* @name export.js
* @version 0.1.4
* @url https://github.com/lencx/ChatGPT/tree/main/scripts/export.js
async function exportInit() {
if (window.location.pathname === '/auth/login') return;
const buttonOuterHTMLFallback = ``;
if (window.buttonsInterval) {
if (window.innerWidth < 767) return;
const chatConf = (await invoke('get_app_conf')) || {};
window.buttonsInterval = setInterval(() => {
const formArea = document.querySelector('form>div>div');
const textarea = formArea.querySelector('div textarea');
const textareaDiv = formArea.querySelector('div div.absolute');
const hasBtn = formArea.querySelector('div button');
const actionsArea = document.querySelector('form>div>div>div');
if (!formArea || !actionsArea || (textarea && textareaDiv) || !hasBtn) {
if (shouldAddButtons(actionsArea)) {
let TryAgainButton = actionsArea.querySelector('button');
if (!TryAgainButton) {
const parentNode = document.createElement('div');
parentNode.innerHTML = buttonOuterHTMLFallback;
TryAgainButton = parentNode.querySelector('button');
addActionsButtons(actionsArea, TryAgainButton, chatConf);
} else if (shouldRemoveButtons()) {
}, 1000);
const Format = {
PNG: 'png',
PDF: 'pdf',
function shouldRemoveButtons() {
if (document.querySelector('form .text-2xl')) {
return true;
return false;
function shouldAddButtons(actionsArea) {
// first, check if there's a "Try Again" button and no other buttons
const buttons = actionsArea?.querySelectorAll('button');
const hasTryAgainButton = Array.from(buttons).some((button) => {
return !/download-/.test(button.id);
const stopBtn = buttons?.[0]?.innerText;
if (/Stop generating/gi.test(stopBtn)) {
return false;
if (
buttons.length === 2 &&
(/Regenerate response/gi.test(stopBtn) || buttons[1].innerText === '')
) {
return true;
if (hasTryAgainButton && buttons.length === 1) {
return true;
// otherwise, check if open screen is not visible
const isOpenScreen = document.querySelector('h1.text-4xl');
if (isOpenScreen) {
return false;
// check if the conversation is finished and there are no share buttons
const finishedConversation = document.querySelector('form button>svg');
const hasShareButtons = actionsArea?.querySelectorAll('button[share-ext]');
if (finishedConversation && !hasShareButtons.length) {
return true;
return false;
function removeButtons() {
const downloadPngButton = document.getElementById('download-png-button');
const downloadPdfButton = document.getElementById('download-pdf-button');
const downloadMdButton = document.getElementById('download-markdown-button');
const refreshButton = document.getElementById('refresh-page-button');
if (downloadPngButton) {
if (downloadPdfButton) {
if (downloadPdfButton) {
if (refreshButton) {
function addActionsButtons(actionsArea, TryAgainButton) {
// Export markdown
const exportMd = TryAgainButton.cloneNode(true);
exportMd.id = 'download-markdown-button';
exportMd.setAttribute('share-ext', 'true');
exportMd.title = 'Export Markdown';
exportMd.innerHTML = setIcon('md');
exportMd.onclick = () => {
// Generate PNG
const downloadPngButton = TryAgainButton.cloneNode(true);
downloadPngButton.id = 'download-png-button';
downloadPngButton.setAttribute('share-ext', 'true');
downloadPngButton.title = 'Generate PNG';
downloadPngButton.innerHTML = setIcon('png');
downloadPngButton.onclick = () => {
// Generate PDF
const downloadPdfButton = TryAgainButton.cloneNode(true);
downloadPdfButton.id = 'download-pdf-button';
downloadPdfButton.setAttribute('share-ext', 'true');
downloadPdfButton.title = 'Download PDF';
downloadPdfButton.innerHTML = setIcon('pdf');
downloadPdfButton.onclick = () => {
downloadThread({ as: Format.PDF });
// Refresh
const refreshButton = TryAgainButton.cloneNode(true);
refreshButton.id = 'refresh-page-button';
refreshButton.title = 'Refresh the Page';
refreshButton.innerHTML = setIcon('refresh');
refreshButton.onclick = () => {
const SELECTOR = 'main div.group';
const USER_INPUT_SELECTOR = 'div.empty\\:hidden';
function processNode(node, replaceInUserInput = false) {
let j = node.cloneNode(true);
if (/dark\:bg-gray-800/.test(node.getAttribute('class'))) {
j.innerHTML = `
if (replaceInUserInput) {
const userInputBlocks = j.querySelectorAll(USER_INPUT_SELECTOR);
userInputBlocks.forEach((block) => {
//For quicker testing use js fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/xtraeme/x34ao9jp/13/
block.innerHTML = block.innerHTML
.replace(/ |\u00A0/g, ' ') //Replace =C2=A0 (nbsp non-breaking space) with breaking-space
.replace(/\t/g, ' ') // Replace tab with 4 non-breaking spaces
.replace(/^ +/gm, function(match) { return ' '.repeat(match.length); }) //Add =C2=A0
.replace(/\n/g, '
return j.innerHTML;
async function exportMarkdown() {
const nodes = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR));
const content = nodes.map(i => processNode(i)).join('');
const updatedContent = nodes.map(i => processNode(i, true)).join('');
const data = ExportMD.turndown(updatedContent);
const { id, filename } = getName();
final_filename = `${filename}`; //`${filename}_${id}`;
//await invoke('save_file', { name: `notes/${final_filename}_raw.txt`, content: content });
await invoke('save_file', { name: `notes/${id}.md`, content: data });
await invoke('download_list', { pathname: 'chat.notes.json', final_filename, id, dir: 'notes' });
//await invoke('download_list', { pathname: 'chat.notes.json', final_filename, final_filename, dir: 'notes' });
