChat.modelLoadingError + "\""
+ qsTr("
Model loading failures can happen for a variety of reasons, but the most common "
+ "causes include a bad file format, an incomplete or corrupted download, the wrong file "
+ "type, not enough system RAM or an incompatible model type. Here are some suggestions for resolving the problem:"
+ "
+ "- Ensure the model file has a compatible format and type"
+ "
- Check the model file is complete in the download folder"
+ "
- You can find the download folder in the settings dialog"
+ "
- If you've sideloaded the model ensure the file is not corrupt by checking md5sum"
+ "
- Read more about what models are supported in our documentation for the gui"
+ "
- Check out our discord channel for help")
PopupDialog {
id: modelLoadingWarningPopup
property string message
anchors.centerIn: parent
shouldTimeOut: false
text: qsTr("
function open_(msg) { message = msg; open(); }
SwitchModelDialog {
id: switchModelDialog
anchors.centerIn: parent
Item {
Accessible.role: Accessible.Dialog qsTr("Switch model dialog")
Accessible.description: qsTr("Warn the user if they switch models, then context will be erased")
PopupDialog {
id: copyMessage
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: qsTr("Conversation copied to clipboard.")
font.pixelSize: theme.fontSizeLarge
PopupDialog {
id: copyCodeMessage
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: qsTr("Code copied to clipboard.")
font.pixelSize: theme.fontSizeLarge
function getConversation() {
var conversation = "";
for (var i = 0; i < chatModel.count; i++) {
var item = chatModel.get(i)
var string =;
var isResponse = === qsTr("Response: ")
string += chatModel.get(i).value
if (isResponse && item.stopped)
string += " "
string += "\n"
conversation += string
return conversation
function getConversationJson() {
var str = "{\"conversation\": [";
for (var i = 0; i < chatModel.count; i++) {
var item = chatModel.get(i)
var isResponse = === qsTr("Response: ")
str += "{\"content\": ";
str += JSON.stringify(item.value)
str += ", \"role\": \"" + (isResponse ? "assistant" : "user") + "\"";
if (isResponse && item.thumbsUpState !== item.thumbsDownState)
str += ", \"rating\": \"" + (item.thumbsUpState ? "positive" : "negative") + "\"";
if (isResponse && item.newResponse !== "")
str += ", \"edited_content\": " + JSON.stringify(item.newResponse);
if (isResponse && item.stopped)
str += ", \"stopped\": \"true\""
if (!isResponse)
str += "},"
str += ((i < chatModel.count - 1) ? "}," : "}")
return str + "]}"
ChatDrawer {
id: chatDrawer
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
width: Math.max(180, Math.min(600, 0.23 * window.width))
PopupDialog {
id: referenceContextDialog
anchors.centerIn: parent
shouldTimeOut: false
shouldShowBusy: false
modal: true
Item {
id: mainArea
anchors.left: chatDrawer.right
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
state: "expanded"
states: [
State {
name: "expanded"
AnchorChanges {
target: mainArea
anchors.left: chatDrawer.right
State {
name: "collapsed"
AnchorChanges {
target: mainArea
anchors.left: parent.left
function toggleLeftPanel() {
if (mainArea.state === "expanded") {
mainArea.state = "collapsed";
} else {
mainArea.state = "expanded";
transitions: Transition {
AnchorAnimation {
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
duration: 200
Rectangle {
id: header
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
height: 100
color: theme.conversationBackground
RowLayout {
id: comboLayout
height: 80
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
spacing: 0
Rectangle {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
Layout.leftMargin: 30
Layout.fillWidth: true
color: "transparent"
Layout.preferredHeight: childrenRect.height
MyToolButton {
id: drawerButton
anchors.left: parent.left
backgroundColor: theme.iconBackgroundLight
width: 40
height: 40
imageWidth: 40
imageHeight: 40
padding: 15
source: mainArea.state === "expanded" ? "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/left_panel_open.svg" : "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/left_panel_closed.svg"
Accessible.role: Accessible.ButtonMenu qsTr("Chat panel")
Accessible.description: qsTr("Chat panel with options")
onClicked: {
MyComboBox {
id: comboBox
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.preferredWidth: 550
Layout.leftMargin: {
// This function works in tandem with the preferredWidth and the layout to
// provide the maximum size combobox we can have at the smallest window width
// we allow with the largest font size we allow. It is unfortunately based
// upon a magic number that was produced through trial and error for something
// I don't fully understand.
return -Math.max(0, comboBox.width / 2 + collectionsButton.width + 110 /*magic*/ - comboLayout.width / 2);
enabled: !currentChat.isServer
&& !currentChat.trySwitchContextInProgress
&& !currentChat.isCurrentlyLoading
&& ModelList.selectableModels.count !== 0
model: ModelList.selectableModels
valueRole: "id"
textRole: "name"
function changeModel(index) {
currentChat.modelInfo = ModelList.modelInfo(comboBox.valueAt(index))
Connections {
target: switchModelDialog
function onAccepted() {
background: Rectangle {
color: theme.mainComboBackground
radius: 10
ProgressBar {
id: modelProgress
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
width: contentRow.width + 20
visible: currentChat.isCurrentlyLoading
height: 10
value: currentChat.modelLoadingPercentage
background: Rectangle {
color: theme.progressBackground
radius: 10
contentItem: Item {
Rectangle {
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
width: modelProgress.visualPosition * parent.width
height: 10
radius: 2
color: theme.progressForeground
contentItem: Item {
RowLayout {
id: contentRow
anchors.centerIn: parent
spacing: 0
Layout.maximumWidth: 550
RowLayout {
id: miniButtonsRow
clip: true
Layout.maximumWidth: 550
Behavior on Layout.preferredWidth {
NumberAnimation {
duration: 300
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
Layout.preferredWidth: {
if (!(comboBox.hovered || reloadButton.hovered || ejectButton.hovered))
return 0
return (reloadButton.visible ? reloadButton.width : 0) + (ejectButton.visible ? ejectButton.width : 0)
MyMiniButton {
id: reloadButton
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
visible: currentChat.modelLoadingError === ""
&& !currentChat.trySwitchContextInProgress
&& !currentChat.isCurrentlyLoading
&& (currentChat.isModelLoaded || currentModelName() !== "")
source: "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/regenerate.svg"
backgroundColor: theme.textColor
backgroundColorHovered: theme.styledTextColor
onClicked: {
if (currentChat.isModelLoaded)
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Reload the currently loaded model")
ToolTip.visible: hovered
MyMiniButton {
id: ejectButton
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
visible: currentChat.isModelLoaded && !currentChat.isCurrentlyLoading
source: "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/eject.svg"
backgroundColor: theme.textColor
backgroundColorHovered: theme.styledTextColor
onClicked: {
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Eject the currently loaded model")
ToolTip.visible: hovered
Text {
Layout.maximumWidth: 520
id: comboBoxText
leftPadding: 10
rightPadding: 10
text: {
if (ModelList.selectableModels.count === 0)
return qsTr("No model installed...")
if (currentChat.modelLoadingError !== "")
return qsTr("Model loading error...")
if (currentChat.trySwitchContextInProgress === 1)
return qsTr("Waiting for model...")
if (currentChat.trySwitchContextInProgress === 2)
return qsTr("Switching context...")
if (currentModelName() === "")
return qsTr("Choose a model...")
if (currentChat.modelLoadingPercentage === 0.0)
return qsTr("Reload \u00B7 ") + currentModelName()
if (currentChat.isCurrentlyLoading)
return qsTr("Loading \u00B7 ") + currentModelName()
return currentModelName()
font.pixelSize: theme.fontSizeLarger
color: theme.iconBackgroundLight
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
elide: Text.ElideRight
Item {
Layout.minimumWidth: updown.width
Layout.minimumHeight: updown.height
Image {
id: updown
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
sourceSize.width: comboBoxText.font.pixelSize
sourceSize.height: comboBoxText.font.pixelSize
mipmap: true
visible: false
source: "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/up_down.svg"
ColorOverlay {
anchors.fill: updown
source: updown
color: comboBoxText.color
delegate: ItemDelegate {
id: comboItemDelegate
width: comboItemPopup.width
contentItem: Text {
text: name
color: theme.textColor
font: comboBox.font
elide: Text.ElideRight
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
background: Rectangle {
color: highlighted ? theme.lightContrast : theme.darkContrast
highlighted: comboBox.highlightedIndex === index
indicator: Item {
popup: Popup {
id: comboItemPopup
y: comboBox.height - 1
width: comboBox.width
implicitHeight: Math.min(window.height - y, contentItem.implicitHeight)
padding: 0
contentItem: Rectangle {
implicitWidth: comboBox.width
implicitHeight: comboItemPopupListView.implicitHeight
ScrollView {
anchors.fill: parent
clip: true
ScrollBar.vertical.policy: ScrollBar.AsNeeded
ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
ListView {
id: comboItemPopupListView
implicitHeight: contentHeight
model: comboBox.popup.visible ? comboBox.delegateModel : null
currentIndex: comboBox.highlightedIndex