async function downloadThread({ as = Format.PNG } = {}) {
const { startLoading, stopLoading } = new window.__LoadingMask('Exporting in progress...');
const elements = new Elements();
await elements.fixLocation();
const pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;
const minRatio = as === Format.PDF ? 2 : 2.5;
window.devicePixelRatio = Math.max(pixelRatio, minRatio);
html2canvas(elements.thread, {
letterRendering: true,
useCORS: true,
}).then((canvas) => {
window.devicePixelRatio = pixelRatio;
const imgData = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
requestAnimationFrame(async () => {
if (as === Format.PDF) {
await handlePdf(imgData, canvas, pixelRatio);
} else {
await handleImg(imgData);
async function handleImg(imgData) {
const binaryData = atob(imgData.split('base64,')[1]);
const data = [];
for (let i = 0; i < binaryData.length; i++) {
const name = `ChatGPT_${formatDateTime()}.png`;
await invoke('download_file', { name: name, blob: data });
async function handlePdf(imgData, canvas, pixelRatio) {
const { jsPDF } = window.jspdf;
const orientation = canvas.width > canvas.height ? 'l' : 'p';
var pdf = new jsPDF(orientation, 'pt', [canvas.width / pixelRatio, canvas.height / pixelRatio]);
var pdfWidth = pdf.internal.pageSize.getWidth();
var pdfHeight = pdf.internal.pageSize.getHeight();
pdf.addImage(imgData, 'PNG', 0, 0, pdfWidth, pdfHeight, '', 'FAST');
const data = pdf.__private__.getArrayBuffer(pdf.__private__.buildDocument());
const name = `ChatGPT_${formatDateTime()}.pdf`;
await invoke('download_file', { name: name, blob: Array.from(new Uint8Array(data)) });
class Elements {
constructor() {
init() {
this.spacer = document.querySelector("main div[class*='h-'].flex-shrink-0");
this.thread = document.querySelector(
// fix: old chat https://github.com/lencx/ChatGPT/issues/185
if (!this.thread) {
this.thread = document.querySelector('main .overflow-y-auto');
// h-full overflow-y-auto
this.positionForm = document.querySelector('form').parentNode;
this.scroller = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[class*="react-scroll-to"]')).filter(
(el) => el.classList.contains('h-full'),
// fix: old chat
if (!this.scroller) {
this.scroller = document.querySelector('main .overflow-y-auto');
this.hiddens = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.overflow-hidden'));
this.images = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('img[srcset]'));
this.chatImages = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('main img[src]'));
async fixLocation() {
this.hiddens.forEach((el) => {
this.spacer.style.display = 'none';
this.thread.style.maxWidth = '960px';
this.thread.style.marginInline = 'auto';
this.positionForm.style.display = 'none';
this.scroller.style.minHeight = '100vh';
this.images.forEach((img) => {
const srcset = img.getAttribute('srcset');
img.setAttribute('srcset_old', srcset);
img.setAttribute('srcset', '');
const chatImagePromises = this.chatImages.map(async (img) => {
const src = img.getAttribute('src');
if (!/^http/.test(src)) return;
if (['fileserviceuploadsperm.blob.core.windows.net'].includes(new URL(src)?.host)) return;
const data = await invoke('fetch_image', { url: src });
const blob = new Blob([new Uint8Array(data)], { type: 'image/png' });
img.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
await Promise.all(chatImagePromises);
document.body.style.lineHeight = '0.5';
async restoreLocation() {
this.hiddens.forEach((el) => {
this.spacer.style.display = null;
this.thread.style.maxWidth = null;
this.thread.style.marginInline = null;
this.positionForm.style.display = null;
this.scroller.style.minHeight = null;
function setIcon(type) {
return {
png: ``,
pdf: ``,
md: ``,
refresh: ``,
function formatDateTime() {
const now = new Date();
const year = now.getFullYear();
const month = String(now.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0');
const day = String(now.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
const hours = String(now.getHours()).padStart(2, '0');
const minutes = String(now.getMinutes()).padStart(2, '0');
const seconds = String(now.getSeconds()).padStart(2, '0');
const formattedDateTime = `${year}_${month}_${day}-${hours}${minutes}${seconds}`;
return formattedDateTime;
function sanitizeFilename(filename) {
if (!filename || filename === '') return '';
// Replace whitespaces with underscores
let sanitizedFilename = filename.replace(/\s/g, '_');
// Replace invalid filename characters with #
const invalidCharsRegex = /[<>:"/\\|?*\x00-\x1F]/g;
sanitizedFilename = sanitizedFilename.replace(invalidCharsRegex, '#');
// Check for filenames ending with period or space (Windows)
if (sanitizedFilename && /[\s.]$/.test(sanitizedFilename)) {
sanitizedFilename = sanitizedFilename.slice(0, -1) + '#';
return sanitizedFilename;
function getName() {
const id = window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0].toString(36);
const name =
document.querySelector('nav .overflow-y-auto a.hover\\:bg-gray-800')?.innerText?.trim() || '';
clean_name = sanitizeFilename(name);
return { filename: name ? name : id,
pathname: 'chat.download.json' };
window.addEventListener('resize', exportInit);
if (document.readyState === 'complete' || document.readyState === 'interactive') {
} else {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', exportInit);