ScrollIndicator.vertical: ScrollIndicator { }
background: Rectangle {
} currentModelName()
Accessible.description: qsTr("The top item is the current model")
onActivated: function (index) {
var newInfo = ModelList.modelInfo(comboBox.valueAt(index));
if (newInfo === currentChat.modelInfo) {
} else if (currentModelName() !== "" && chatModel.count !== 0) {
switchModelDialog.index = index;;
} else {
Rectangle {
color: "transparent"
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
Layout.rightMargin: 30
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: childrenRect.height
clip: true
MyButton {
id: collectionsButton
clip: true
anchors.right: parent.right
borderWidth: 0
backgroundColor: theme.collectionsButtonBackground
backgroundColorHovered: theme.collectionsButtonBackgroundHovered
backgroundRadius: 5
padding: 15
topPadding: 8
bottomPadding: 8
contentItem: RowLayout {
spacing: 10
Item {
visible: currentChat.collectionModel.count === 0
Layout.minimumWidth: collectionsImage.width
Layout.minimumHeight: collectionsImage.height
Image {
id: collectionsImage
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
sourceSize.width: 24
sourceSize.height: 24
mipmap: true
visible: false
source: "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/db.svg"
ColorOverlay {
anchors.fill: collectionsImage
source: collectionsImage
color: theme.collectionsButtonForeground
MyBusyIndicator {
visible: currentChat.collectionModel.updatingCount !== 0
color: theme.collectionsButtonProgress
size: 24
Layout.minimumWidth: 24
Layout.minimumHeight: 24
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: currentChat.collectionModel.updatingCount
color: theme.collectionsButtonForeground
font.pixelSize: 14 // fixed regardless of theme
Rectangle {
visible: currentChat.collectionModel.count !== 0
radius: 6
color: theme.collectionsButtonForeground
Layout.minimumWidth: collectionsImage.width
Layout.minimumHeight: collectionsImage.height
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: currentChat.collectionModel.count
color: theme.collectionsButtonText
font.pixelSize: 14 // fixed regardless of theme
Text {
text: qsTr("LocalDocs")
color: theme.collectionsButtonForeground
font.pixelSize: theme.fontSizeLarge
fontPixelSize: theme.fontSizeLarge
background: Rectangle {
radius: collectionsButton.backgroundRadius
// TODO(jared): either use collectionsButton-specific theming, or don't - this is inconsistent
color: conversation.state === "expanded" ? (
collectionsButton.hovered ? theme.lightButtonBackgroundHovered : theme.lightButtonBackground
) : (
collectionsButton.hovered ? theme.lighterButtonBackground : theme.lighterButtonBackgroundHovered
} qsTr("Add documents")
Accessible.description: qsTr("add collections of documents to the chat")
onClicked: {
Rectangle {
id: conversationDivider header.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
color: theme.conversationDivider
height: 1
CollectionsDrawer {
id: collectionsDrawer
anchors.right: parent.right conversationDivider.bottom
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
width: Math.max(180, Math.min(600, 0.23 * window.width))
color: theme.conversationBackground
onAddDocsClicked: {
Rectangle {
id: conversation
color: theme.conversationBackground
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom conversationDivider.bottom
state: "collapsed"
states: [
State {
name: "expanded"
AnchorChanges {
target: conversation
anchors.right: collectionsDrawer.left
State {
name: "collapsed"
AnchorChanges {
target: conversation
anchors.right: parent.right
function toggleRightPanel() {
if (conversation.state === "expanded") {
conversation.state = "collapsed";
} else {
conversation.state = "expanded";
transitions: Transition {
AnchorAnimation {
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
duration: 300
ScrollView {
id: scrollView
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: !currentChat.isServer ? : parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: !currentChat.isServer ? 30 : 0
ScrollBar.vertical.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
color: currentChat.isServer ? : theme.conversationBackground
Rectangle {
id: homePage
color: "transparent"
anchors.fill: parent
visible: !currentChat.isModelLoaded && (ModelList.selectableModels.count === 0 || currentModelName() === "") && !currentChat.isServer
ColumnLayout {
visible: ModelList.selectableModels.count !== 0
id: modelInstalledLabel
anchors.centerIn: parent
spacing: 0
Rectangle {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
Layout.preferredWidth: image.width
Layout.preferredHeight: image.height
color: "transparent"
Image {
id: image
anchors.centerIn: parent
sourceSize.width: 160
sourceSize.height: 110
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
mipmap: true
visible: false
source: "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/nomic_logo.svg"
ColorOverlay {
anchors.fill: image
source: image
color: theme.containerBackground
MyButton {
id: loadDefaultModelButton
visible: ModelList.selectableModels.count !== 0 modelInstalledLabel.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 50
anchors.horizontalCenter: modelInstalledLabel.horizontalCenter
rightPadding: 60
leftPadding: 60
property string defaultModel: ""
function updateDefaultModel() {
var i = comboBox.find(MySettings.userDefaultModel)
if (i !== -1) {
defaultModel = comboBox.valueAt(i);
} else {
defaultModel = comboBox.valueAt(0);
text: qsTr("Load \u00B7 ") + defaultModel + qsTr(" (default) \u2192");
onClicked: {
var i = comboBox.find(MySettings.userDefaultModel)
if (i !== -1) {
} else {
// This requires a bit of work because apparently the combobox valueAt
// function only works after the combobox component is loaded so we have
// to use our own component loaded to make this work along with a signal
// from MySettings for when the setting for user default model changes
Connections {
target: MySettings
function onUserDefaultModelChanged() {
Component.onCompleted: {
Accessible.role: Accessible.Button qsTr("Load the default model")
Accessible.description: qsTr("Loads the default model which can be changed in settings")
ColumnLayout {
id: noModelInstalledLabel
visible: ModelList.selectableModels.count === 0
anchors.centerIn: parent
spacing: 0
Text {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
text: qsTr("No Model Installed")
color: theme.mutedLightTextColor
font.pixelSize: theme.fontSizeBannerSmall
Text {
Layout.topMargin: 15
horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
color: theme.mutedLighterTextColor
text: qsTr("GPT4All requires that you install at least one\nmodel to get started")
font.pixelSize: theme.fontSizeLarge
MyButton {
visible: ModelList.selectableModels.count === 0 noModelInstalledLabel.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 50
anchors.horizontalCenter: noModelInstalledLabel.horizontalCenter
rightPadding: 60
leftPadding: 60
text: qsTr("Install a Model")
onClicked: {
Accessible.role: Accessible.Button qsTr("Shows the add model view")
ColumnLayout {
anchors.fill: parent
visible: ModelList.selectableModels.count !== 0 && chatModel.count !== 0
ListView {
id: listView
Layout.maximumWidth: 1280
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.margins: 20
Layout.leftMargin: 50
Layout.rightMargin: 50
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
spacing: 25
model: chatModel
ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {
policy: ScrollBar.AsNeeded
Accessible.role: Accessible.List qsTr("Conversation with the model")
Accessible.description: qsTr("prompt / response pairs from the conversation")
delegate: GridLayout {
width: listView.contentItem.width - 15
rows: 3
columns: 2
Item {
Layout.row: 0
Layout.column: 0
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
Layout.preferredWidth: 38
Layout.preferredHeight: 38
Image {
id: logo
width: 38
height: 38
sourceSize.width: 64
sourceSize.height: 64
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
mipmap: true
visible: false
source: name !== qsTr("Response: ") ? "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/you.svg" : "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/alt_logo.svg"
ColorOverlay {
anchors.fill: logo
source: logo
color: theme.conversationHeader
Item {
Layout.row: 0
Layout.column: 1
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: 38
RowLayout {
spacing: 5
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
TextArea {
text: name === qsTr("Response: ") ? qsTr("GPT4All") : qsTr("You")
padding: 0
font.pixelSize: theme.fontSizeLarger
font.bold: true
color: theme.conversationHeader
readOnly: true
Text {
visible: name === qsTr("Response: ")
font.pixelSize: theme.fontSizeLarger
text: currentModelName()
color: theme.mutedTextColor
RowLayout {
visible: (currentResponse ? true : false) && ((value === "" && currentChat.responseInProgress) || currentChat.isRecalc)
MyBusyIndicator {
size: 24
color: theme.conversationProgress
Accessible.role: Accessible.Animation qsTr("Busy indicator")
Accessible.description: qsTr("The model is thinking")
Text {
color: theme.mutedTextColor
font.pixelSize: theme.fontSizeLarger
text: {
if (currentChat.isRecalc)
return qsTr("recalculating context ...");
switch (currentChat.responseState) {
case Chat.ResponseStopped: return qsTr("response stopped ...");
case Chat.LocalDocsRetrieval: return qsTr("retrieving localdocs: ") + currentChat.collectionList.join(", ") + " ...";
case Chat.LocalDocsProcessing: return qsTr("searching localdocs: ") + currentChat.collectionList.join(", ") + " ...";
case Chat.PromptProcessing: return qsTr("processing ...")
case Chat.ResponseGeneration: return qsTr("generating response ...");
default: return ""; // handle unexpected values
ColumnLayout {
Layout.row: 1
Layout.column: 1
Layout.fillWidth: true
TextArea {
id: myTextArea
text: value
Layout.fillWidth: true
padding: 0
color: {
if (!currentChat.isServer)
return theme.textColor
if (name === qsTr("Response: "))
return theme.white
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
textFormat: TextEdit.PlainText
focus: false
readOnly: true
font.pixelSize: theme.fontSizeLarge
cursorVisible: currentResponse ? currentChat.responseInProgress : false
cursorPosition: text.length
TapHandler {
id: tapHandler
onTapped: function(eventPoint, button) {
var clickedPos = myTextArea.positionAt(eventPoint.position.x, eventPoint.position.y);
var success = textProcessor.tryCopyAtPosition(clickedPos);
if (success);
MouseArea {
id: conversationMouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
acceptedButtons: Qt.RightButton
onClicked: (mouse) => {
if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) {
conversationContextMenu.x = conversationMouseArea.mouseX
conversationContextMenu.y = conversationMouseArea.mouseY
onLinkActivated: function(link) {
if (!currentResponse || !currentChat.responseInProgress)
onLinkHovered: function (link) {
if (!currentResponse || !currentChat.responseInProgress)
statusBar.externalHoveredLink = link
Menu {
id: conversationContextMenu
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Copy")
enabled: myTextArea.selectedText !== ""
height: enabled ? implicitHeight : 0
onTriggered: myTextArea.copy()
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Copy Message")
enabled: myTextArea.selectedText === ""
height: enabled ? implicitHeight : 0
onTriggered: {
MenuItem {
text: textProcessor.shouldProcessText ? qsTr("Disable markdown") : qsTr("Enable markdown")
height: enabled ? implicitHeight : 0
onTriggered: {
textProcessor.shouldProcessText = !textProcessor.shouldProcessText;
myTextArea.text = value
ChatViewTextProcessor {
id: textProcessor
function resetChatViewTextProcessor() {
textProcessor.fontPixelSize = myTextArea.font.pixelSize
textProcessor.codeColors.defaultColor = theme.codeDefaultColor
textProcessor.codeColors.keywordColor = theme.codeKeywordColor
textProcessor.codeColors.functionColor = theme.codeFunctionColor
textProcessor.codeColors.functionCallColor = theme.codeFunctionCallColor
textProcessor.codeColors.commentColor = theme.codeCommentColor
textProcessor.codeColors.stringColor = theme.codeStringColor
textProcessor.codeColors.numberColor = theme.codeNumberColor
textProcessor.codeColors.headerColor = theme.codeHeaderColor
textProcessor.codeColors.backgroundColor = theme.codeBackgroundColor
textProcessor.textDocument = textDocument
chatModel.forceUpdate(index); // called to trigger a reprocessing of the text
Component.onCompleted: {
Connections {
target: MySettings
function onFontSizeChanged() {
function onChatThemeChanged() {
Accessible.role: Accessible.Paragraph text
Accessible.description: name === qsTr("Response: ") ? "The response by the model" : "The prompt by the user"
ThumbsDownDialog {
id: thumbsDownDialog
property point globalPoint: mapFromItem(window,
window.width / 2 - width / 2,
window.height / 2 - height / 2)
x: globalPoint.x
y: globalPoint.y
width: 640
height: 300
property string text: value
response: newResponse === undefined || newResponse === "" ? text : newResponse
onAccepted: {
var responseHasChanged = response !== text && response !== newResponse
if (thumbsDownState && !thumbsUpState && !responseHasChanged)
chatModel.updateNewResponse(index, response)
chatModel.updateThumbsUpState(index, false)
chatModel.updateThumbsDownState(index, true)
Network.sendConversation(, getConversationJson());
Column {
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
Layout.rightMargin: 15
visible: name === qsTr("Response: ") &&
(!currentResponse || !currentChat.responseInProgress) && MySettings.networkIsActive
spacing: 10
Item {
width: childrenRect.width
height: childrenRect.height
MyToolButton {
id: thumbsUp
width: 24
height: 24
imageWidth: width
imageHeight: height
opacity: thumbsUpState || thumbsUpState == thumbsDownState ? 1.0 : 0.2
source: "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/thumbs_up.svg" qsTr("Thumbs up")
Accessible.description: qsTr("Gives a thumbs up to the response")
onClicked: {
if (thumbsUpState && !thumbsDownState)
chatModel.updateNewResponse(index, "")
chatModel.updateThumbsUpState(index, true)
chatModel.updateThumbsDownState(index, false)
Network.sendConversation(, getConversationJson());
MyToolButton {
id: thumbsDown
anchors.topMargin: 3
anchors.left: thumbsUp.right
anchors.leftMargin: 3
width: 24
height: 24
imageWidth: width
imageHeight: height
checked: thumbsDownState
opacity: thumbsDownState || thumbsUpState == thumbsDownState ? 1.0 : 0.2
transform: [
Matrix4x4 {
matrix: Qt.matrix4x4(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
Translate {
x: thumbsDown.width
source: "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/thumbs_down.svg" qsTr("Thumbs down")
Accessible.description: qsTr("Opens thumbs down dialog")
onClicked: {
Item {
Layout.row: 2
Layout.column: 1
Layout.topMargin: 5
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
Layout.preferredWidth: childrenRect.width
Layout.preferredHeight: childrenRect.height
visible: consolidatedSources.length !== 0 && MySettings.localDocsShowReferences && (!currentResponse || !currentChat.responseInProgress)
MyButton {
backgroundColor: theme.sourcesBackground
backgroundColorHovered: theme.sourcesBackgroundHovered
contentItem: RowLayout {
anchors.centerIn: parent
Item {
Layout.preferredWidth: 24
Layout.preferredHeight: 24
Image {
id: sourcesIcon
visible: false
anchors.fill: parent
sourceSize.width: 24
sourceSize.height: 24
mipmap: true
source: "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/db.svg"
ColorOverlay {
anchors.fill: sourcesIcon
source: sourcesIcon
color: theme.textColor
Text {
text: qsTr("%1 Sources").arg(consolidatedSources.length)
padding: 0
font.pixelSize: theme.fontSizeLarge
font.bold: true
color: theme.styledTextColor
Item {
Layout.preferredWidth: caret.width
Layout.preferredHeight: caret.height
Image {
id: caret
anchors.centerIn: parent
visible: false
sourceSize.width: theme.fontSizeLarge
sourceSize.height: theme.fontSizeLarge
mipmap: true
source: {
if (sourcesLayout.state === "collapsed")
return "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/caret_right.svg";
return "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/caret_down.svg";
ColorOverlay {
anchors.fill: caret
source: caret
color: theme.textColor
onClicked: {
if (sourcesLayout.state === "collapsed")
sourcesLayout.state = "expanded";
sourcesLayout.state = "collapsed";
ColumnLayout {
id: sourcesLayout
Layout.row: 3
Layout.column: 1
Layout.topMargin: 5
visible: consolidatedSources.length !== 0 && MySettings.localDocsShowReferences && (!currentResponse || !currentChat.responseInProgress)
clip: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.preferredHeight: 0
state: "collapsed"
states: [
State {
name: "expanded"
PropertyChanges { target: sourcesLayout; Layout.preferredHeight: childrenRect.height }
State {
name: "collapsed"
PropertyChanges { target: sourcesLayout; Layout.preferredHeight: 0 }
transitions: [
Transition {
SequentialAnimation {
PropertyAnimation {
target: sourcesLayout
property: "Layout.preferredHeight"
duration: 300
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
Flow {
Layout.fillWidth: true
spacing: 10
visible: consolidatedSources.length !== 0
Repeater {
model: consolidatedSources
delegate: Rectangle {
radius: 10
color: ma.containsMouse ? theme.sourcesBackgroundHovered : theme.sourcesBackground
width: 200
height: 75
MouseArea {
id: ma
enabled: modelData.path !== ""
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: function() {
Rectangle {
id: debugTooltip
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
width: 24
height: 24
color: "transparent"
ToolTip {
parent: debugTooltip
visible: debugMouseArea.containsMouse
text: modelData.text
contentWidth: 900
delay: 500
MouseArea {
id: debugMouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
ColumnLayout {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.margins: 10
spacing: 0
RowLayout {
id: title
spacing: 5
Layout.maximumWidth: 180
Item {
Layout.preferredWidth: 24
Layout.preferredHeight: 24
Image {
id: fileIcon
anchors.fill: parent
visible: false
sourceSize.width: 24
sourceSize.height: 24
mipmap: true
source: {
if (modelData.file.endsWith(".txt"))
return "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/file-txt.svg"
else if (modelData.file.endsWith(".pdf"))
return "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/file-pdf.svg"
else if (modelData.file.endsWith(".md"))
return "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/file-md.svg"
return "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/file.svg"
ColorOverlay {
anchors.fill: fileIcon
source: fileIcon
color: theme.textColor
Text {
Layout.maximumWidth: 156
text: modelData.collection !== "" ? modelData.collection : qsTr("LocalDocs")
font.pixelSize: theme.fontSizeLarge
font.bold: true
color: theme.styledTextColor
elide: Qt.ElideRight
Rectangle {
Layout.fillWidth: true
color: "transparent"
height: 1
Text {
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.maximumWidth: 180
Layout.maximumHeight: 55 - title.height
text: modelData.file
color: theme.textColor
font.pixelSize: theme.fontSizeSmall
elide: Qt.ElideRight
wrapMode: Text.WrapAnywhere
property bool shouldAutoScroll: true
property bool isAutoScrolling: false
Connections {
target: currentChat
function onResponseChanged() {
function scrollToEnd() {
if (listView.shouldAutoScroll) {
listView.isAutoScrolling = true
listView.isAutoScrolling = false
onContentYChanged: {
if (!isAutoScrolling)
shouldAutoScroll = atYEnd
Component.onCompleted: {
shouldAutoScroll = true
footer: Item {
id: bottomPadding
width: parent.width
height: 0
Rectangle {
id: conversationTrayContent
anchors.horizontalCenter: conversationTrayButton.horizontalCenter
width: conversationTrayContentLayout.width
height: conversationTrayContentLayout.height
color: theme.containerBackground
radius: 5
opacity: 0
visible: false
clip: true
z: 400
property bool isHovered: {
return conversationTrayButton.isHovered ||
resetContextButton.hovered || copyChatButton.hovered ||
regenerateButton.hovered || stopButton.hovered
state: conversationTrayContent.isHovered ? "expanded" : "collapsed"
states: [
State {
name: "expanded"
PropertyChanges { target: conversationTrayContent; opacity: 1 }
State {
name: "collapsed"
PropertyChanges { target: conversationTrayContent; opacity: 0 }
transitions: [
Transition {
from: "collapsed"
to: "expanded"
SequentialAnimation {
ScriptAction {
script: conversationTrayContent.visible = true
PropertyAnimation {
target: conversationTrayContent
property: "opacity"
duration: 300
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
Transition {
from: "expanded"
to: "collapsed"
SequentialAnimation {
PropertyAnimation {
target: conversationTrayContent
property: "opacity"
duration: 300
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
ScriptAction {
script: conversationTrayContent.visible = false
RowLayout {
id: conversationTrayContentLayout
spacing: 0
MyToolButton {
id: resetContextButton
Layout.preferredWidth: 40
Layout.preferredHeight: 40
source: "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/recycle.svg"
imageWidth: 20
imageHeight: 20
onClicked: {
Network.trackChatEvent("reset_context", { "length": chatModel.count })
ToolTip.visible: resetContextButton.hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Erase and reset chat session")
MyToolButton {
id: copyChatButton
Layout.preferredWidth: 40
Layout.preferredHeight: 40
source: "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/copy.svg"
imageWidth: 20
imageHeight: 20
id: copyEdit
visible: false
onClicked: {
var conversation = getConversation()
copyEdit.text = conversation
ToolTip.visible: copyChatButton.hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Copy chat session to clipboard")
MyToolButton {
id: regenerateButton
Layout.preferredWidth: 40
Layout.preferredHeight: 40
source: "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/regenerate.svg"
imageWidth: 20
imageHeight: 20
visible: chatModel.count && !currentChat.isServer && currentChat.isModelLoaded && !currentChat.responseInProgress
onClicked: {
var index = Math.max(0, chatModel.count - 1);
var listElement = chatModel.get(index);
if (chatModel.count) {
if ( === qsTr("Response: ")) {
chatModel.updateCurrentResponse(index, true);
chatModel.updateStopped(index, false);
chatModel.updateThumbsUpState(index, false);
chatModel.updateThumbsDownState(index, false);
chatModel.updateNewResponse(index, "");
ToolTip.visible: regenerateButton.hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Redo last chat response")
MyToolButton {
id: stopButton
Layout.preferredWidth: 40
Layout.preferredHeight: 40
source: "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/stop_generating.svg"
imageWidth: 20
imageHeight: 20
visible: currentChat.responseInProgress
onClicked: {
var index = Math.max(0, chatModel.count - 1);
var listElement = chatModel.get(index);
listElement.stopped = true
ToolTip.visible: stopButton.hovered
ToolTip.text: qsTr("Stop the current response generation")
Item {
id: conversationTrayButton
anchors.horizontalCenter: textInputView.horizontalCenter
width: 40
height: 30
visible: chatModel.count && !currentChat.isServer && currentChat.isModelLoaded
property bool isHovered: conversationTrayMouseAreaButton.containsMouse
MouseArea {
id: conversationTrayMouseAreaButton
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
Text {
id: conversationTrayTextButton
anchors.centerIn: parent
horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
leftPadding: 5
rightPadding: 5
text: "\u00B7\u00B7\u00B7"
color: theme.textColor
font.pixelSize: 30 // fixed size
font.bold: true
MyButton {
anchors.horizontalCenter: textInputView.horizontalCenter
anchors.bottomMargin: 20
textColor: theme.textColor
visible: !currentChat.isServer
&& !currentChat.isModelLoaded
&& currentChat.modelLoadingError === ""
&& !currentChat.trySwitchContextInProgress
&& !currentChat.isCurrentlyLoading
&& currentModelName() !== ""
Image {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 15
sourceSize.width: 15
sourceSize.height: 15
source: "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/regenerate.svg"
leftPadding: 40
onClicked: {
borderWidth: 1
backgroundColor: theme.conversationButtonBackground
backgroundColorHovered: theme.conversationButtonBackgroundHovered
backgroundRadius: 5
padding: 15
topPadding: 8
bottomPadding: 8
text: qsTr("Reload \u00B7 ") +
fontPixelSize: theme.fontSizeSmall
Accessible.description: qsTr("Reloads the model")
Text {
id: statusBar
property string externalHoveredLink: "" textInputView.bottom
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 30
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 30
horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignRight
verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
color: theme.mutedTextColor
visible: currentChat.tokenSpeed !== "" || externalHoveredLink !== ""
elide: Text.ElideRight
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
text: {
if (externalHoveredLink !== "")
return externalHoveredLink
const segments = [currentChat.tokenSpeed];
const device = currentChat.device;
const backend = currentChat.deviceBackend;
if (device !== null) { // device is null if we have no model loaded
var deviceSegment = device;
if (backend === "CUDA" || backend === "Vulkan")
deviceSegment += ` (${backend})`;
const fallbackReason = currentChat.fallbackReason;
if (fallbackReason !== null && fallbackReason !== "")
return segments.join(" \u00B7 ");
font.pixelSize: theme.fontSizeSmaller
font.bold: true
RectangularGlow {
id: effect
visible: !currentChat.isServer && ModelList.selectableModels.count !== 0
anchors.fill: textInputView
glowRadius: 50
spread: 0
color: theme.sendGlow
cornerRadius: 10
opacity: 0.1
ScrollView {
id: textInputView
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.margins: 30
anchors.leftMargin: Math.max((parent.width - 1310) / 2, 30)
anchors.rightMargin: Math.max((parent.width - 1310) / 2, 30)
height: Math.min(contentHeight, 200)
visible: !currentChat.isServer && ModelList.selectableModels.count !== 0
MyTextArea {
id: textInput
color: theme.textColor
topPadding: 15
bottomPadding: 15
leftPadding: 20
rightPadding: 40
enabled: currentChat.isModelLoaded && !currentChat.isServer
onEnabledChanged: {
if (textInput.enabled)
font.pixelSize: theme.fontSizeLarger
placeholderText: currentChat.isModelLoaded ? qsTr("Send a message...") : qsTr("Load a model to continue...")
Accessible.role: Accessible.EditableText placeholderText
Accessible.description: qsTr("Send messages/prompts to the model")
Keys.onReturnPressed: (event)=> {
if (event.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier || event.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier)
event.accepted = false;
else {
function sendMessage() {
if (textInput.text === "")
textInput.text = ""
MouseArea {
id: textInputMouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
acceptedButtons: Qt.RightButton
onClicked: (mouse) => {
if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) {
textInputContextMenu.x = textInputMouseArea.mouseX
textInputContextMenu.y = textInputMouseArea.mouseY
Menu {
id: textInputContextMenu
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Cut")
enabled: textInput.selectedText !== ""
height: enabled ? implicitHeight : 0
onTriggered: textInput.cut()
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Copy")
enabled: textInput.selectedText !== ""
height: enabled ? implicitHeight : 0
onTriggered: textInput.copy()
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Paste")
onTriggered: textInput.paste()
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Select All")
onTriggered: textInput.selectAll()
MyToolButton {
id: sendButton
backgroundColor: theme.sendButtonBackground
backgroundColorHovered: theme.sendButtonBackgroundHovered
anchors.right: textInputView.right
anchors.verticalCenter: textInputView.verticalCenter
anchors.rightMargin: 15
imageWidth: theme.fontSizeLargest
imageHeight: theme.fontSizeLargest
visible: !currentChat.isServer && ModelList.selectableModels.count !== 0
enabled: !currentChat.responseInProgress
source: "qrc:/gpt4all/icons/send_message.svg" qsTr("Send message")
Accessible.description: qsTr("Sends the message/prompt contained in textfield to the model")
onClicked: {